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News Item11/13/2020 5:24 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Rumor control by the US government ❗👍


"Rebuking Trump, DHS cybersecurity agency says no evidence of deleted, changed votes"
This I'll answer your question, Timothy

News Item11/13/2020 12:00 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item11/13/2020 7:30 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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For various reasons you may not be attending church physically but doing it visually over the internet. Churches still need money. If you were attending one that was worth the money, they still have expenses, so give them some more.

Of course if a church isn't worth the money then don't give it ❗👎

2 Corinthians 2:17

For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.-- (NASB)

News Item11/13/2020 7:07 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I believe today John and his church will have their day in court?
Warren Throckmorton wrote:
On August 30, John MacArthur told his congregation that “nobody in our congregation has ever been to the hospital with this [COVID-19].” According to MacArthur’s own words earlier this year in April, that is not true.... MacArthur explained to Phil Johnson why Grace Community Church was not meeting in person in April, ...
"The other thing that we talked about with the elders was if we defy this and if we say we’re going to meet anyway, we run the risk of exposing people to this illness needlessly. And why would we want to do that? Because this is a health issue, this is a health crisis. And since like any church, many of the people in our church are older. We wouldn’t want to expose them to that. We’ve only had, as far as I know, and this was up to yesterday, we’ve only had one couple in our church in the Spanish ministry who actually got the coronavirus. But that couple, and not an older couple either, wound up in the hospital because it was such a virulent experience for them."
excerpt from, "In August, John MacArthur Denied COVID-19 at Grace Community Church; In April, He Said Members Had Been Hospitalized"

News Item11/13/2020 6:49 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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David A. Fahrenthold, Elise Viebeck, Emma Brown and Rosalind S. Helderman wrote:
Republicans have made claims of election irregularities in six states where President-elect Joe Biden
leads in the vote count, alleging in lawsuits and public statements that election officials did not follow proper procedures while counting ballots in Tuesday’s election.

So far, they have gone 0 for 6.✓

Since Election Day, President Trump has repeatedly claimed that a broad conspiracy of misdeeds — apparently committed in both Republican and Democratic states — had cost him the election.

“WATCH FOR MASSIVE BALLOT COUNTING ABUSE,” Trump tweeted Tuesday, the latest in a series of missives in which he has made misleading claims about the vote. Trump’s campaign has encouraged donors to contribute to a legal-defense fund [ ] so he can fight the cases in court....

excerpt from, "Here are the GOP and Trump campaign’s allegations of election irregularities. So far, none has been proved."

✓As John Bolton pointed out

John Bolton condemns GOP for ‘coddling’ Trump in searing op-ed: ‘His time is running out’❗👍

News Item11/13/2020 1:38 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Money raised to pay for recounts goes to covering campaign debts, funding future political activities and boosting like-minded figures."

"The [NY]Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud"

News Item11/12/2020 3:23 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Chrisgp The simple matter is that Trump was not thinking of people at all and creating situations where covid-19 could spread. Biden held Virtual or drive-in rallies.

"Study: Trump Rallies Linked To Over 700 Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths, Here Are The Caveats"

There are also cases of hypothermia

News Item11/12/2020 2:37 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Paul LeBanc wrote:
To prevail, Rove wrote, Trump would need to "prove systemic fraud, with illegal votes in the tens of thousands. There is no evidence of that so far. Unless some emerges quickly, the President's chances in court will decline precipitously when states start certifying results."

"Closing out this election will be a hard but necessary step toward restoring some unity and political equilibrium," he added. "Once his days in court are over, the President should do his part to unite the country by leading a peaceful transition and letting grievances go."...

excerpt from, "Karl Rove acknowledges presidential election 'won't be overturned'"

It is time for Senate Republicans and Trump to Acknowledge that Biden won and move on❗👍

Or for that matter a fellow that's in the same business as Franklin,

"Dallas’ Robert Jeffress, leading pro-Trump evangelical conservative, calls Biden ‘president-elect’ but says it’s not yet official"

Try this on for size, Mike❗👎

"Closed storefronts, overwhelmed hospitals and mobile morgues: El Paso residents hit hard by coronavirus"

News Item11/12/2020 10:52 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John MacArthur has had little Interference with practicing capitalism. From the article:

"When the offering plate came around, the congregants gave $40,046, almost six times more than the previous Sunday, according to the church bulletins."

I would add that I had very little problem reading the article that SA put up. A very pleasant surprise❗👍

These so-called liberals seem to be leaning over backwards And keeping John happy?Another situations the authorities have turned off the power to offending people, but they haven't done that to Grace church.

News Item11/12/2020 10:30 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Leigh Sales wrote:
 Dr Anthony Fauci has served under six presidents as the leader of America's response to infectious diseases, but none so unique as Donald Trump....

DR ANTHONY FAUCI, ...: Well, it is going to be a gradual process. Vaccinations will start in December, very likely some time a bit before the Christmas holidays.

The thing that we have been dealing with in this country is a vaccine hesitancy or people really being sceptical about getting vaccinated.

That is pretty much overcome when you get a vaccine of such high degree of efficacy as the Pfizer vaccine which is 90 plus, closer to 95 per cent efficacious. I think those types of numbers, with no concerning safety signal, hopefully will get many, many more people than you would have predicted get vaccinated....

ANTHONY FAUCI: You know, I have been talking about this now for a very long period of time and that is an adherence, essentially, uniformly throughout the country of universal wearing of masks, keeping physical distance, avoiding congregated settings or crowds particularly indoor and trying to do things more outdoors versus indoors, washing of hands....

excerpt from, "Dr Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 in the US"

News Item11/12/2020 5:02 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Gabby Orr wrote:
Trump’s team thought religious-minded voters would save him in key states. They now appear to have turned away just enough for him to lose.
excerpt from, "How Biden swung the religious vote"❗👍

Though Joe Biden is a much more personable, morally acceptable person than Trump, I think the article just doesn't recognize how inspirational Trump was to many of us to vote for Biden

I would almost guarantee that that is one reason that many of the Catholics in the Omaha Congressional district voted for Biden.

News Item11/12/2020 4:43 AM
Jim Lincoln  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The title of the article says about all thats needed. His boss's age is over 75 ❗ Maybe somebody should inform Biden about his opinions

Trump certainly wouldn't hire him.

Biblically speaking he isn't far off, though.

Psalms 90:10-13

10. The days of our years are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty years; yet their pride is but labor and sorrow, for it passes quickly, and we fly away. 11. Who knows the power of your anger, your wrath according to the fear that is due to you? 12. So teach us to count our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 13. Relent, Yahweh! How long? Have compassion on your servants!---WEB

As long as I'm physically and mentally agile I would like to keep going as long as possible.

News Item11/11/2020 9:48 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The flu vaccine if I remember reading correctly is 50 to 70%, effective this vaccine is supposedly 90% effective. This would make it as effective as the measles vaccine.

News Item11/11/2020 9:42 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Elizabeth Thomas wrote:
"Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites. We serve a God who remains on His throne, sovereignly reigning over every square inch of this vast universe," he wrote. "We serve a God who loves us and will never leave or forsake us. And now we have the chance to show the consistency and constancy/ of our Christian witness to this world.

“When Joe Biden becomes president, we should commend him for the things he does right,” Jeffress wrote. “We should condemn the things he does wrong. And above all, we must pray fervently for our president. If President Biden succeeds, we all succeed. May God bless Joe Biden, and may God bless the United States of America.”---Robert Jeffress

excerpt from, "Pastor Robert Jeffress, staunch Trump evangelical supporter, calls Biden president-elect"❗👍

"As Trump Threatens Lawsuits In Battleground States, Over 20 Billionaires Have Already Funded Recount Efforts For Both Parties"

News Item11/11/2020 4:04 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Melissa Quinn wrote:
Ninety-seven counties in the state have sent in final numbers to the state, Raffensperger said, and the current margin of votes between President-elect Biden and President Trump is 14,111. He vowed that his office has been investigating, and will continue to investigate, all instances of voting irregularities.

"Every legal vote will count," he said.

Raffensperger was joined at the press conference Wednesday by elections directors from across the state, and he praised them for their work ensuring all legal votes are counted....

excerpt from, [Republican] "Georgia secretary of state announces hand recount of presidential race"

This should be interesting.

News Item11/11/2020 3:06 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Wires/ABC wrote:
'Official death' of one country, two systems

The move is likely to increase concerns in the West about the level of Hong Kong's autonomy, promised under a "one country, two systems" formula when Britain ended its colonial rule and handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997.

"We can no longer tell the world that we still have one country, two systems. This declares its official death," Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-Wai told a news conference which started with all opposition legislators holding hands....

excerpt from, "Hong Kong pro-democracy MPs resign en masse over dismissal of colleagues"

The situation in Hong Kong is spiraling downward ❗👎

News Item11/11/2020 12:03 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Timothy, what party does Bannon belong to? wrote:
When America's preeminent infectious disease expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, was in medical school he never imagined that his work would one day lead to calls for him to be beheaded....
Key points:

• Dr Fauci said controlling America's worsening coronavirus outbreak was not impossible but becoming more and more difficult
• He said lockdowns should only be a last resort
• But he was hopeful a substantial proportion of the US population would be vaccinated by May next year....

excerpt from, "Anthony Fauci says working with Trump Administration on the coronavirus pandemic has been 'very stressful'"
How long it would take to get to a "COVID-normal" existence would depend on how well the vaccines worked and how many people got vaccinated, he said.

"Once you get most of the country vaccinated, then the degree of infection in the country will be very low and you could get back to some sort of normality," he said....

News Item11/11/2020 10:17 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mike, Fauci is a great believer in people getting vaccinated ❗👍💉

Just from what I've read I don't have a feeling he believes in forcing vaccinations.

Karen Weintraub wrote:
But even if everyone got a vaccine that effective, 1 out of 10 people wouldn't be protected against COVID-19. And it's impossible to know for certain who is protected until an infection proves they're not.

That's why experts say that roughly 70% of the population will need to be vaccinated to provide so-called herd immunity – enough protection to interrupt the chain of transmission and protect the vast majority of people....

With measles, which is more contagious than COVID-19, that figure is about 90%, and there have been outbreaks in recent years in communities where the vaccination rate has fallen below that level....

excerpt from, 'There may be a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year, but 'normality' may not come until end of 2021"

News Item11/11/2020 9:49 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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News Item11/11/2020 1:20 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Fauci says he trusts Pfizer, will take vaccine if FDA approves it"

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