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News Item8/9/19 12:09 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I've never heard of this treatment before, but if the main stream medical field is against it, than it at least needs a try out...

I have quite a few allergies myself. Soy, corn, and harsh chemicals...

During the long years of figuring them out, I have come to the conclusion that it is really a issue of genetics. My ancestors have pretty much come from Europe. And before the world participated in mass trading with other countries, the Europeans never ate corn (from North America) or soy (only from Asia). So to me that could explain why I am not able to eat these products. Just like many Asians are not able to digest cows milk...

Of course none of this is conclusive, but it has got me wondering if genetics has a lot to do with it...

Our culture is filled with harmful, and toxic food right now, in the shelves of Walmart. The only reason they are allowed to sell it is because but doesn't kill you within a day. As in the times of unsanitary open markets, to the unregulated general stores of the 1800s, to today. We have to be wise and cautious in what we feed these temples of the Holy Spirit...

News Item8/8/19 4:59 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Classic haters of God talk...

Our spiritual forefathers faced the abuse of Roman emperors and Lord's...

The reformers were tortured and killed for the Faith...

And at the moment the liberals are portraying in movies, what the haters of God have done for forever. Try to destroy the slightest trace of Christianity from the land. Of course we know they are wasting their time...

This is all just the beginning of the persecution they want to bring. If only we can continue the fight in politics, and preaching the gospel, before it turns back to the days of physical persecution Christians have experienced in the past...

News Item8/6/19 1:11 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*Newer RVs and oppossom BBQ is all we need to catch up with the nation...

News Item8/6/19 1:10 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Living in a RV in California. Sounds like misery to me...

But down here in Sippy, your lucky if get an old Chevy Astro to live in...

If only they could take those old, rusted RVs and move them here, we would be living the high life...


News Item8/5/19 10:09 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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One of the biggest issues with the millennials is their lack of commitment...

Having friends is not a passive, inconsiderate thing. You can't just turn it on and off like a phone, or Xbox console. It take effort, care, and sensitivity, and you have to be willing to go outside of yourself to grow the relationship...

I think this concept they have, of being lonely, is partially self created simply because they are too selfish and self absorbed to pursue the challenge of having a good friend. This is probably why the millennials are not getting married either. The amount of commitment it takes to be married is even more than having a friend. When you go from caring only for yourself, to completely giving yourself over to the care and growth of your spouse, your dealing with an enormous change that this generation is simply not willing to commit too...

And only time will tell what consequences we'll get from this pattern...

News Item8/4/19 1:48 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Video games...

Must anything else be said?...

News Item8/3/19 2:19 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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For the middle class to have to go deep into debt to stay middle class, than one would think they aren't there anyway...

The issue here is that Americans are constantly wanting the bigger and the better. Just because Chevy changes the Tahoe design doesn't mean you need to bring in your 8 year old car to get it. The reason this is happening is because we have been taught and told to be slaves to the lender. Work your body and life into ruin and in exchange you get to drive a car that has cooler lights than the last model...

I personally don't see it as worth it...

Give me a paid off, used car, and clothes I can call my own (and not be paying for them 20 years later) and that is where you find contentment...

Being content with your belongings doesn't mean let them fall apart either. Keep the car clean, even give it a new paint job if it needs it. Don't let the old house fall apart. Give all the care it needs, and to me, that is actually part of being content. Appreciating what God has given you and taking delight in caring for it. That is where true contentment is found...

News Item8/3/19 11:43 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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So I guess they don't go to Chick-fil-A on Saturday...

News Item8/2/19 8:42 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I hate all this racism penetrating the nation...

Why did people pick skin color as the pedestal to stand on? Why not hair color? Or eye color?...

The blacks and the whites in our country are more race conscious than the sixties I believe. And it's not getting any better with the democrats screaming for restitution (more votes in disguise) on one side, and the white supremacists on the other...

The Bible never categorizes people by skin, but only by nation. That is something we could certainly learn from, if we want to get rid of the divisive race problems we have here...

News Item8/2/19 11:00 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Companies get what is coming to them...

If McDonald's started to run adds about "toxic fast food" people would most likely be smart enough to realize they are eating trash. Companies usually don't cause there own downfall in a direct manner like they have done. I guess when you live in a cultural stupidity craze with the stuff. They do things like this...

Not that it affects me anyway...

I have been using oppossom teeth to shave for years...

News Item8/1/19 2:56 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The only thing evolving in this world is the ideas men develop to rebel against God...

Evolution gave the consciences of millions of God-haters a temporary balm, since it was created. And when people finally come to realization that evolution won't help them deny the existence of God, they'll create something else...

The problem in the science community today is not evolution, it's the denying of the Lord as the creator of all...

I can't imagine what they will think up next...

News Item8/1/19 2:50 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Makes total sense...

The Democratic party is based off a age old problem people have been playing since the begining...


Why work for something when you can just vote for someone who will take from someone else for you. These Democratic candidates know all they are promising won't happen, but they also know if they play the "free stuff" card with a world filled with sinners their bound to get somewhere...

News Item7/31/19 3:31 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Being "Just a younger Guy" I definitely see this stuff from a different lense than the older people on here. I don't remember a time without some form of a cellphone, or type of computer (if box computers are still considered one)...

The leap people have made in not just technological hardware but software is amazing. Who would have thought you could download a 3 gb movie in 5 seconds (5G network speeds), have a phone with 1000 gb of space, five cameras, and under display fingerprint scanners. It almost seems like science fiction looking back 50 years...

But it makes me wonder how much of our lives will we sell to the tech masters of Google, Facebook, and Windows. Are we willing to depend on the God-haters of this world to commune with the church, or respect those who pass away?...

I definitely think we should be careful in how much of physical life we are willing to replace for an OLED screen...

Tech is a great tool for the impersonal parts of life like business, banking, movies, and research. But when it comes to the personal things like funerals, church, of talking to others we should only use it for the times when it's not possible to do it another way...

News Item7/29/19 9:37 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Wayfarer says...
war games in the US show that China’s military could defeat the United States without any ability for a secondary response."

The problem is that China couldn't invade our country in the foreseeable future...

If you do some research on the Chinese military, you would find that they are very defense based. They have not designed their army for conquest, but rather to defend what is theirs. They only have 1 aircraft carrier (we have 11) and they do not have ready-to-go fighting forces on every continent like we do. I am not saying that it would be a easy fight, for us or anyone else, but they are the not giant they want everyone to think...

They also are very dependant on economic boost's from trading with other countries (like all communist countries) and would be extremely hard hit if all trade just stopped. Just look at all the trading they are willing to with us in spite of the tariff's (billions of dollars worth). It would certainly be an interesting and terrible time if it came to war...

News Item7/29/19 9:26 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Our culture has given people the luxury to be idle and stay alive. Back in the day, if you didn't work your head into a spin, the corn wasn't watered and you didn't eat...

Or society is filled with idle, lazy, fat slobs who only want to play video games and eat oppossom steak. They are perfectly willing to let others do the physical work (because someone has to do it, as it doesn't just disappear) and eat off the backs of others...

What is that setting us up for? A culture that becomes so dependant on Uncle Sam, that when he fails (because you can't support 100% of the people since no would be working) our society goes into economic, technological, physical collapse...

What a day that'll be...

News Item7/28/19 3:07 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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These falling away stories remind of how God uses all things for good..

Joshua Harris's book are still written from a biblical perspective, and even though he apparently isn't a Christian at the moment (nor ever was), God still used him to bring people to a biblical understanding of boy/girl relationships...

Back in 2014 another leader of the followers of Christ fell and pretty much forsook everything he believed in. His near 20 years of books, videos, lectures, and ministry was thrown to the wayside for the things of this world. What he is now doesn't affect his great discipleship materials in the slightest. And as with Josh Harris, God uses all things for the Good of those who love Him. Even to the point of using great writers, passionate speakers, and amazing organizers that aren't saved. But still write things that can encourage and lift up his people...

News Item7/27/19 10:37 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Jim Lincoln is here to incite frustration. He gives himself a pat on the back every time someone responds to his post. I don't respond to his post for that reason, it is encouraging him to post more...

News Item7/27/19 4:22 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Adriel says...
It seems that parent ability, spare time and funding are difficult hurdles to overcome in homeschooling."

Those are the three big things that discourages people from homeschooling here too...

Parent ability: Parents are so afraid because they think they have to to take the place of the dozens of teachers teaching all the different subjects a kid learns. When really, all their job is, is to be a administrator. Your textbooks are what are teaching your kids. Your job is to check work (with a answer key) and make sure they don't fall behind. Not be a teacher, otherwise you wouldn't need a textbook...

Spare time: This boils down to a different problem which is two income families. Mother's have not been given the job to provide, their job is to train/educate the children. So to solve this issue, mom's need follow God's design for families, and be willing to stay home and educate the next generation for God's glory. She'll have plenty of time if she so not under the authority of another man working...

Funding: This could be solved with a calculator, adding up the cost associated with bringing your kid to "free school" and comparing it to the books you will need to homeschool. Most of the time they are nearly the same or significantly less on the homeschool

News Item7/27/19 4:06 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Adriel asked...
Clearly you are saying that Government has an influence controlled in some respect by funding?"

In the US we have 100% funded, controlled, and administered Government schools. Most of US kids go to these schools since they are tuition free...

Then we have a group of schools that are semi funded or not funded at all by the government. They are private schools, Christian schools, or Charter schools. To get in you have to pay for it and they are generally more unique in their choice of curriculum for the kids. But they are still monitored by the state and federal governments in one way of the other...

And then you have homeschools. We are not funded by anyone, and each house, really has there own curriculum unique to each child in the family, and what they need for their maximum learning potential. Of course each state has different requirements for homeschooler's. Some states say you need a yearly, written form describing what you are teaching. Some states require yearly test to see if the kids are at level with public schoolers. And then some (like Mississippi) only need the name and age of your child each year...

News Item7/27/19 12:42 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*The only way a generation will change is Godly parents stepping up and taking back their job of training their children not a wicked government...
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