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News Item8/2/2020 2:08 AM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Even though this has only happened once, it will embolden those weaker Antichrists to suddenly gain the courage to act out worse.

Still waiting on that justice from our crippled government.

News Item8/2/2020 2:02 AM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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The first error was to let a woman 'teach'.
The last and final error is anything that comes out of her accursed mouth.

Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

News Item7/31/2020 1:44 AM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Frank wrote:
I have always said that politicians only regulate the murder of innocent children, but they don't stop it.
I believe politicians are all victims of their own sinful lust and that such a public position is never compatible with Christianity.

Even with that being said, your comment is immensely sobering to me.

News Item7/30/2020 2:46 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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'Georgia and Tennessee will defend pro-life laws'...apparently, I have no idea what 'pro-life' means, as I thought it would mean completely abolishing abortion.
Well... I guess I'm not 'pro-life' then.

Maybe I should stop daydreaming that human government itself isn't one big murderous machine; where justice is brutal, while still being barren.

News Item7/29/2020 1:50 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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I have severe issues with: MacArthur selling Bibles with his name on them, not believing the ending of Mark, saying someone can take the mark of the Beast and then flip-flopping without taking responsibility, etc, etc, etc...

Yet I'm glad he is finally standing up to open government oppression.
(Stand your ground old man; you were extremely fortunate enough to be taught by the solid KJV pastors of old, which are now a myth.)

The Constitution is toilet paper at this point; grab your freedom wherever you can.

News Item7/25/2020 9:11 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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This is the equivalent of the 700 Club...
check out Mohabat TV (the ones reporting the large numbers of supposed new Christians), there's Joyce Meyer and who knows what others in the Iranian language.
I say the number is not true, based on their weak testimony by broadcasting someone like Meyer.

News Item7/24/2020 9:48 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Due to all this constant type of news, I'll soon be in a government-sanctioned 'health center' rocking back & forth in a dark corner muttering:
"The wheat from the chaff. The wheat from the chaff. The wheat from the chaff..."

News Item7/20/2020 2:48 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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We are getting a better and better knowledge of what it truly means to be a stranger and pilgrim on this earth.
And this cleansing of history, despite making the world darker, has God's light of truth shine brighter.

Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

News Item7/20/2020 2:39 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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What a strange ministry, and of course needing money.
Whatever happened to the Holy Bible and your local pastor?
Do ministries that cater and specialize to specific perverse sins even need to be around?
What a rotten age we live in.

News Item7/20/2020 2:30 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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The Counter Reformation is still alive, as verified by this man's life.
Being Calvinist inclined, I do not need this Roman Catholic opportunist to stand up for Biblical truth.
Calvin may have failed in many regards, yet God used him greatly.
Packer may have failed in many regards, yet apostate Roman Catholicism used him greatly.

James 2:1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.

James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

News Item7/16/2020 5:28 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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This video is the same as Satan quoting Scripture, as they are openly trying to manipulate Christians.
There is no 'Scripture' here; in Text or thought.
One 'man', thoroughly emasculated enough to submit to this kind of propaganda, quotes the NIV which I do not consider Scripture. Nor the RSV 'Bible' that Trump held up in front of that apostate church.
It's ALL so rotten.

I'm extremely critical of Trump and despise what he has done; yet this video MAKES me want to vote for Trump.

There is a perverse spirit behind this, most definitely.

News Item7/15/2020 2:35 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Gargano wrote:
They came for the music, not for the sermons to which they fall asleep to. Now that there is no singing, there is nothing that attracts them.
The carnal physical attraction has been destroyed for the moment.
Unfortunately, the flashy videos of dead churches that only care about Mammon and numbers, are still available for godless modern Christians to watch on the portable idol in their hands.

News Item7/15/2020 2:26 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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[My apologies to others for possibly distracting too much from the news topic.]

Frank: I appreciate your personal conviction and advice on being tactful.
Your ideas about Trump are not what I'm critical of, as they are logical and make sense.
Others often only bring up the fear of Socialists taking over, in order for me to take Trump's side. Well, I believe the Socialists have taken over; with Massachusetts and mandatory healthcare for all, overflowing welfare, leftism abounds in personal life, etc.
There's an 'abomination of desolation' within critical thought these days and our language has been breaking down. Perhaps this is like the Tower of Babel in a way. Well, God has come down in the form of the Gospel to exact judgment.

The Quiet Christian: Your Presbyterian breakdown is insightful.
I'm desperate to find a good Reformed Baptist church. The only one near me which is amazingly KJV/Textus Receptus (great for me) yet he is constantly, actually relentlessly, pushing a weird doctrine. (I would use the 'h' word, yet I think I've been censored for saying it.)
Thanks for the Aquila Report suggestion. I check in every so often. ReformationCharlotte is one that recently came to my notice, as the leftist and subversive r/Reformed (Reddit) recently banned the site.

News Item7/14/2020 7:26 PM
hey_yo | wilderness  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Frank wrote:
I agree and thanks for your reply. I am a stranger and alien in this lost and fallen world. My only true allegiance is to my Lord and Savior. I notice you were being censored lately, but I didn't see why.
I compared Trump to a 'type' of the Antichrist. (The infamous Root re-tweets.)
And then posed the question about a Christian's discernment... any Christian's, on the matter. I try to have the utmost respect for any soul I encounter. If I did not have any 'love' for strangers on here, I would not speak out or challenge them.

Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Also, everything is happening so fast that it feels like there is almost no time for pleasantries. The truth must be spoken and with urgency.
For instance: I listen to pastors like Sam Adams of Independence Baptist Church... even though I am what is called a Calvinist. Adams called the protests outright riots, which is what they are; and condemned BLM. (A month before others.)
And then I turn to conservative Presbyterian pastors and many are completely like this:
'Let's have a robust dialogue with these protesting fellows.'
The world is literally burning and leading men want to dialogue with the Devil.

News Item7/14/2020 4:28 PM
hey_yo | wilderness  Find all comments by hey_yo
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Well said Frank, and would even add that too much praise of the state, and workers of the state (military, police, etc.), is idolatry as well.

My comments have been censored lately, despite being more tame than others.

Frank wrote:
A lot of us know this and support this thought. No elected politician will ever say any of the following because if they did, they would not be elected.
Abortion is murder and should be prosecuted.
Homosexuality in any form is an abomination to our heavenly Father and all those who “practice” this will undergo His wrath.
The feminist movement is evil in all its forms.
Greed is idolatry.
Christianity is not an inclusive religion.
We all draw lines, these are the cultural ones I have drawn. Any elected official cannot be a practicing born again Christian.
Let me know if you disagree with my thoughts.

News Item7/14/2020 12:50 PM
hey_yo | wilderness  Find all comments by hey_yo
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I don't want to understand the evil mindset of the lawless governors.
And I don't want to understand the MAGA mindset of defending Trump. (The red hats people wear remind me of the 'mark' on the forehead; as well as the hive mentality which is exactly like the leftists.)

Someone needs to take charge and enforce law and order.
We all know who that individual will inevitably be.

News Item7/11/2020 12:28 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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The people, who are no longer God's people, by reason of rejecting Jesus, are mysteriously protected by someone-or something-else.

News Item7/11/2020 12:24 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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News Item7/9/2020 9:34 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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News Item7/9/2020 5:25 PM
hey_yo | North East  Find all comments by hey_yo
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