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News Item7/20/19 1:17 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Oh boy I've been waiting for an opportunity to tell all mankind that we should strive to be more gender inclusive. After all, aren't all men created equal? We've got the manpower to force everyone to be gender inclusive - all we need is the manliness it will require to see it through. Ok guys, let's do this and show the world what kind of men we are!

P. S. The best way to spread the word about gender inclusiveness is by male.

News Item7/17/19 1:54 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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The darkness cannot stand the presence of the light. Islam, in particular, is a closed system that of necessity must eliminate any and all competition. To do so would be to compromise the throat hold it maintains on the hearts, minds and very lives of those of it holds in bondage. That's part of the reason it's always so greatly encouraging to be able to read snatches of the work God is doing in the Mideast and to see that where sin abounds grace abounds much more. Yet their deliverance from Islam is no more or less glorious than the conversion of homeschooled children from a christian home. Such is the nature of salvation.

News Item7/17/19 1:43 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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The northern Irish remind me of the people of my own state and region - pushed around by a lot of big wigs who think they know what's best for us. The kind of people who (in the words of an elderly neighbor) "hold their noses so high they'd drown if they got caught in a rainstorm". Like the northern Irish as well, our leaders often do their best to hold their ground in a lot of places where it really counts. The heartbeat bills throughout this nation are an example of this. God will avenge the life of the oppressed and the innocent. It's just not always for us to see how He does it.

News Item7/17/19 1:34 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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What's funny about our ducks is that they never crow and scratch in the yard. And I don't ever recall the chickens ever quacking or hanging out in the pond (except the time it froze over and they accidentally did some skating). Somehow birds that are so dumb they'll let a 'coon eat them alive know there place in God's creation better than thinking, creative human beings. The difference lies in one word - "rebellion". The world has become so proud of itself that they think we can somehow recreate our most fundamental attributes.

News Item7/17/19 1:24 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I don't think the pro-death folks are really concerned about hiding their true colors anymore. They proudly parade their wretched schemes for the world to see. "Aggressive" couldn't be a more fitting label for the kind of leader they want. If Mrs Sanger wasn't burning right now she'd be weeping tears of sadistic joy at how far her vision has carried.

News Item7/13/19 5:44 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I would say that demonic influence produces the "malfunction". Just as those engaged in substance abuse over a prolonged period usually end up with severe mental malfunctions. The problem is both spiritual/moral and chemical/psychological. In my observation the former usually precedes the latter.

News Item7/13/19 5:32 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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The identity madness is being taken to it's logical, dark conclusion. You don't see it a whole lot right now, but from time to time I'll see things in the news in which people claim to be a different age, a different species, or even several combinations of multiple characters, genders, names, etc. The insanity will not cease to grow and morph until God grants repentance to the twisted minds and depraved hearts of a lost and dying generation.

News Item7/13/19 5:25 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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It seems as though statistics have been saying this and the opposite of it for some time. Either the masses are as fickle as a cork in a waterfall (probable) or these statistic publishers tweak the numbers from time to time to push their agenda (possible). Let's just hope and pray that if the stats in this article are trustworthy that they'll show up in the way Americans vote.

News Item7/13/19 5:15 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Not exactly sure why this is news. The fact that Chicago obstructs justice is not anything new. Good thoughts QC. The jurisdictions of federal, state, and local agencies and agents are often lost in the hype and news. However, they are oftentimes the key to understanding so many of the legal conflicts our nation finds itself embroiled in.

News Item12/11/18 12:52 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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One has to wonder if it would be acceptable for the Indian christians to turn on their persecutors in self defense. They're not the government after all, just an angry mob very possibly looking for an excuse to rob the christians and practice cruelty for it's own sake. I'd certainly be grabbing the nearest hard object and making some sort of defense. Especially if less able family and friends were involved.

News Item12/11/18 12:40 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I often wonder if we would have the same spiritual fortitude the Chinese church is maintaining in the midst of such persecutions. It won't surprise me if we get to answer that question with first-hand experience some day in this very naughty nation.

News Item12/11/18 12:37 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I don't know about the odometer on that gadget but every inch of the wings had duck feathers pasted all over 'em for extra speed and lift. I heard that they send out these probes just to be sure our planetary neighbors ain't inhabited by rednecks, hillbillies, or hicks. Of course, the probes would've never survived an encounter anyway on account of being scrapped on the spot. And who knows? Someone like our friend from Rhode Island might mistake one for a shopping cart and move in.

On a more serious note, this is interesting from a scientific perspective.

News Item12/9/18 8:42 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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True QC. Secular humanism is certainly the most common lie system American christians have to deal with. And speaking of Islam, I just recently watched AGENDA 2, an incredible documentary about the effort to destroy America by destroying our foundations of faith, family, and freedom. Part of the film showed how communist and islamic regimes are work together in this goal. Not because they necessarily get along well philosophically speaking, but because they both have a hate for Christianity and freedom, and a love for power and oppression.

News Item12/9/18 8:33 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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What the gender tyrants forget is that you can convince a child of a lot of really absurd stuff. How else would parents get away with the Santa lie?

News Item12/9/18 8:25 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Good point Chris000. I think folks panic about Ebola alot more than they should. What the plague did to world populations and health (not to mention smallpox, scarlet fever, malaria, and their compadres) makes Ebola look like a common cold. Of course I don't mean to diminish the seriousness of Ebola, but thinking of past epidemics puts it all in perspective.

News Item12/9/18 8:19 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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No doubt Dr Tim that if the RCC found itself in a place of political they would resort to the same methods you describe.

News Item12/9/18 8:15 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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As for Japan being a difficult mission field, I heard from Kevin Swanson (who's parents were missionaries to Japan) that because of the incredible economic recovery and subsequent prosperity of the post WW2 era, the Japanese became blinded in their materialism combined with centuries of deep rooted Shintoism. The Swanson family saw seven converts. Perhaps persecution is the best way to get the church going? It happened in China after all.

News Item12/8/18 10:57 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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The Quiet Christian writes:
"This is also another example of how the Left is taking over Southern cities, like they have in the rest of the country really, and are trying to change the culture by forcing their concepts on others. It is a small picture of a larger battle of Progressives in urban areas against Christians."

Well stated. The South is still substantially more conservative, religious, etc, than other regions of the US and the western world in general. However, we're in many ways on the same path that our geographical neighbors in the 60s and 70s. The South is a lot farther from the cliff but is still headed there. It's heartbreaking to watch. Jackson, MS is a glaring example of what you speak of.

News Item12/8/18 10:48 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Good call Doc! I doubt any pecking or butting will be necessary. As soon they get one look at a three-toothed sandhiller grilling up some possum backstrap, those FFRF folks'll take off in their environmentally friendly smart cars and head off to somewhere more hospitable to their kind, say Nebraska for example. As for the tourists, they'll simply love the thirty mile hike it takes to get to the BDA. And as long as they don't break their ankles in armadillo holes or get attacked by rabid coons, I think they'll enjoy the hike to your place as well.

News Item12/8/18 10:37 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I'm sure Jeff Bezos doesn't mind. At least half the world can access Sermon Audio now. It sure doesn't seem like half the world is discussing these news items. I guess there's less people in the world than I thought. 😉
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