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News Item1/30/19 12:09 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The cure for cancer is avoiding things that give you cancer.

Toxic environments, VACCINES (where is the Benjamin guy when you need him😁), unhealthy diets, etc...

And the cure if you do get cancer is pretty simple. A Dr Gerson back in the fifties did some research on how to cure cancer. And what he found was that all of the artificial treatments have a much lower success rate than the simplest one of all...

He took some of his cancer patients, and put them on a diet. Not a fad diet like Atkins, Paleo, or Keto. But one that is based off what humans were designed to eat in the first place. Vegetables, fruits, and high fat meats. He kept his patients completely off of sugar, and pretty much any type of artificial food (oh well, Doritos). They ate lots of antioxidants, and fresh foods. And surprise! He had a 95% success rate on his patients.

Dr Gerson is dead now, but from what a last heard, his daughter is carrying on the method. They opened a cancer treatment center in Mexico (the US refused to have him πŸ€”πŸ€”), and are healing thousands of people each year.

Of course a diet made up of healthy foods, and self help stuff doesn't really put money in the doctors pockets, so that is one reason why we don't see the most basic of treatments going main stream...


News Item1/29/19 3:01 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Doc asked...
But where could we go?

1. The moon: Get some rich guy to fund an all Christian colony on the moon. We can come back to Earth to evangelize, and restock our supplies.

2. Samoan islands:
They put in their Constitution that they are a Christian nation and will always be one.

3. Hungary:
I have been hearing alot of good stuff about them. Like getting rid of Communism, LGBT people, and encouraging families to have babies.

Now of course we have not reached the point of that the UK has yet. But if we ever get as bad as say, the USSR, than I might just go to a better place.

I may be born an American, but I am also a citizen of freedom. And whenever Freedom goes, I will be sure to follow...

News Item1/29/19 11:33 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I don't see many Christians going to that extreme. The question is, would Christians even do it?

We have been taught to sit down, shut up, and hold still. And if you try to buck the system, your gonna pay. It's the typical path of every people group. The wicked are in power, and they try to destroy the rules of God...

I think I'll just homeschool...

News Item1/27/19 1:11 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Doesn't the Bible talk about this?

Something like...

"The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels"
Proverbs 26:22

The worse is when people try to hide gossip in a bible study, or prayer meeting by saying...

"Y'all pray for so and so, he is in a bad situation" and then go off on a big spree about the situation...

People feel good when they are talking about others in a bad light. Our nasty sin nature gets a sad delight by learning about others bad situations, and then saying what should have been done. We all must be guarded...

News Item1/26/19 11:24 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Whew! That's a cut up quote if a ever sawed one...

News Item1/26/19 4:57 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The Catholic Church ought to excommunicate itself...


News Item1/25/19 3:22 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Frank says...
There can be no competition between the two genders on that issue. God simply made a man anthropologically superior to a woman."

It's really a funny irony. Men have great potential in our physical strength, but then you think of how dependent we are on women. Considering that we are born of a women, our children will come by a women, and the lifelong impact of our mothers on our lives.

It's pretty amazing how God has made man and women so dependent on each other, yet so different.

News Item1/25/19 1:56 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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What this means is that they are trying to compromise the good and bad.

"Oh sure, we won't poke the transgender "community", but we'll just sort of not let them play in opposite gender sports. Hopefully it won't make anybody mad and we'll keep some chaos from coming into society...

Typical unless compromises...

News Item1/24/19 10:10 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Plants eat carbon dioxide...

Getting rid of carbon dioxide is bad for plants...

Pretty simple to me...🌿🌎☺️

News Item1/23/19 2:12 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I agree with no primary doctor...

I put doctors in the same category as lawyers. I don't own a big business, nor do have a ton of legal work to go through. So why would a pay a monthly payment for access to a lawyer I never use?
And its the same with a doctor. I don't have any health issues right now, I don't have any reason to get constant check ups. So why would I pay for a primary care physician if I don't need it?

The whole world is going towards a economic method in which people pay for what they need at the moment, and decide about the future when it comes...

Prepaid phone bills, "Rent to Own", and Uber are great examples of how people attempt to save money by only paying for what they need at the moment...

If you don't think you need your lawnmower any more, then give it right back via "Rent to Own". If your in the city why pay for a vehicle when it's cheaper to get one of the hundreds of taxi/Ubers available.

I believe it's a great way to do business. Buy what you need, and don't waste money on something you may not need in the future...

News Item1/21/19 1:21 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The debt in the this country will be part of it's downfall...

The greatest country today is also the greatest in debt. So much so, that there is simply no way to pay it back. That is the purpose of Keynesian economics (which is the model we follow officially). Make the debt so high, so quick, that there is no way to pay it back. "Live for the now!" was Keynes way of doing economics.

And so, when we reach the point of complete disaster, and the people are desperate for a fix, Communism will come along. They will proclaim "peace and safety!". All the people have to do is work for free, and the government will provide all your needs.

You will have full tummy's, your media addictions will be provided, and all you have to do in exchange, is follow what the Communist say...

Some day that will beπŸ‘ŽπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³βš°οΈ

News Item1/21/19 1:09 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Certainly better than Facebook, Twitter, etc. At least for one on one conversation.

Texting is another great option for conversing...

News Item1/20/19 1:36 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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This border stuff is just a big blame game...

The Democrats and Republicans are simply trying to end the shut down be shifting the blame to the other party...

It will be interesting to see who gets the blame in the end...

News Item1/20/19 1:34 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Been knowing it for years...

News Item1/20/19 12:57 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Missing Link?

Well if we are related to monkeys, than oppossums are related to weasels...

Just because something looks the same, doesn't mean they are related. It's a very ignorant way to categorize things, especially in the light of modern genetics testing, and powerful microscopes. God has the right to use similar designs in His Creation, without them being related.

A common design, just means a common Creator...

News Item1/19/19 11:37 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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"We know that every life has meaning"
Donald Trump

Except when Congress puts a funding bill on you desk, and Planned Parenthood gets 500 million of it...

News Item1/18/19 2:47 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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It's interesting to see a little picture, via these Nordic countries, how the
world may look someday...

When the governments are crying out "we need more babies!" and the citizens are too selfish and self absorbed to care...

Meanwhile the Muslims (who have 7 children on average) are quietly taking over the world...

Enjoy your selfish little lives, America, cause your descendants won't...

News Item1/16/19 4:40 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*aren't being wolves in sheep's clothing

News Item1/16/19 4:39 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I'll tell you why young people are dropping out of church...

Cause those young people aren't saved! At least they are being wolves in sheep's clothing who stay in church.

The scriptures tell that the way is narrow, so if the whole world was going to church, we would know MOST of them were in the same boat as the who ones don't go...not saved.

News Item1/16/19 4:35 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I didn't know you had that many degrees Doc...

I thought you were still working on your "MOUNTAIN KIN"dergarten diploma...

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