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News Item11/28/2020 9:03 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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If people can go to Home Depot every weekend and wander for an hour and shimmy down the tool isle without getting Covid, all hours of the day till 10 pm closing. Then how can anyone as an elected representative think that keeping churches closed is not discriminating against people of faith.
So please. wash your hands, and go to church to worship the Lord.

News Item11/27/2020 12:44 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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If this ruling has no practical effects, then might I add, and neither does Roe v Wade , for all practical purposes.

News Item11/25/2020 5:59 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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And imagine all the out reach the in coming Biden administration is doing at this very moment. The Trump administration were greatly hampered because they had no one on the inside of the ring, state or justice department. Absolutely no one. Thus, he was elected , hog tied before he even could get out the shoot. As Obama said the power is in all the people you put in government, not the ones sitting at the table.

News Item11/25/2020 2:27 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I think in the US , churches in lock down states will pray that lawyers will take on the roll of combatants against the state to keep their church open Not wanting to sound alarmist, but Biden will lock down communities to stop the spread of Covid. He’ll have someone hand him a map of blue, red states and go from there.
But here’s an alternative thought- how about, everyone ends up with Covid . And in truth, that’s probably the only way the virus diminishes its efficiency.

News Item11/24/2020 2:24 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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It’s a balancing act- my family has attended when the nation shut down, now attends in person. But when directly exposed to Covid, we go back to online services. Lubbock is a hot spot, to put it mildly. I have been exposed by students on numerous occasions. Truthfully, take your vitamins isn’t just for kids anymore.

News Item11/23/2020 4:37 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Good ol Al Mohler- everyone is invited to the big tent meeting. Muslims, LBGQT, BLM. And, everyone is on board to push out those narrow minded hate filled, conservative, independent ,fundamental, Christians.

News Item11/21/2020 10:07 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Texas A&M is in charge of the manufacturing and distribution of Covid immunization vaccine for millions of doses. The manufacturing center has been preparing since July.

News Item11/20/2020 9:27 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Then become discredited now. Christian universities have played house with the American collegiate culture for very long time. Under Biden, Christian persecution will take on a sinister turn. Hopefully, 73 million voters will have no problem remembering that : To the federal government- reconstruction is always about the process. Supplanting secularism from faith in God has been the plan since probably since the scopes trial. But perhaps even when the radical republicans went against Lincoln and impeached Johnston. And if anything can be said about radicalism , it often begets radicalism.

News Item11/18/2020 2:29 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Che Guevara oversaw 14000, executions of pastors, priests, bankers, civil servants, nurses and small businessmen without given a trial( like it mattered).
After torturing and killing that many citizens of Cuba , plenty of people were quite welcomed at the table, as long as everyone agreed to get along.

News Item11/18/2020 1:22 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The Wokest of the woke are Russell Moore, JD Greear and sadly... Al Mohler. When confronted, they dodge, when called out right for marginalizing the gospel, they take a tight grip of their pedestal and pronounce anyone critical of them as being counter revolutionary.. I mean, breaking fellowship.
The Baptist version of evangelism faded after the commercialization of music and bible sales and translations became more important the preaching the Word of God.

News Item11/15/2020 9:15 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Quiet Christian,
More to the point, secularism is the god of the world and Christianity must be stamped out. I work at a public school. My principal is not a Christian and takes delight in making people so miserable that they leave. Secularism is code for Social Marxism. It has been on earth since the fall. It’s not been around since Lenin crushed the czarist armies. It’s been on earth as a counter faith in God for faith in man. It is opposed to God and sets itself up as many gods.
The election of Trump was merely a symptom, his defeat was by corruption. The silver lining- 73 million voters cast the ballot for Trump.
Obama may add “ Trump was elected because “people were spooked of having a black man in office “.
Once again , Obama proves his election was about how many mirrors could he put around him, to admire his leadership and beauty. Walking about not knowing judgement draws nigh.

News Item11/12/2020 11:05 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Oh yes the gallows humor of Dr Ezekiel Emanuel - author of the Obama death panels- Covid task force will go through nursing homes like the Nazis went through a Warsaw ghetto. Less than 99% are dying. Remember they will decide who needs to be provided treatment and who won’t make the cut.
If I was a late 40 year old pre diabetic Hispanic man with Covid- I’d certainly will be praying for a credibly successful vaccine. Because I believe rationed care will be here January 22, 2021.

News Item11/9/2020 6:35 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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AOC is the Madam Mao to the Democratic Party- lest we forget- Joe Biden, a Democratic Senator former Vice President, and is , after all the yelling- the President elect.
Now he might want to ask all to heal, or “give peace a chance “ but his administration will try to marginalize Trump voters when they can’t stock up the swamp - but less we forget-75 million people voted for Donald J Trump. One little bitty state representative doesn’t represent anyone in Texas, though I’m sure in SA, Austin, El Paso Houston and Dallas/ Fort Worth they’d would happily ask her to come be their Congress person.

News Item11/7/2020 9:25 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I am privileged to listen to “ let the Bible speak” 7am CST on vcy radio. The call of the preacher is to preach the Word of God. Dr. Cairns has entered the narrow gate.

News Item11/6/2020 9:16 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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How does any of this solve anything. People have been harmed by infidelity, rape, incest , disease, infertility due to sexuality transmitted diseases, not to mention dead by AIDS, suicidal tendencies from all the above.
American society is a loathsome society. No political policy will do anything but make us ever more self loathing .
What this world still needs is Christ crucified and Risen. And believing on Him brings new life, the very essence of his resurrection power , living in us. Now more than ever, this world needs Christ.

News Item11/6/2020 12:23 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Yet another mini pope falls- as Martha Stewart says “ It’s a good thing “.

News Item11/6/2020 8:36 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Eric Metaxas sent out a tweet describing the corruption of this election- Twitter took it down immediately- you can find it on his Facebook account- Big Media, large cities and demoncratic Secretary of States collaborated to rob this election from people who went early and went in person to vote- the Democratic Party has stolen our rights to vote without interference. How this shakes out? Joe Biden tenure will be worse than Trumps- President Harris will prove what this election was about, all along.

News Item11/5/2020 9:48 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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So when this all shakes out- watch every “ Red” state start their own “voter harvesting” at Cabellas , Walmart, “ Bucky’s” and Chic Fil a -
Paper ballots are from a by gone era- needs to be go However - the “ Covid mailbox voting boxes “ will go down as the greatest presidential heist that has happened since dead people voted in droves , for Wilson, FDR, Truman , JFK, Johnson, Clinton and Obama. It’s worked before, it will work again.

News Item11/5/2020 9:24 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Hold onto your children with the exceptation that this is not our home. But pray earnestly that they can too can hope for that far good country.

News Item11/3/2020 11:04 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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There’s a scene in the Disney movie the “ The Rocketter” when during a 1930’s flying circus show a bi plane clashes into an fuel truck. The explosion is raucous- and the circus barker says, “Don’t worry folks, it’s all part of the show, it’s all part of the show “! Pope Francis has been pancaking his whole tenure as pope, but it’s all part of the show, folks.
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