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News Item5/30/2020 4:35 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As far as I am concerned, though I am an evangelical Protestant, and a believer in the centrality of preaching, I also believe that the communion is central too, and ideally should be celebrated every week, not twice monthly, as in my church, monthly, or even as in the Psalm singing Reformed and Presbyterian churches, quarterly or four times a year.

No secular government has the right to tell a church how it may celebrate communion, or even whether it can, and that applies to baptisms too.

Whatever we may think of how inter churches celebrate the communion, we must stand firmly that the state has no right to interfere with us in communion, baptism, or singing. The USA or Britain is not China or North Korea!!

News Item5/30/2020 4:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have seen the still photo of the man under arrest and the white police officer kneeling with his knee on the man’s neck. This is extremely over the top policing. In Britain this police officer would have not only been fired, but charged with murder, and an independent enquiry launched. His three colleagues would have been fired, and maybe accused of other offences.

The black man involved was actually an active member of a church, (I don’t know if it was evangelical or not), and did a lot of community work.

Tragically, the activists on the left, and the “Critical Race” people will get to work in this, George Soros will pour in his millions, and they will milk this for all it is worth right up to the election in November. Not only should the police officers be charged and held accountable, but the rioters should also be dealt with as there is no excuse for lawlessness and violence!! All in all, a bad and explosive situation.

News Item5/29/2020 9:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Please go into the Morning Devotional of C H Spurgeon for this morning right here on Sermon Audio, and though written sometime in the 1800’s during the Victorian age, his words seem very prophetic. It was almost as if he was writing in 2020, about the mega churches (and some smaller ones) that are around today, and the seeker sensitive movement.

“We must follow after Jesus if we would succeed. Sensational methods, entertainment and so forth - are these coming after Jesus? Can we imagine the LORD Jesus drawing a congregation by such means as are commonly used?” What a question. Just go to the devotional and read Spurgeon’s answer. Quite challenging and relevant!!!

News Item5/26/2020 10:18 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The latest here in England only, (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are still continuing with the stricter lockdown, with no sign yet of it being eased), is that we have for a week or so been allowed to do unlimited exercise, and day excursions to outside places,(public transport use is discouraged though), and that outside markets, (food stalls have been allowed since the lockdown began, this refers to non-food stalls), and car dealerships open up on June 1st; all other non-retail shops, indoor markets and stores open up on June 15th, (subject to strict spacing rules, and no hands on or trying out permitted), but strictly no sit down cafes and restaurants, (takeaways are allowed), hotels, (except for medical staff or other approved residents), cinemas, theatres, gyms and pubs, and unfortunately no in person church services. No date has yet been given for their resumption. As far as churches are concerned, even when they do begin services, at least for the foreseeable future, severe limits on numbers, spacing out, no greetings, no communion, no baptisms, possibly no singing, masks strongly encouraged, no Sunday school, no fellowship meals or social activities, etc. is very likely to be the conditions. I just wish we had some of the proactive pastors you had in some of the USA

News Item5/25/2020 4:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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While I know that most contributors here on SA News Forum are quite rightly opposed to the RCC, it must be stated that very often the Catholic (and Anglican and Lutheran and other denominational or “parochial” schools) are much better academically than the state or public schools.

Sadly, what happened to the Catholic schools since the 1960’s and the passage of the Vatican 2 Council, is that modernism rapidly got in. The nuns,monks and priests that ran them either went radically leftist, or the schools were actually laicised, that is handed over to liberal leftist secular teachers, and ended up actually being Catholic in name only, and some schools are virtually slightly private versions of the state public schools they competed with.

I have a feeling that that is the type of Catholic school that people like Nancy Pelosi, Andrew Cuomo, and Bill de Blasio went to, and many monastic orders, particularly of nuns and religious sisters got into radical feminism, “goddess” worship, environmentalism and so on.

News Item5/24/2020 8:33 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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However, I have read elsewhere by people that knew her well, that she held true to the end, and one thing is interesting, that she actually never had the abortion for which her infamous case was made. The child was born naturally, I understand, and adopted out. It was indeed from what I have read, the leftist lawyers, the activist judges, and then the abortionists themselves that cynically used her to gain the infamous decision in Roe v Wade, and then cynically sidelined her. Here in this current article they seem to have attempted to get the last laugh.

Another person, the atheist Madelyn Murray O’Hare, who single handedly secured two dreadful US Supreme Court judgments throwing prayer and Bible reading out of your state or public schools, was murdered, by criminal acquaintances, and her son was converted to the Lord Jesus Christ and testified at many meetings of this!! God dues indeed bring glory to His Name, even out of things like this.

News Item5/24/2020 8:22 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I really pray that this lady genuinely repented. I do read a particular prophecy inistru, and the editor there does believe that Norma McCorbey was a false convert and used the pro-life movement for her own ourposes.

News Item5/24/2020 5:27 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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In one of your states in the USA, (I think you will quickly know which one I an refering to), one particular governor has made strange arbitrary laws on what can and cannot be sold. This meant that in a multiple store, the food items could be sold, but useful things like seeds and diy items for people in lockdown in their homes, had to be taped off and not sold!!! Churches of course not allowed to open either.

Another state, where also churches not allowed to open, yet a sex establishment with presumably no physical distancing can be open!!

Yet other states where people who need to open their businesses because bills are mounting up, sent to jail, yet career criminals like thieves, murderers and rapists released from jail to resume their nefarious careers!! What utter madness!! Our PM here, after some had advice from the now sidelined Professor Ferguson did do a lockdown, but thankfully did not make it too severe.

News Item5/24/2020 2:21 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is indeed very worrying. I am not an “anti-vaxxer” per se. I have had vaccinations when I was very young, for polio (the sugar lump, rather than the injection!!), and I think smallpox, and also the mandatory before and after teacher training qualification chest x-rays for tuberculosis (both negative).

The problem with more modern vaccines like the combined mumps, measles and rubella (which came out after I passed my childhood), and most particularly the proposed COVID19 vaccine, (at least the version of it as pushed by Bill Gates, though there may be other more innocuous versions being worked on) is what is in them, and what is accompanying them, re:- track and trace.

The Biblical principle did not force heathy people to be treated, but merely the sick people to be identified and quarantined, which basically meant they lived away from the healthy population. Tragically people like Bill Gates have put things in their vaccines from aborted babies, sterilising agents as in Kenya, India and so on (this is proven), and are now using them to track and trace people as a form of id. Dershowitz is a wolf in the sheepfold, as Gatestone Institute is normally a conservative publication. Very dangerous!!

News Item5/23/2020 3:48 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Tragically communion is not very important for many evangelical churches, but actually most Free Churches, (basically churches that are not Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran or Anglican), use individual cups for the wine, and bread can be broken in advance. Yet they are still banned from offering communion by the state authorities. Baptism is also banned. Even just gathering together to worship and hear God’s Word preached and taught is banned, and singing is definitely a no no.

Churches must start to stand up. Many, many churches have said they will observe physical distancing, disinfection, instructing vulnerable people to continue with the live-streams,(though not all churches have the ability to livestream), yet even private prayer in a church is banned, yet all sorts of other things of a secular nature are now opening up, and Governor after Governor, and other leftist, globalist authorities are saying “churches must not meet”.

I praise God for the churches that have said, “Enough is enough. We will meet. We will observe safety, but we will meet”.

News Item5/23/2020 2:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another reason why Hungary, (and no doubt Poland too), is rejecting this wickedness of transgenderism, is that Hungary was the original home of that wicked leftist activist with unlimited money, George Soros. Though he was Jewish, he worked with the Nazis during the war, betraying his own people, for which he was never prosecuted. He is a total apostate, and left Hungary after the war, to continue to wreak havoc in his globalist ideas in the United States and elsewhere.

This current Hungarian government, in it’s total disillusionment with the EU, has also realised the dangers of this man and what he represents. They have now closed his leftist globalist university there.

Also, unlike most other European countries, and many USA states, the Hungarians realise that things like transgenderism are indeed harmful. Women will have no place of safety, from biological men invading their spaces, and women athletes will train and prepare in vain, as biological men with their powerful bodies scoop up all the prizes.

News Item5/22/2020 5:47 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Hey-yo from North East- We are actually dealing with two separate countries here. The Presbyterian Church quoted here, as also the Anglican, Catholic and Methodist Churches are organised on an all-Ireland (two states basis), and are generally separate from England, Scotland and Wales, (I.e. the rest of the United Kingdom).

The two countries are Northern Ireland, still a part of the United Kingdom, usually ruled by a compulsory coalition of Democratic Ulster Unionists (want to continue in the U.K.), and Sinn Fein, Republicans who want to join the Republic of Ireland. When the coalition failed last year, Westminster imposed temporary direct rule, and forced abortion and “gay marriage” on the reluctant province!! Northern Ireland has now left the EU, like the rest of the U.K., and has a sterling currency.

The Republic of Ireland is a totally separate country, has left its Catholic roots, is totally secular, is in the EU and uses the euro. However, separately it does have a sort of customs union with the UK, and at present both countries are now the same as far as abortion and “gay rights” are concerned.

News Item5/21/2020 3:01 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Our British culture is very different, but until the 18th century, and in fact well into the 19th century people did carry arms. Officers actually had to purchase their commission in the army and then sold it when they left.That was abolished by the mid 19th century, in favour of normal paid armed services, as well as duelling, which was made illegal.

Bearing arms for things like personal protection at home, carried on of course, into the 20th century, though increasingly hedged about by regulation, and weapons for sporting purposes, hunting, etc was allowed under strict conditions.

In the late 20th century, we had two major shootouts, one in Hungerford in Berkshire, and later one by a corrupt and Masonic scoutmaster in a primary school in Dunblane in Scotland, (he had been allowed a gun licence by the local chief Constable, also a Mason). After this all revolvers and pistols were seized from all citizens, though large manual rifles are still permitted with strict conditions. Even our Olympic shooting teams must practice abroad!!

News Item5/20/2020 2:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It is the mainstream Catholic bishops, supporters of Pope Francis and his globalist leftist ambitions, that have zealously supported the WHO / UN, the leftist politicians in the complete lockdowns and closure of churches. It is Archbishop Vigano, and some other Traditionalist Catholics like him that are actually in a very despised minority. Pope Francis and most of his supporter bishops are into the New World Order, globalism, environmentalism, interfaith and leftist causes up to their necks, It is Pope Francis who betrayed his own Chinese Catholic Church, and threw them under the bus, by recognising the Communist appointed bishops, and the state approved Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association. There used to be a humorous saying, “Is the Pope Catholic?” This one definitely is not, as he not only opposes evangelical Biblical doctrine, but actually even his Catholic doctrine!!!

News Item5/20/2020 2:03 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have read this on the Traditionalist Catholic websites. Archbishop Vigano was once the Papal Nuncio to the USA, (the Pope’s ambassador). He is the one who blew the cover of Pope Francis, and the liberal bishops and cardinals who covered up sexual abuse.

He also revealed and blew up the cover up over the former Cardinal Archbishop of Washington, John McCarrick, who was a multiple sexual abuser of seminarians and young priests, and who covered up for many priests, mostly homosexual, who had been involved in sexual abuse. Later on former Cardinal McCarrick was first of all expelled from the College of Cardinals, then stripped of his clerical status (laicised), sent as a lay brother to a friary, and now seems to have disappeared altogether. He had been a most influential Cardinal, and had appointed most of the heading leftist clergy in the USA, and advised Popes John Paul II and Pope Francis on the appointment of many bishops. Pope Benedict XVI did sideline him, but this was overturned. Archbishop Vigani is now in hiding, but occasionally surfaces to make hostile pronouncements regarding Pope Francis.

News Item5/19/2020 9:13 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This almost seems like a science fiction novel, and is quite shocking!! Classrooms will have to be laid out like exam rooms with separate spaced out desks, these separate play areas in playgrounds, children constantly lectured and barracked to stay separate, one way systems inhales and buildings, probably a ban on cooked school dinners in sit down areas, ban on all p.e., school concerts, clubs, societies, organised sports. What a nightmare!! This will be accompanied by a lot of fearful propaganda. I think that given all this, many parents will prefer to continue home schooling!!

News Item5/19/2020 9:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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My church, which doesn’t do live-streaming, (but the pastor is recording a weekly video sermon from his study each week, which is on SA), does not have choirs, vocal soloists, but only congregational singing of traditional hymns, using a hymn book, accompanied by a venerable pipe organ, and when the organist is away, a computerised piano with hymn tunes pre loaded!!

According to some of your tyrannical governors and mayors, restrictions on churches could last for a year or even 18 months, until a vaccine is produced (mandatory?, Bill Gates?), and the ban would in many cases cover all live vocal singing, all wind instruments, but also the sacraments or ordinances of baptism and communion. I believe this is clearly unacceptable, but I do think that most evangelical pastors here will simply jump to, and obey immediately.

News Item5/17/2020 1:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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We did run a British version of this show for a few years a couple of decades ago; I think it was in the late afternoon or early evening on ITV, the commercial rival to the state approved BBC, (the one for all television viewers have to pay a compulsory licence fee). ITV carried adverts, and was made up of separate regional companies, but now all merged into one. I think it had two successive hosts, one called Lesley Crowther, and I forgot the name of the other one. I never liked this show, it always seemed to cater to the worst consumerist aspects. There was a kind of “booby” prize, Dusty Bin!! It did have some brief popularity, but the British tend to actually prefer quiz shows, and “The Price is Right” was discontinued here after a while, unless it is running on a cable channel.

As to the wickedness of RuPaul and his abortion donation, I guess the drag queens are fed up with not being able to brainwash little children with their perverseness in public libraries, which are now closed due to the lockdown!!

News Item5/16/2020 7:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have heard that while abortion clinics are open and doing full business, in some US states, and using up vitally needed medical supplies and equipment, and prisoners are being released early from prisons, and while churches are locked up, or forced to observe ultra strict conditions for public worship, yet some folk whose businesses have been shut down are being harassed, threatened with fines and jail time if they open up their business.

I have heard of a 77 year old barber, in Michigan,who has worked all his life, no doubt fought in wars, who has never taken any benefits, and who not having operated since the beginning of the lockdown, has now, no doubt observing cleanliness and physical distancing as far as possible, been stripped of his business and hairdressers licences, and threatened with over $1,000 fines, and 1 years jail for every single haircut!! This is ubiquitous and smacks of North Korea, USSR, Cuba, Venezuela and of course China where this virus came from!!!

News Item5/16/2020 3:01 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, John U.K., and dear Mr Lincoln, Christians need to be aware, yes, we need to pray, but citizens in the USA, need to stand up against this. I actually believe there was something in things in the barcode, and the EU, ((which technically we in Britain are out of, but I am still watching out for tricks by the EU to keep us in!!), but the time wasn’t right, the technology wasn’t quite advanced enough, and I do believe, to a great extent, that the Lord has put a restraint on a lot of things.

However, as I see the time of the Lord’s return drawing near, the enemy and his forces are getting bolder, and brasher. Sadly many Christians do not believe that these folks mean what they say, as many did not believe Adolph Hitler in the 1930’s, when he said clearly in his book “Mein Kampf”, what he intended to do with the Jews. They felt that he was exaggerating, it was all hype, and when he saw that he was not believed, he went ahead and did precisely what he said he would do. We must not make the same mistake now. May the Lord give us wisdom.

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