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News Item10/9/2020 7:32 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I just love papa Francis reminding us why there was a reformation.

News Item10/9/2020 7:28 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Giggling that over 200,000 people have died due to a military laboratory virus made in China would be fitting for Jane Fonda. She gleefully mounted a Russian/ Chinese made Ak Ak gun. Called American POWs liars for the torture they endured.
My pastor wouldnā€™t appreciate my judgement of Jane Fonda since she claimed to be a Christian, but itā€™s doubtful. The demons giggling that the old liar Fonda still gets herself in the papers.

News Item10/9/2020 12:36 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Wait she lost the debate? I guess lying publicly isnā€™t as fool proof way to win anything, after all.

News Item10/7/2020 10:59 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Hillary, like millions of people ( some people did something), might believe in a physical Jesus, but not a risen savior. Itā€™s easy to believe in a person who was named Jesus and was killed by the man because he taught peace and love and being groovy ( I have never used that term(ā€œfar out ā€œ yes, groovey no) Nevertheless , too many people are simply just plenty happy having a political Jesus. That way they can beat their opponents with the hippie Jesus, because, a risen Savior is dangerous and life altering.

News Item10/7/2020 6:08 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Should he live till Fe, the little beast will go absolutely ga ga with Evita Harris is president of the US. Things will be dicey when madam president has to have the PRC fly in to help squelch the rebellion in the southern sector of the peopleā€™s northern continent.

News Item10/6/2020 6:29 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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He sounds sincere till he gets asked hard questions, then he just coils up like a rattle snake.
Off subject, but when Biden gets elected , his pleasant personality will last till March 2021, when heā€™s shutting down the country because BLM and Antifa and anyone opposed to them arenā€™t going away meek and mildly. Thatā€™s when craven Biden shows up with Paramour Harris.

News Item10/6/2020 3:42 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Mike from NY, how many people have died of cova19 in NYC from Cuomo leadership? Stalin and Mao and about every African continent despot killed more people to simply exert power and rid themselves of undesirables.

News Item10/5/2020 12:55 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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There are many ā€œ Christian colleges ā€œ and denominations,ā€ Southern Baptistā€ who have decided to become ā€œ wokeā€.
In all my years of belonging to a denomination I never thought Iā€™d hear from the pulpit that I had no right to judge any one coming to church if they espoused a lifestyle contrary to scripture. That a person could be a homosexual, a man with a live in girl friend, a single mom with a revolving front door, that we had no rights to judge. I then have asked, then why do we need a crossing guard to help us across fthe parking lot to the church door. If we are asked to not assist or disciple a person who is coming to Christ to the precepts of scripture, then why are we meeting. Weā€™re promoting heresy if we are helping people to live as sinners, not changed by God.

News Item10/3/2020 12:49 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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In 1988 , I began working as a program assessor for the mental health and cognitive development agency of Texas. We went to a 3 day inservice on how to assess special needs adults. The opening statement by the speaker said- we have found a cure for all people diagnosed with ā€œ mental retardation ā€ ... abortion. There was a full stop in the noise in the convention. I never forgot how the speaker thought he was being funny. Wickedness doesnā€™t sleep no matter the time or year.

News Item10/2/2020 7:54 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Most certainly praying. But remember, of all the 100ā€™s of thousands who have died of this virus would not have gotten it or died had China been up front and not locked its victims in apartments to die, had not disappeared doctors, not intentionally infected the western world, thinking China could weather a storm better than the country who brewed this virus in a military financed bio lab.
And people are pleased this president has this virus or that President Trump is guilty of the deaths this virus has inflicted on our nation.
This virus came from China, God be with our President, our First Lady and everyone who has suffered from this mass killing.

News Item10/2/2020 7:43 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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And folks will keep buying the latest ā€œ manny moe and jack bible translationsā€ printed in China and not bat an eye. The roll back in 5 years will be that China will tell book publishers from the United States to print the new Chinese approved bible translation.. and Americans will put down the Sarah Youngā€™s latest encarnation of an non biblically based best seller, and go by the Xi approved bibles.
ā€œ the KJV is so hard to read Maā€.
Oh, wah. Then duck tape your NKJV or have it rebind. But, everyone is deconstructing their own translations to be a papal approved translation.

News Item10/2/2020 1:26 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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My church was using zoom, I cautioned against it , was told ā€œweā€™ll deal with it when it happensā€. If the thief came into your home, then would you open the door or lock the door to keep the thief out? Sort of like the sin in the world, we donā€™t mind being in it, but when it starts throwing mud on us, then weā€™ll think about washing it off.

News Item9/30/2020 6:44 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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There are many problems in my own denomination ( SBC), 1. JD ā€œskinny jeanā€ Greear , seems willing to continue the apology tour with a change of name from Southern Baptist to Great Commision Baptist or whatever else will turn, probably ā€œ turn off the lights, weā€™re done Baptist ā€œ. I am only convinced that this is about keeping people from leaving the church.
But Iā€™m guessing when youā€™re on the run from a 170 year war to end slavery then youā€™re not about the Great commission. Youā€™re making our Lord and Saviour a political pawn for the middle since the left and right have proven such wash out. He is not and youā€™ve been found wanting.

News Item9/28/2020 6:03 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The city of San Francisco knows what their doing. This is the state that calls evil good and good evil. Their the same state that will purposely allow the no cut policy of the Southern California hills or let trillions of melted snow flow to the Pacific Ocean, as irrigation or reservoirs would impede the ā€œspirit animalsā€ of the water gods. Perhaps the fault line gods will honor their efforts and crack open the their beloved state and fumigate the air of with love and tolerance.

News Item9/26/2020 10:15 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Where is the specific law that was passed by the legislature that made a governorā€™s executive order law? I think Iā€™d take every executive order and give it a 90 day shelf life and after that toss it to the ā€œnever to be reused again.ā€

News Item9/26/2020 10:12 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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China,( remember Biden loves China), has stated they were going to be rewriting the Bible to represent the PRC viewpoint. 99% of all English translated bibles are printed in China. It doesnā€™t take a biblical scholar to underestimate the idea that since the Bible publication company is in China, China owns their own translation.
It wonā€™t matter if itā€™s a KJV study bible or a ESV study bible. If it says ā€œprinted in China ā€œ, best you look at either Thompson chain, CBP, or LCBP. Or go to eBay for a well cared for pre 2000ā€™s printed bible. I picked up a NASB Ryrie study bible on eBay, still in the wrapper for under 40$. Thompson Chain comes in all translations and is one of the best bound bibles on the market as are other USA made bibles. Please , with the use of the critical text translation, anyone can make the Bible fit their own narrative.

News Item9/24/2020 7:34 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I believe a large portion of the United States , state governments , foster chaos, death, destruction for anarchists ; because itā€™s easy to make rule followers be the scapegoat.
California, New York and every blue state or city , want the country to burn so Trump gets blamed. Can Trump guarrentee a ā€œ peaceful ā€œ transfer of power. Only if heā€™s re-elected. Biden wins, that old so and so , will go from basement to bunker for 2 years. Theyā€™ll call him Punxsutawney Joe. Heā€™ll come out on February 2, 2021, only to shut the country down for 3 years and 8 months or till the next month when Willie Browns paramour decrees Joeā€™s not coming out.

News Item9/22/2020 9:04 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Whatā€™s next , the city will annex the property to pay the fine off. Yes, the benefits of China being in a world power, the economic destitute Californian, Santa Clara county wants the property like Turkey wanted the churches turned to mosques. The pastor wasnā€™t making a turn for the worse, he was admitting defeat as the city was going to start jailing him and his congregation
. California, stay where you are and stop moving to Texas. Austin, Houston, San Antonio, DFW and El Paso are already ruined by transplants. ( and natives).

News Item9/22/2020 8:48 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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A very good argument regarding the ā€œ tension ā€œ brought on by abiding with the totalitarian government ( the Roman Empire) and the feeling the grasp of a totalitarian government ( the equivalent of the Roman Empire). When the government is no longer strengthened by its economic policy, you end up with.a Revelation 13 totalitarian world government.

News Item9/20/2020 6:53 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The horses were not let out when the barn burned down. 2 years ago , Francis gave the PRC the right to install bishops and the authority to install priests aligned with the PRC religious law. Francis is at home with godless communists.
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