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News Item5/6/2020 1:30 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As for any true evangelical church in Germany, they should in my view stand up in their well spaced chairs and pews, and sing Luther’s famous hymn loud and lustily, “ Ein feste burg ist Unser Gott” , (I think I got the German right), that is “ A safe stronghold our God is still” or if they are a psalm singing church, perhaps Psalm 2 will do very nicely. In English (Metrical Psalter 1650), that would be, 1st stanza, “Why rage the heathen?, and vain things, why do the people mind? Kings of the Earth (my spell corrector insists on putting in the capital E!!), do set themselves, and princes are combined,” and jumping to the 3rd stanza, “He that in heaven sits shall laugh; the Lord shall scorn them all, Then shall He speak to them in wrath, in rage He vex them shall”!!

News Item5/6/2020 1:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Tragically both the Roman Catholic and the official and very liberal Lutheran Church will of course supinely lie down and obey this Hitlerian Nazi order.

As for any t.

News Item5/5/2020 5:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have just heard the excellent news of a group of Romanian pastors from ethnic Romanian Churches in the state of Illinois. These men and their congregations (at least the older people in them) came out of Communist Romania in the 1980’s, where Christians were harassed, persecuted, imprisoned and tortured by the Ceaucescu regime, right up until the overthrow and execution of this tyrant on Christmas Day 1989.

They have sent a very respectful and firm letter to the Governor of the state, Mr Pritzker, putting him under notice, that while they will observe spacing out, physical distancing, disinfecting and so on, they are going to use their constitutional right to have in person services, with no arbitrary limits of 10 people, and rules on how they should worship, etc. When these people came out of Communist Romania, in the 1980’s and before, and found sanctuary in the USA as fully legal immigrants, and adapted eagerly to their new country, they never thought they would have to begin fighting the same issues of freedom of worship that they had back in Romania, or that tyrannical state authorities and governors would dictate how and when they could worship!!!

News Item5/4/2020 8:37 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Tragically, this same sort of thing was going on with the highly immoral pre-Reformation Renaissance and earlier Medieval Popes (who remember were also the secular rulers of what is now Central Italy and Rome, known then as the Papal States).

There were, I understand, legally or semi-legally licensed brothels, well visited by many of the clergy, and some of the Popes and Cardinals held wild parties in their residences.

There have been some investigations by some highly disgusted Traditional Catholic commentators in recent days, that show the high incidence of “passive” and even very active homosexuality amongst many of the higher clergy of the Catholic Church, particularly since the 2nd Vatican Council in the 1960’s, and coming to a head when under the extreme lockdown of the Italian state, many Catholic (and evangelical Protestant) churches have been closed down with police ready to burst in and interrupt and threaten services. The bishops have supinely gone along with all this, and yet at the same time, been involved with this lawless wickedness, as has the Pope himself. One can only pray that disgusted loyal Catholics will turn back to the Bible, to the Lord Jesus Christ, and he truly born again and saved!!

News Item5/4/2020 5:09 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I watch mainly the live-streamed services from Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon’s Church), with live prayer and preaching from one of the pastors to an empty echoey church!!, and pre-recorded congregational hymns from previous services with congregation and organ, and then sometimes I listen by invitation through a friend and a business conferencing app to a service from a small IFB church in south London. Unlike Met Tab, this service is a little more interactive as people choose hymns and raise prayer points, otherwise very solid prayer and preaching from the pastor or one of the deacons.

Having said all that, nothing replaces the proper in person church service, and I really long for the day when these can be restored. It rests in God’s hands, but we need to be aware of what He wants to do with us during this lockdown period, and be open to it.

News Item5/4/2020 5:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Of course here,churches have been banned from meeting in person since March 23rd, although the leading denominations had stopped meeting a week or two before that. They still are banned at present.

However, the lockdown, though moderately strict, has not been as severe as those in places like Spain,Italy, and France, and apart from some instances here and there not as stringently policed as in those countries.

However, I wish the churches had stood up more against the compete ban on in person church services. With no communion, baptisms, or any in person services, and churches closed for private prayer, it has been very difficult.

My own church does not do livestream, though the pastor does a weekly video sermon through SA; I watch mainly the live-streamed services of Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon’s Church), with live and idea hing from one of the pastors

News Item5/3/2020 5:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It is not just the extreme Mariolatry of some of the Catholics here that is the problem, it is also the fact that this so called “Lutheran” Church, which by the way, Martin Luther himself would denounce in the strongest and harshest of tones, if he are around today, has taken the New Age occultism Mither Earth type paganism if Wicca, witchcraft, and done if the “Mother Goddess” false goddesses of Eastern religions, and merged it together, with an ultra thin veneer of Christianity, and a bit of Lutheran liturgy. No, Martin Luther and the Reformers that assisted him would be horrified and denounce the whole thing!!

News Item5/3/2020 5:09 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am also happy with another British court that said that a biological woman who gives birth to a baby is a child’s mother, but his or her father, even if the woman is now trying to “change her sex”. A baby has a right to a mother and a father, and it is wicked that our immoral revolutionaries are trying to deprive children of that right.

News Item5/3/2020 5:06 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Praise God for this young girl. She rightly recognised that if this transgender nonsense passed and is forced on the schools, and on society, there will be no safe place for girls and women anywhere. If biological men who call themselves women, whether they dress up as women, take opposite sex hormone drugs, or have an operation, it makes no difference. They still are men, they have male chromosomes, and what is more, however they disguise it, they still have a male masculine frame.

They can still threaten and overpower a woman in a prison, a woman’s refuge, women’s toilets, showers, changing rooms and restrooms, and in sports, if they compete in women’s events, they invariably will win the competitions hands down, because they have the physical power more than a woman.

They will also I guess not be able to be tested for performance enhancing drugs, unlike the genuine women athletes, who have worked and trained hard in vain, because of course, they are pumped up full of them. This is just confusion and wickedness. I wish this young lady well, and am happy also with another court which said that a biological women who gives

News Item5/3/2020 4:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Let us not divert from what is the problem here. Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, Governor Northam (Virginia - I’m not sure I got his name right); Gavin Newsome; Tony Evers, and many other governors, mayors, and other local officials have sadly proved that in a time like this they become petty tyrants.

By the way, Jews, though unbelieving, are somewhat different from Muslims, though we should live both and preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to them.

What we have here is a mayor who bends over backwards to make the Muslims feel comfortable, and even gives them free iftar meals at taxpayer’s expense, (another mayor in Minneapolis even allowed them the full blast 5 times a day prayer from their largest mosque in the city), but he, the same mayor I believe who told people at the very beginning of this crisis before the lockdown took place to go out on the city, and that there was no problem, is taking every opportunity to harass the Jewish community which does, actually form a large part of this city. To Jews community and family is very important.

This mayor has attacked both Jews, and by the way, Christians as well, even unconstitutionally as I understand your constitution, threatening to close down churches and synagogues permanently. He had no right to do this,

News Item5/2/2020 1:17 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, according to the English newspaper the Guardian, apparently he was filmed on the North Korean State Television, opening a fertiliser plant. Perhaps he decided to have a quick secretive secluded holiday in the eastern coastal resort of Wonsan. At least his railway train was spotted there parked at his own private station there. Such is the way of dictators when their people are in the middle of much difficulty and suffering!!

News Item5/1/2020 5:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, in one sense, whether he is physically dead or not, he is obviously spiritually dead. If he is not physically dead, he needs to be made spiritually alive and repent of his awful deeds and be born again.

If however, the rumours are true and he is physically dead, then he has gone to a terrible eternal place, and he will indeed face the Great Judge, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Whatever has happened, and whether Kim Jong Un is alive or dead, and whether he returns or his sister or someone else becomes the new leader of North Korea, we must indeed pray for all the citizens of that troubled country, and particularly for our brothers and sisters in the faith, who have been so terribly persecuted, and suffered so much, and that once again, if the Lord tarries, that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, no doubt preached by Kim Jong Un’s great grandfather, the Presbyterian elder no doubt, will once again be preached freely and clearly, and that Pyongyang, it will be declared once again powerfully from North Korea, and particularly from Pyongyang; once the “Jerusalem” of the Far East, with its many churches, as in the early 1900’s!!

News Item4/29/2020 6:44 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Pope Francis even sold out his own underground Catholics in China and pulled the rug from under their feet by agreeing with the Chinese Communist Party that he would recognise the state sponsored and appointed puppet Catholic bishops, over against the underground ones, who had been jailed, harassed or persecuted. The state sponsored Catholic and Protestant churches must now tear down all Christian symbols, ban children from services, they are to have up patriotic pictures and texts on the walls, and preach Communist Party approved and submitted sermons, even the Bible is to be changed, and churches must have CCTV cameras in them that are directly linked to the local police station.

Now in the era of COVID-19, live-streaming is virtually banned or very strictly controlled. Yet Pope Francis has no trouble throwing his faithful Catholics in China invader the bus!!!

News Item4/29/2020 6:09 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Oh, Mr Lincoln you indeed are naive!! The whole aim of these globalists, if they get their way, and they could do, is to have a very slow phased reduction in lockdown, as long and involved as possible, with full participation and freedom reserved only for people who have antibodies, all else will be forced to take a vaccine, which could well have involved some experimentation with human embryos, and may also have a microchip tracker included under the skin that can be scanned to show you have taken the vaccine.

Some people, such as over 70’s and people of any age with complicated health issues or severe disabilities could well have to stay in some form of lockdown indefinitely, and will not be allowed to participate in society, or regain their liberty ever, and may have to submit to be tracked by app or electronic device to see if they are keeping the rules of lockdown!!

That will also apply to anyone without immunity who has refused the vaccine, and no religious or even medical grounds would be permitted.

That is the Brave New World Order these folks desire. It all points inexorably towards the day when the single Antichrist world ruler will mandate the mark of the beast for every single person on Earth, to show their allegiance to him, without which they cannot buy o

News Item4/29/2020 9:51 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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From time to time, I watch one or two Traditionalist Catholic commentators, who are indeed the real Catholics. They are disgusted with this Jesuit Leftist Pope, who is turning the Catholic Church they have known and loved into just another liberal Protestant style Left wing social justice environmental type church.

We must pray for and witness to both types of Catholics, both the Traditionalists and the Pope Francis type modernists. This Pope even denies Catholic doctrines, let alone Biblical ones!!

By the way, the German Catholic bishops, alongside the US ones are mostly died in the wool liberals and globalists, and go along with all the universalistic and being-pagan nonsense if this Pope. The former head of the German Bidhops conference was an enterprising chap with the extremely appropriate name of Cardinal Marx!! A religious version of his namesake, Karl Marx!!!

News Item4/29/2020 6:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I do pray that even in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, yet this sad troubled country of North Korea will at last gain its freedom. Tragically it does appear that if anything does happen to Kim Jong Un, it could well be his very able sister that takes over as the next member of the Kim dynasty to rule North Korea with a rod of iron.

Knowing these kinds of countries, it may be that there is some general or party apparatchik that may carry out some sort of a coup, but the impression I have gained is that Kim Jong Un ruthlessly obliterated any potential rivals, and even family members that seemed to get too powerful.

Having said that I lived to see the Berlin Wall come down, and the Eastern European countries gain freedom from the Soviet Union, (though in my view tragically most of them went into a new and more subtle kind of slavery by joining the EU, and its currency, the euro soon afterwards)!!

We must continue to pray for the North Korean Christians and that with both the tyranny, poverty and the Coronavirus, they will still stay strong, and the Word of God will spread all over North Korea. Psalm 2 is a good one here!!

News Item4/29/2020 5:49 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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From what I understand Mr Lincoln, Dr Fauci is part of the problem. He is in cahoots with Bill Gates, and his digital immunity certificates and compulsory vaccines with marker microchip, and people like George Soros, and of course the WHO / UN, headed by an Ethiopian Communist, who is not even a medical doctor, whose deputy, and his predecessor are Chinese Communist officials!! Bill Gates is also a dedicated population control advocate, supporting abortion, and most likely euthanasia.

These characters are dedicated globalists, who want this lockdown to continue indefinitely, until every one can be forced to take the vaccine. They want one world government, one world cashless economy and one world religion.

Mr Lincoln, you obviously never heard of the international symposium about pandemics held just two months before the Coronavirus broke out, which featured many of the above people!! Very suspicious and very convenient!!

The Bible tells us to quarantine the sick, not to quarantine the healthy and lockdown the whole economy.

News Item4/29/2020 5:09 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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There seems to be a confusion here!! What I gather from this Voice of the Martyrs report is that there are a number of ethnic Koreans on the Chinese side of the North Korean border, who presumably are actually Chinese citizens like this deacon.

Christians in China are now undergoing enhanced persecution, but some of these ethnic Korean churches in the Chinese border towns were able until recently to minister to the many North Korean refugees who come across the border river.

Now not only is Communist China persecuting its own Christians more, and handing any North Koreans they find over to the North Korean authorities at the border, they are obviously allowing North Korean state agents to cross the border, kidnap ethnic Koreans who are Chinese citizens, take them across the border for punishment, torture, slavery and maybe even death in one of the many concentration camps there!! Any other country would be up in arms and very angry at the kidnap iof one of its citizens!!

News Item4/28/2020 5:01 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No John, it is not the pastor wearing the ankle bracelet who is weird, it is the police and judge that put it there! Perhaps they should now go and put ankle bracelets in the abortionists who are carrying out lethal treatment of killing babies in the womb, a non-essential service, nay, a dangerous service, that also endangers their women as well as their babies, and uses up vital medical equipment that is needed for care for Covid-19 and other patients!! This is far more dangerous than any pastor, who is actually observing spacing out of congregants.

News Item4/28/2020 2:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Don’t worry. This paper is the beacon of the globalists and the liberal intelligentsia here in Britain, and is in full agreement obviously with Pope Francis and what he has said about “Mother Earth’s” revenge for climate change being the cause of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the UN.

Climate change has nothing whatsoever to do with this pandemic, I suspect that there are other very human and nefarious parties behind this, and a push for global governance and universal id using a vaccine. It could well be the way some of these globalists are talking that no one will be allowed to function normally unless they have this “mark”. Dangerously close to the “Mark of the beast”, it looks like!!

The Bible tells me that when you have a pandemic, you quarantine the sick, not the healthy. This has turned out to be a mass quarantine of the whole world, and a shutdown of everything, which is not biblical. In the end there will be huge deaths, but not from Covid-19, but from suicide, stress, non-Coronavirus diseases that are not being treated, neglect of elderly people locked up in care homes with no visitors, the effects of mass unemployment, and in poorer countries, starvation because poor people are held prisoner in the wrong location, and are not able to pursue their business!!! It h

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