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News Item4/14/18 10:37 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Jist who DO yew think yew are, Chris th'owin' off on deesunt, respectibul mountin folk like sum of us on hyere? And actin' like we ain't got nary bit of intellijunce. Fer yore infermation, I was the valedictorian of my third grade class fer four years in a row. Now yew tell me THAT ain't smart!
You know yer smrt when you have a moostache in third grade and your teacher is your second cousin from yer mom's side. Sometimes, when he's out coon-huntin' he send in his grandma. She's even smrter. She's so smrt and old, that when she was a young 'un, they didn't have history, thems people had current events. I don't think I spelt smrt right, but I jist can't find the word in my newspaper today, so this way'll haf ta do.

News Item4/14/18 10:33 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
I still want to know how the manufacturers of plastic statues managed to get Jesus to pose for them. You can't make an accurate representation of someone without having the original in front of you.
Time travel and a good camera! You've read them Popular Science magazines in that ol' outhouse of yers?

News Item4/14/18 10:21 AM
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Unfortunately, we are going to have this division when Christians talk about hot potatoes. There has been far too much of us mingling with the world over the years and it's starting to take its toll. We disregard biblical truth, we justify our lifestyles by misinterpreting scripture, and get hostile when someone brings us to task. It's a wholly unacceptable attitude and I can guarantee God is not happy. Yes, I can be a bull in a china shop when I get going, but it's because I care. People tend to forget that. I don't talk and respond the way I do because I get some high out of it, but I get frustrated and angry when I see the blinders go up and the fingers of the enemy shut out the truth from being heard. Jesus snorted and got mad when He saw this as well. Paul ripped into the churches on occasion, yet when one of us does it, we are deemed insensitive, unloving and ugly-spirited. I have tried my best to communicate with those here on this forum, but sometimes it seems there's an underlying, nefarious spirit that works against the truth. It's a shame to see.

News Item4/14/18 10:13 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Hey shut up. It is not an invented Baptist fellowship. Look up the website at and the Statement of Faith proves it is a bible-based church. They have the Bible as the absolute final authority for doctrine. My Baptist Pastor preaches the biblical doctrine of salvation every Sunday in his sermon.
John you have no right to tell anyone on this forum (or anywhere else for that matter) to shut up. You are a disgrace to the body of Christ. Imagine the dishonor you bring to the church every-time you open your mouth in the name of God? No wonder we have so many disgruntled and bitter people in this world that want nothing to do with Jesus Christ. You ought to be ashamed of yourself and apologize.

News Item4/13/18 10:46 PM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
What happens when the American evangelical church continues to back razzmatazz church leaders who have nothing to do with salvation found in Christ. Our salt becomes tasteless. The other day, after listening to Johnny Mac, Chuck Swindoll starts his show, and proceeds to talk about how he thinks there were many Assassins involved in the murder of JFK. Seriously, Chuck Swindoll is all about grace but not a lot about holiness.
Can't have grace without holiness. The church focuses too much on grace but never talks about why we need that grace.Just like how the church always talks about the Gospel (at least their version), but never talks about the bad news that points a sinner to that Gospel.

News Item4/13/18 9:19 PM
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News Item4/13/18 4:32 PM
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H. Von Bun wrote:
Agreed, have you heard of the Picard balloon guy? Supposedly he went up high enough, but I'm not sure I'm buying it.
The U.N., Rome and Freemasons touch every part of the world, right?. It is all connected...
Yeah, the powers of the world control it all. Of course, God controls them, but we still have to deal with these luciferian ruffians. All one has to do is go high enough to see how straight the horizon is. We had a friend visit us for a week, and he flew in to get to us. I made him promise to take some pics of the horizon but I didn't say why. When he showed us the pics, the horizon line was straight as far as the eye could see. Interestingly, he didn't notice, but when I asked him if the horizon line is curved or straight, he, of course, said curved, even though the pictures were right in front of him. Amazing! A curved horizon disappears from one's point of view (where the eyes look forward) and you have to continually look down to see the horizon. On a flat earth the horizon line is always at the same level with the eyes. Interesting eh?

News Item4/13/18 3:36 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I am researching becoming a freelance online Data Entry Operator and do the Data Entry work online at the library. My Baptist Pastor is not a hireling because he preaches the biblical Gospel of salvation every Sunday in his sermons.
Satanically repetitive.

News Item4/13/18 2:41 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:

News Item4/13/18 2:07 PM
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Lurker wrote:
Not really, J4J.
Paul's reference to "the voice of the archangel" points to Michael who stands up after the 70th week (Dan 12:1-2) and his reference to "God's trumpet" points to the "last trumpet" (1 Cor 15:52) sounding of the seven (Rev 8:6). The trumpet sound is the alarm of war (Jer 4:19) during which the Jews are confined in unbelief.
In days gone by I'd be thrilled to have a serious discussion about this but not now with the childish and judgmental attitude taking over the forum.
Oops...looks like someone is throwing stones again. You and Angela are two peas in a pod! Give the shots, but can never take it.

News Item4/13/18 2:00 PM
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Carol wrote:
Thank you Gentlemen.
Blessings to you and your families.
What a difference in spirits. Man! Thank you Carol. Thank your husband for us. He must be doing something right.

News Item4/13/18 1:51 PM
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Carol wrote:
As an addendum to my post; As a saved, but still a sinner, I struggle daily with my adamic nature who aways wants her own way.
Who doesn't? At least you have courage enough to admit it. There are some here on SA who don't think this way and I fear for them. The difference between your comments and others is refreshing. Thank you.

News Item4/13/18 1:48 PM
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My Own 2 cents wrote:
Satanic Friutcakes actually.
To be more clear.
Oh no! Not satanic fruitcakes again!!! Spray and spray, but they always come back. Christopher, do something!!!

News Item4/13/18 1:47 PM
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Carol wrote:
As a Christian lady I whole heartily agree with Frank's comment.
The rotten fruit from feminism is alive and well in homes and churches across this nation.
I praise the Lord for the grace and mercy bestowed upon me to have my blind eyes open and to follow my Lord on the narrow road, and by His Grace try to be the godly woman that He commands me to be.
Amen Carol. It's an onslaught and it's powerful. My wife's eyes have been opened as well, and she is shocked over how she used to dress and act. I thank God she now acts and speaks like a loving Christians woman, wife and mother.

News Item4/13/18 1:45 PM
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Just a guy wrote:
John Yurich wants...
I will marry a woman who is at least 30 years younger than I am. The kids will be spread out over 12 years. I may adopt some children as babies to add to the 8 natural born children for a total of 12 children.
Hmmmm...56 years old. 30 years younger. That is 26. I am pretty sure you will have a hard time finding someone who wants to marry a guy, old enough to be her dad and a half....
Croatian Mail-Order Brides...I can see it now.

News Item4/13/18 1:18 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Don't forget the personal pan possum at Possum Hut.

News Item4/13/18 1:16 PM
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Just a guy wrote:
Uh.....I mean bad..
You mean Satanic?

News Item4/13/18 1:15 PM
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Frank wrote:
The spirit of Jezebel is alive and well in this world. Unsaved women have used sex and lust to drive their personal/worldly agendas since the fall in the Garden. And what is most disturbing is that evangelical feminists will give credence to the feminine movements around the world, albeit in subtle ways. Women are generally considered victims and not those who actually caused themselves to be victims by their distorted worldviews.
I thank God for the women who post on this forum whose goals are to learn and to encourage male Christians. And of course they learn by asking questions and making comments that we all learn from. Now I know that many women who post here have compartmentalized their Christian walks and they can no longer discern when they are driven by the Jezebel spirit.
Men are the only ones who can understand the lust that affects their walk with the Lord and what causes it - period.
Amen brother. It's like yelling into the wind with these women. The effects of "Christian" feminism has taken its toll. It's a shame for sure.

News Item4/13/18 11:39 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Most of the Millennials I meet are in drug rehabilitation. They don't even know if they are on earth, let alone what shape it is. As a philosophical songleader I know once asked, "What difference do it make?"

News Item4/13/18 11:36 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Amen, NeedHim. Grace that we "earn" is no grace at all. Some time ago I went to a fast food joint that offered a "free" sandwich to anyone who filled out a survey. I pointed out that if I had to work for it, it wasn't free at all. Of course they didn't get it. Far too many professing Christians confuse works because of salvation with works for salvation.
Mathematical skill testing question a little hard on ya? Write me Doc...I may need an examination soon.
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