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News Item4/12/18 4:01 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Well, gentlemen, you've proven Rachael Denhollander's point: "Rachael Denhollander: 'Few' Victims of Sexual Assault Find 'True Help' From Church" It sounds like some will blame the victim while patting themselves on the back that they're much better parents than the abused child's parents... And the victim and the parents will leave the church weeping. I wonder how you'll explain yourselves to the Lord on Judgement Day? If I were you, I'd run to the foot of the cross and cry out for mercy and forgiveness for hurting "the least of these."

News Item4/12/18 3:54 PM
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That's satanic how my Baptist pastor and my Baptist deacons and my Baptist organist all agree with my being saved. One day, I will have 8 kids, a submissive, Russian wife and a big ranch with 151 horses. I will also be a rock star that will tour with the remaining members of KISS and then you'll be talking out of the other side of your face.

News Item4/12/18 3:52 PM
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Well said Frank, Christopher and's good to have support!

It's definitely up to the parents to guide and direct a child into the right paths and behavior. I can only use my children as examples. With my daughter, we teach her to be lovely, gentle and feminine. Always honoring God through obedience and lady-likeness. There's far too many butches in this world and the tendency for girls to drift down those alleys is far too powerful.

With my boys: We teach them to be men. Strong, courageous and moral. Standing up for truth and Jesus Christ, everywhere they go. I am teaching them to be the providers, protectors, the priests and kings of their home, always serving, loving and being examples of Jesus Christ to their families (one day).

It is so very easy to allow our children to follow the world (as this woman did), and it is the parents that also should share some of the blame. If they had guided her into a more wholesome and godly direction, she wouldn't have been attacked.

Whether Angela or Lurker or whoever agrees with me or not, I base my answers and reasons on Scripture and my fruit will bear me out.

Well said Ladybug, welcome to the Colosseum!

News Item4/12/18 3:19 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Not decedent?

News Item4/12/18 2:53 PM
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Frank wrote:
She will say she was simply dressed the way other female gymnasts dressed and she had a special talent to pursue. She will then add, it wasn't her fault if those evil men lusted after her.
It never is the woman's fault is it? We all have responsibility to act in a circumspect way that is glorifying to God. There's no excuse. We as Christians are supposed to live at a higher standard than the world. Hence why our lights are supposed to be shining into the darkness. This is yet another example of a false-convert living life the way she wants to, and using her 'liberty in Christ' to do so. But of course, it seems very few people can see this. Thank God we can. I would hate to be blinded to the truth like the others. It's saddening to see.

News Item4/12/18 2:36 PM
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Zechariah wrote:
Correct. Believers should not be getting caught up in all the cares of this this world and being fearful about Muslims, illegal immigration, so-called school shootings, and all the other ensnaring politically-correct "news" from SA and in fear looking behind every door and under every rock for a boogeyman, then cackling about all these fears and nonsense on forums like a bunch of caged up chickens. Solution? Leave the immigration thing alone! Leave Trump alone. Leave all the mass-media propaganda alone. Don't worry. Don't fear. Ignore the State, its commandments, and what the State saith as much as possible. No land on this earth is ours. Just let it be. Be holy, be separate, be not conformed, present yourselves as a holy and living sacrifice, loving not this world, this country, or any other drop in the bucket country. The U.S. is wicked just like all the others – always was, always will be. So cast down the idolatry, the flag worship, the D.C. worship, the murderous spirit, and all the satanic American pride like “our borders, our troops, our country, our leaders, our freedoms etc.” Live a quiet, humble life and be a witness of Jesus the Messiah.
Bang on! Focus on the Gospel and leave the details to God.

News Item4/12/18 2:26 PM
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My Own 2 cents wrote:
So are Catholic possums. Everytime you kill one, it comes back to life.


News Item4/12/18 2:24 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
NASA wouldn't be the only ones culpable in such an enormous cover-up. So would the Chinese and the Russians with their space programs and travels, the cosmonauts on the space station and countless others. People seem to zero in the the conspiratorial US government and its entities, while never mentioning other world powers who would also need to be in on tricking mankind into believing this planet is round(ish).
I guess the point is, none of us normal joes have ever been able to go up into space or at least high enough to figure out what's going on. We have all relied on the books, pictures and movies to teach us. We ALL know that the established powers in this world lie and are controlled by the enemy. Why not this? Yes, it would be an enormous cover-up, but why not?

News Item4/12/18 2:22 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
...She was homeschooled, grew up in a Christian home and is a genuine believer,...speaking out against child abuse - not judged for wearing a leotard while performing as an athlete.
I will go record here to say that what happened to this woman and the others is atrocious. It's wrong and I hope the man involved gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That being said, this woman still has a testimony and is still representing Christ. Others look to her as a role model and she can also be considered a stumbling block if her actions are sinful. Okay...some people may, by the grace of God or physiology, have no problem with girls strutting around on a stage in second skin, but SOME DO. We are commanded not to become a stumbling block to our weaker brethren. We are commanded to refrain from the very appearance of evil. We are commanded to come out of the world not be like them. So what if she has a "great testimony", I have heard of others who have had great testimonies and they are no more saved than the devil.Years ago, 'Strippers For Jesus' made the headlines. They also had great testimonies. We are to be judged by our fruit. And one day this woman will be judged for her lifestyle. I wonder how she will defend herself?

News Item4/12/18 12:12 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Yes, I have a hang-up with men (and women) lusting in their heart after others. I think it's difficult for one to judge what is dressing modestly, for example I see young women wearing maxi skirts that are quite clingy or tops that have low necklines that leave much flesh exposed. I happen to dress modestly, IMO. But, I do admit to gaining a few pounds over the winter which has left my skirts a bit clingy and tops fitting tighter than normal.... May the good Lord bless this conversation we've had and use it for His purpose and glory.
As I asked, would you dress in these outfits these gymnasts wear to church? Why the double standard? What's the difference? Paul Washer said something important. If your clothes frame your face, then it's pleasing. If your clothes frame your body, then it's unpleasing. The movements, the clothes, the all points to the flesh. It all points to self, pride and arrogance. There's nothing of humility, meekness and holiness. There's nothing in gymnastics or any other sport that exemplifies Christ. This should be our focus, not straining a gnats.

News Item4/12/18 11:47 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Why did the possum cross the road? Crossing the road was the nearest it could come to performing a gymnastic routine.
In a one piece leotard...don't forget the leotard. It makes the routine so much easier!

News Item4/12/18 11:46 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
That is just plain arrogance to state that you know that my heart has not changed since I started attending my Baptist Church. I have changed since I started attending my Baptist Church. I have become more committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and I fellowship with other church members before worship on Sunday morning and I have become friends with a third or a little more of the church members of my Baptist Church.

News Item4/12/18 11:06 AM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Yes, wearing one piece leotards is quite acceptable in certain circumstances - for ex. if one is a ballet dancer or a gymnast. You can quote scripture regarding modesty, and that is well and good, but let's not forget Scripture regarding the heart and how men should not look lustfully upon a young woman (or girl or boy or man, etc.)..
Dear Angela, let us forget for a minute the problem with all men and their lust. You seem to have a hang-up here. Let's look at scripture where ALL WOMEN are COMMANDED to dress modestly. Does the Bible say in certain circumstances it's okay to show off half your body? Does Scripture say it's okay for women to expose themselves if it's in an athletic arena? How are you going to handle this one day when athletes decide it's more natural to not wear anything at all (like in ancient Roman times)? My point is, you are picking and choosing what you decide to follow and what you decide to disregard. You have to stand on one side of the fence or the other. Obviously, I'm not going to convince you as you are stuck in your ways. Hopefully this back and forth will help someone else who is soft in heart to listen and change.

News Item4/12/18 10:57 AM
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Junction wrote:
I have a friends who’s wedding I just attended in Toronto her family came from a Chinese background atheist nackground, came to a local Christian school. Both of her parents were saved as a result of the parents and she end up being saved as well. I think this is great, this is a clear mission field that Hod has given the church and the schools!
Many times God uses the darkest alleys for His fields. Christian schools can be very dark places. I attended two for my schooling, and for the most part, the kids that went to those schools were rotten. The parents were fakes, and the kids knew it. God saved me and my wife in spite of this background, so there's always hope where God's concerned. Praise God He isn't hampered by us.

News Item4/12/18 10:31 AM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Thanks Lurker, it's good to hear from you. I hesitated before commenting on this article because I knew I would catch flak. But I just can't look the other way when young naive girls and their parents are accused of wrong-doing because they wear athletic clothing and are fit and talented in gymnastics. I can truthfully say that my husband is not effeminate and yet, young girls in one piece athletic wear do not turn him on. In other words, he only has eyes for me.
It doesn't matter what your husband thinks of how "naive" these girls are or why possums cross the road. The point that needs to be stressed is what does the Bible say? What is the biblical definition of modesty? As I said before, modesty stems from humility, humility comes from Christ. I have provided scripture and that scripture is not open interpretation (in spite of Lurker's attempts). What does the Bible say about modesty, Angela? Simple. Is wear one piece leotards acceptable in scripture? What do you think? Take a guess. You being a Christian should know this.

@Christopher: Just Watcher, not Tinkerbell Watcher.

News Item4/12/18 10:17 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Why did the possum cross the road? To see if the world was flat. It wasn't, but the possum sure was!

News Item4/12/18 10:17 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Why did the possum cross the road? To get from Catholic mass to that Baptist church he attends on Sunday mornings.

News Item4/12/18 10:00 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Any man who says he can watch women cavort around wearing next to nothing with no reaction is either a tremendous liar or he's a bit light in the loafers.
Hehe...I guess Lurker's a tinkerbell then...

News Item4/12/18 12:53 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Of course I got it! I just can't remember where I put it.
Put what again?

News Item4/11/18 11:12 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
You're right, John. Everyone born after Eisenhower was president is off his rocker.
And everyone born before Eisenhower owns a rocker...get it? Haha!!!
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