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News Item7/27/19 12:41 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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We should be doing all we can to raise children in Godly manner, not to save them, but to be faithful and obedient to God's commands. And I personally think that homeschooling is a very important aspect of keeping those commands...

I really don't like the phrase "homeschooling" though. The only reason we say that, is because we need to distinguish ourselves from the public school system, so it becomes a home school...

For most of history parents were the ones who had the sole right to educate their children. One of the biggest benefits of this was that no single wicked idea could easily change the next generation. To get people on your side, you had to convince every single person to your idea, and make them throw away a life of being taught by their parents. But now, with the inventon of schools, you have a concentrated society that can be manipulated at those crucial years of intellectual growth...

The only way this nation can change is by changing the minds of the next generation. And to do that you don't "retake" the schools through "child evangelist", you get rid of them entirely. You give the job of education back to the parents, the ones who love their children more than anyone. The only way a generation will change ins Godly parents stepping up a taking back thei

News Item7/27/19 12:23 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Wayfarer Pilgrim says...
The balance is parents raising children must take godly children. I have known homeschooled kids who go onto becoming wonderful responsible adults."

Very true. Many people think that if they raise children right, they will become right. When really, you could raise a child in the most biblical manner you can put forth and he can become the most wicked apostate you can imagine...

Knowing that God is in control of all things and has chosen each and every one of His children (Calvinism) is crucial to raising a family in a Godly and right-minded way...

Understanding that homeschooling, protection from the world, and a Godly church don't save your child is really comforting, and takes the impossible bruden of salvation off your mind, and into God's hands, where they have been all along...

News Item7/27/19 12:05 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The biggest point in see in this story is the noble rescue because a disobedience to the laws...

Sort of an irony in the story really. Cities put up laws like two red flags for a reason. We need to obey the laws put in our country as long as they don't compromise our biblical beliefs. Another big one to me is speed limits. Massive amounts of time and math were put into giving roads (based off their curvature and width) a max speed limit. And people wonder when they fly out of control going 60 in a 30...

If we just obeyed these very simple laws a little better, we could avoid these horrible and tragic accidents...

News Item7/26/19 9:44 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Dr. Tim asked
Good point about JAG and BDF, QC. I’d love for them to weigh in on this"

I'll catch in tomorrow on this one...

We are welcoming home the 12th sibling from the hospital. It was a great birth for our mom, and our new brother Prescott. There are now 9 boys and 3 girls. Praise to the Lord for his goodness!🙏

News Item7/22/19 11:55 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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QC says...
My sense is that this is all about guilt. We're guilty because we were born whatever race. We're guilty because we grew up to be in a particular socio-economic status. We're guilty because we produce carbon dioxide, use plastic soda straws, plastic grocery bags, etc. And now we're supposed to feel guilty about using TP. "

Excellent point 👍

The libs love nothing more than playing the guilt trip game. To them it's the best way to trick the masses into doing what they want. And what do they want? Complete, total, and deep control over all people. Even down to how much toilet paper you can use a day...

News Item7/21/19 9:28 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Of course they are afraid. Christianity destroys the sinful pleasures of the flesh. God haters, be they communist, dictators, or socialist, will do all they can to destroy any recongition of God...

Little do they know, that the more they persecute God's people, the stronger, and more refined the church becomes. It's a loosing battle...

News Item7/21/19 12:39 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Recruiting issue!?!?

I certainly don't see any problems with the army lacking soldiers. If anything all we will do send these ignorant, socially underdeveloped, 16 year olds to police the world...

I would say that our army has more than enough soldiers to protect our borders, which is the only thing that the government has the jurisdiction to do anyway...

News Item7/18/19 12:57 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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My hope is that he is Christian, because otherwise all he is doing is just waste...

When the apostle Paul said that we are the most to be pitied, if Christ wasn't true, he was telling the truth...

Mocked, "disciplined", abused, loosing rights; if it's not all for Christ, then we are certainly the most of all creatures to be pitied...

It's a comfort to know that no matter what happens down here, God is looking from up there. All the things that happen are kept in a detailed, carefully written book, and that Book of Judgement will be opened and all those who don't know him (including those moral non-believers) will be judged for their persecution against God's people...

News Item7/18/19 12:49 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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My grandma actually told me about this app yesterday. We had some fun group texting over it...

I look at every portal to upload things to the web as potential that it will be used without my permission. I just don't upload anything that I would worry about...

If the Russians want a picture of me standing next to a wall, I guess they can have it..

News Item7/16/19 8:25 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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There is an extremely simple idea to get rid of child abuse in these schools. All the way to %100...

Bring the kids home!

I never understood why missionaries are willing to go save the world, and dump there own flesh and blood to the nearest missionary boarding school...

If you are not willing to disciple and train your own children, don't waste your time going out discipling, and training others...

If it takes disobeying God's law for your child rearing, to obey another of His commands, your doing it the wrong way...

News Item7/16/19 11:27 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Basic point of economics...

Things that are free are not considered valuable in the eyes of an employer. And when it's free education, they basically expect you to have done it, and have some other incentive that makes you better than the next man...

News Item7/16/19 11:26 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Once again this roots down to the problem we have had since Adam. Man doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions...

These candidates certainly didn't have any problem taking other peoples money to go to school, and they don't have any problem taking more people's money to pay it back...

An interesting point about this idea that the government should pay for college is that it will then become like highschool. Back in the days of one roomed school houses the Fed only payed for elementary school. So those who went to highschool were considered "educated". Then, we they started paying for highschool, college graduates were the educated ones. And if they pay for college, the holders of masters degree will be the educated ones...

News Item7/15/19 11:07 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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It's a shame really...

All these poor people never seen a oppossom cry...

News Item7/15/19 7:11 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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John UK says...
I've not seen a possum ever."

Then come on over to the South. We'll make sure you see enough oppossom to make you want to play oppossum to get out of here...

Of course we won't really have to do much, since the roads are littered in fine oppossom burgers, and steaks...

News Item7/14/19 11:46 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The issue here is a culture that lacks self control big time...

We will continue to see statistics like this until our society goes back to biblical rules, one of which is the discouragement of drunkenness...

News Item7/14/19 11:40 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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If it was somehow proven, they would just make it into an idol...

News Item7/12/19 1:51 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Good for Robert Foster. I'll have to send him a good-will gesture oppossum burger...

I think all men should avoid being alone with any woman other than his wife, at all times.

It's not really a question if it's the safer model or not. It's a matter of avoiding the chance of a lifelong stain that was thrown on you, vs being safe...

And this is not an issue of the "Me too" movement either. The things Rep Foster is trying to avoid have been happening for the history of the world. Just go ask Joseph if he would have liked to avoided the confrontation with Potiphar's wife...

I would certainly do the same thing if I was in his position 👍

News Item7/12/19 1:42 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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As Christians we are the ones who have taken in the sick, the unwanted, the orphans, and the widows. Historically it has always been the Christian who have given the most in genuine love and help to those in need...

But we have to be careful and wise in how we apply this. No one in their right mind would care for a injured tiger in there house. Just so we should not be taking refugees from worn torn countries without some type of safety protocol...

Lets give these image bearers of God food, clothing, and shelter so they can come in and abuse us, steal, and be a general weight on society. That is not wisdom in any way...

We have the chance to avoid what Europe is going through with the Muslims if we do the refugee thing right, or really, not do it at all..

News Item7/10/19 12:27 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Right for sure QC. Like being non-racist is a matter of percentages based off the average race break down in the given area.

Not being racist is a matter of the heart. It stops there and has nothing to do with percentages or anything of that sort. Nor will having perfectly integrated churches solve the problem...

The only racist I have noticed on here is the one from Nebraska who sits in his basement eating cool ranch Doritos, while looking for any way to stir up trouble...
🧒🧒🏻🧒🏼🧒🏽🧒🏾🧒🏿 all 1

News Item7/9/19 10:32 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*brown humans.
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