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News Item4/14/18 12:51 PM
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ladybug wrote:
The truth found in the Bible concerning this new birth, and the natural fallen, depraved state of sinners is shunned. Pride insists sinners can get saved if they would only believe/accept Jesus/make a decision etc. Works-based salvation is no salvation, yet pride causes sinners to cling to this. The waters have been muddied by man's alleged 'free will'.
Professing to believe will not get you into heaven.
You must be born again, or you cannot 'see' nor can you 'enter'{John 3:5}
I can understand how sinful man bucks against the truth of God's word, but to see a Christian doing the same is truly sad.

News Item4/14/18 12:40 PM
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ladybug wrote:
The only thing that matters is what does the bible say?
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see {understand/discern} the kingdom of God. John 3:3
It is the work of God the Spirit that opens the understanding, without this new birth, none will receive truth. All will refuse and reject truth because they 'love darkness more than light'. That is the teaching of God's word.
John Y has not been born from above, the fruit he bears confirms this. God's grace and mercy is his greatest need. Many name the name of Christ and yet, are completely void of the new birth.
It's just that simple isn't it? But yet, carnal man will fight tooth and nail to resist the truth of God's word.

News Item4/14/18 12:28 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
I don't know whut to think about a feller that has to hide behind a differnt tree ever time he fars a shot. Instead o' Constructive Criticism, why don't you jist call yerself Chatterin' Chickin?
'Cause chatterin' chickens get turned into supper.

News Item4/14/18 12:21 PM
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H. Von Bun wrote:
John Y,
Some of the things you say seem unrealistic and you come off as insincere. If you are a troll witch trying to score points for your group (some of us know about that) there is nothing so bad you have done that surpasses the Grace of God. It is not too late, heed the warning you are receiving. You may not get another. I pray that today is the day of salvation for you. Turn from the evil one who wants to see you howl in hell and embrace the free gift of salvation found in believing in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I encourage you to read or listen to a sermon by Jonathan Edwards entitled "sinners in the hands of an angry God" I fear that is what you are. May God have mercy on your soul.
Awesome message. I have listened to it many times. Unfortunately, unless the Holy Spirit opens John's eyes, he will be that spider hurled into the awaiting yaw of hell.

News Item4/14/18 12:20 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Don't know how you got the idea that I'm a physician. My doctorate is a DBS (Doctor of Bathroom Sanitation).
Hey, we have more in common. I'm a sanitation engineer. Lots of fun!

News Item4/14/18 12:15 PM
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Yolanda wrote:
Sounds to me like he might have come back from Hell. Unless he's Catholic. Then he would have come back from purgatory.
Maybe he's New Age movement and became part of the cosmic sea, and realized he couldn't swim.

News Item4/14/18 12:13 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I am saved and have been since I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. That is the way that everybody at my Baptist Church received salvation. Look up the website for my Baptist Church at so you can find out that it is a bible-based church and that Pastor preaches the biblical Gospel of salvation and that my Baptist Church has the Bible as the final authority for doctrine.
I noticed you have reworded your usual responses John. You used to say, I accepted you say the Holy Spirit prompted me to...why the change? Are you learning from your mistakes? You are very clever...

News Item4/14/18 12:12 PM
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Constructive criticism wrote:
A new moniker for someone who is too bashful to show their normal identity, I get it. The problem with this world, is it confuses arrogance with confidence. If I know 2+2=4, should I condescend to others and admit I might be wrong just to appear humble? I care so much that I am honest. That honestly comes across as an uncaring attitude. If I see someone on the side of the road and his back's on fire, should I ask him if he wants the fire out? Should I respect his desire to have third degree burns? Or should I throw him to ground and stomp out the fire that threatens to consume him? You see, my type of love is so rare these days in our society of political correctness, that it seems unloving and "oddball". 50 years ago, I was the norm. If you see someone falling into a trap of apostasy and error, do you mince words and make sure you don't offend or do you use scripture to get your point across? Yes, I fall into error sometimes and lose my cool, I have already admitted as such. Have we seen apologies from the likes of Lurker or Angela for their shots? Angela personally wrote me and ripped into me like a common enemy. Have any of you critics prayed for me? Think about it.

News Item4/14/18 11:41 AM
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penned wrote:
I sure wish I could ask you a question, but not in this forum...
Write me anytime. I have offered to communicate through email with many, and I only get rebukes. But nonetheless, if you want to write outside of this forum, we can write through email anytime!

News Item4/14/18 11:33 AM
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penned wrote:
how to get to purgatory.... take the freeway, exit 10, turn left on mainstreet and then park on the right, you'll see it next to wallyworld. you'll get advertisements in the mail with a map.
I thought Purgatory was in Minnesota? That's the church JohnY goes to. Y'know, the Purgatory First Baptist/Catholic church? Pastor Steve has a priest's collar in his pocket just to make the congregation more comfortable.

News Item4/14/18 11:31 AM
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penned wrote:
true there too.
Jesus warned the love of the brethren would grow cold.
Yes indeed. Love for everyone is waning. Self reigns supreme in the hearts of most people these days. Even in the church, I find people will think of themselves and grumble when they have to go outside of themselves and sacrifice. The sacrificial love of Christ Jesus is foreign to most these days.

News Item4/14/18 11:16 AM
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penned wrote:
yes, there does seem to be a great falling away.
I see this in action when a Christian is confronted with scripture and they disregard it. They either say it doesn't apply or they say it's open to interpretation. This is a clear indication of the church falling away from the plumb-line of truth.

News Item4/14/18 11:02 AM
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Just a guy wrote:
I am still not sure why Americans think we need to police the world. If Trump was really concerned about "little children" than he would have to bomb dozens of countries. This is not about chemical weapons. This about lots of other things. None of which have to do with chemicals as much as they have to do with it being Syria.
This is also what happens when you give a hot-headed madman the keys to the gun locker.

News Item4/14/18 11:01 AM
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penned wrote:
I cannot prove the rapture, but thomas ice would appeal to this....
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" 2thess2:3
let no man deceive you
there comes a great falling away (he calls it rapture)
then son of perdition
Title: "Is the Rapture in 2 Thess. 2:3?" Dr. Tommy Ice
The great falling away is just that, an apostasy. You can't be an apostate unless you're saved, IMO. To be apostate means you fall away from the truth. Sinners can't do this. I have read this tripe on more than one occasion. Looking at the body of Christ today, wouldn't you say that there's definitely a falling away occurring?

News Item4/14/18 10:57 AM
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Connor7 wrote:
"Maybe John Yurich's been there" maybe that's how he knows about the Satanic Fruitcakes.
Ah no! Just when I get the image of a satanic fruitcake out of my head, Connor comes along and puts it back in! Will this never end??!!

News Item4/14/18 10:55 AM
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penned wrote:
so a woman has been abused. what shall she do?
most would tell her to go spend a hundred dollars an hour getting counseling.
so there you have it..... its no longer the job of the church to be the church.
we've come up with something better.... up, hey kids, mom's too busy for dinner, but if you pay her your allowance for the week she'll feed you...
.... no more covenants....
....self help rules.
The biggest problem with the church today is it's full of false-converts. It's the world playing church. No wonder there's so many problems. The problem with this "lady" started in the home when she was a girl. She was affirmed for her beauty and athleticism and encouraged to pursue her chosen field. Now look where it has gotten her? These women need to stop this pursuit of greatness, riches, careers and power and be the moms and wives they were meant to be. My wife is a pianist and teacher, and it was her full time career when we were first married. Now that we have children, she would never think of sacrificing them for anything. The women of the world (and the church) have forgotten this amazing and important role.

News Item4/14/18 10:50 AM
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Just a guy wrote:
Sorry doctor. I wouldn't want them to buck you over jealousy...
His goats taught the good doctor how to read. I think it was his pig that taught him how to do a tonsillectomy, but I'm not sure.

News Item4/14/18 10:49 AM
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penned wrote:
dispensationalists use daniel's visions as the basis for their teachings.
it would have been wise for them to learn the new covenant first and then apply that to Daniel, which comes out entirely differntly then.
instead John Macarthur said something like before he reads the bible he assumes there are two people of God.... (we are on in Christ alludes them, but who needs the text when you have presumptions)
these people cannot be reasoned with....
a group of pastors offered $10000 to anyone who could prove the pretrib rapture....
.... it was never paid out...
There's a safe bet. If you could prove the rapture, the money would be no good to you.

News Item4/14/18 10:47 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Poplar Science? How much science do it take to know that poplars drop them little whirlybirds all over the place?
Shoot, now yer takin' mah words outta con's text. He don't like that much. His brother, Big Tony went all the up to fourth grade and he was the school mechanic. He couldn't fit in that desks anymore, so he had to sit in tha corner. We used to hang our coats on 'im, and he would fall was funny to hear all the snorin'. Anyway...what was i talkin' about agin?

News Item4/14/18 10:39 AM
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penned wrote:
purgatory is a modern "Christian" bookstore.
So that's where that priest told me to go? That doesn't make an ounce of sense now. Maybe John Yurich's been there. John? Do you know how to get to Purgatory? Ask around and let us know, k?
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