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News Item11/23/18 10:20 AM
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To Plain-
I guess the problem is going along with the Roman Catholics to that end. You do realize that their eucharist is at the crux of christmas and there would be no christmas without it?
Would you have followed suit after witches?
Oh wait, that's what we have essentially done. The RCs stole it from them.
Truth is not open to private interpretation. Truth is not subjective.
When RC s say "merry christmas", it is all about the perpetual re-offering up of Christ as the eternal victim. Why do you join in? It's their expression.
Why do we insist upon putting Christ back in the manger? ...hmm..kinda like sticking Him back on the cross..very RC.
The Bible says that we are to proclaim his death until He returns..not his birth.

News Item11/22/18 1:13 PM
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christmas came from the Roman Catholics.
If they didn't "christianize" an existing pagan celebration, Christians wouldn't be celebrating it today. That's pretty basic.
I give you the benefit of the doubt as to your naivete regarding it but Scripture does not allow for esteeming a Roman Catholic "holy day" any day.
We certainly wouldn't make up a so-called holy day and borrow terms like "coven" or use swatiskas and attach the name Jesus or Christ to them even if we meant well in so doing.

News Item11/22/18 10:01 AM
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The article reads; "Many Americans do not grow up thinking much of the history behind the holiday," the event description states.

Nor do they care. They are times for partying and festivities.

Further,most Christians don't consider that we have no "holy days" but still follow the Roman Catholic pattern for them which leaves many former Roman Catholics who have come to Christ, puzzled.

News Item11/22/18 9:55 AM
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Ironically,if we had followed after the pilgrims, we wouldn't be celebrating the Roman Catholic's "christ"mas. Their eucharist is at the crux of it and they did coin the word.
More importantly, if we had followed after the disciples, we wouldn't be either.
Let's give it back to the RCs.

News Item11/20/18 10:06 AM
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Excellent comments, Chris G P.

@ Connor, who wrote:
And most of the time it is them (& not the Bible) that determines what is black & white. That’s why people I think so many young Christians who grew up in a house with such ridiculous rules go out & watch or listen to things that are clearly against scripture,

I think that you would not care for what the Scripture says in regards to what is acceptable or pleasing.
Naked, for instance, in Scripture and what is appropriate dress for people would be ill received for those who have many "gray areas".
I think the reason that these things are difficult to figure out for most is because they are blind to what the Bible says.
For those who go out and watch things that are against their upbringing,..they are simply following after their own's a sin problem...not a "victim" of strict upbringing issue.
People who love the Lord desire to follow Him in all areas...not a burden but a privilege.

Our nation has just slipped further from where it began its downward spiral long ago.

News Item11/17/18 2:14 PM
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Thank you Christopher for your input.
Maybe I missed something...but I didn't see a holier than thou attitude in Susan's post.
Judgment begins at the house of the Lord.
I think that one would have to be blind to not see Judgment upon us.

News Item11/17/18 10:34 AM
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Did your husband shoot the deer in self-defense or for the fun of it?
I always thought that hunting would be more of a "sport" if hunters would actually go after something more threatening like a polar bear or the like.
Where is the sport in taking on defenseless animals?

News Item11/16/18 4:35 PM
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1 Peter 3:21

“The like figure where unto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:â€

I see "lgbt" has added another letter, "i". Which letter of the alphabet will be next?

News Item11/16/18 4:26 PM
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I don't see examples of winos and the like being rejected,John,as much as the pressure to be "inclusive" of sodomites and the like in ministry...anything but a loving gesture on the part of the true church.
While practicing sinners may come,they, of course,shouldn't be welcome while in their sin (i.e. someone drinking alcohol,smoking pot,not covering themselves,etc.)
If one is not covered, a covering could be provided for them.
Even businesses have some regulations as to what is allowable.
Adults shouldn't be allowed to run around in public exposing themselves in front of children or expressing public displays of affection,for instance much less in a church.

News Item11/10/18 10:52 AM
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James Thomas-
Wine in the Bible may be alcoholic or juice. The word "wine" in contemporary times means booze but that wasn't always the case. The word "drink" ,for example, can mean alcohol or non depending on the context in which it is used.

News Item11/7/18 10:15 AM
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Cultural differences are irrelevant when it comes to the Bible.

Matthew 7:13

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:â€

Being what some consider "radical" is, more often than not, just being Scripturally sound.

News Item11/6/18 10:28 AM
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Christopher, He could just as easily have been drinking juice. I don't see in that passage where he actually was drinking alcohol.
A pastor sitting down with others who are drinking alcohol does give an appearance of evil.
We can evangelize people without having to be present during their participation of sin.
Jesus, didn't have to go to a brothel to reach prostitutes, for example.
It's also unlikely that He was engaging sinners while they were getting drunk.
Psalm 1

News Item11/6/18 10:18 AM
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If he would receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he would be cleared of all of his misdeeds, including, his drunken

News Item11/5/18 4:45 PM
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First, I looked up the greek word for abstain and found it in the Strong's Concordance.
For more specifics, I found the following:

...this was very helpful for those who would like to suggest that being sober was just figuratively and restricted to just being vigilant.
There is a different word used for that in Scripture.
No one has explained how one may drink alcohol without looking upon it to do so.
Nor has anyone given Scripture to support the "fact" that Jesus drank alcohol rather than what could have been juice.
The accusation of Him being a wine bibber isn't a sound argument as we know that He wasn't a glutton either and clearly, the accusation was false.

News Item11/5/18 1:55 PM
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The greek word used is:
Strong's Concordance
néphó: to be sober, to abstain from wine
Original Word: νήφω
Part of Speech: Verb

Abstinence is not moderation.
It could be given to people who were perishing (as an anesthetic) but that is definitely not an argument for alcohol.
And since a little wine was recommended for Timothy to help his stomach, I doubt that "wine" in that case was alcohol as that would have exasperated his condition. Of course, even if that was the case, it would have been greatly diluted.

Since juice was also called "wine" in the Bible, how is it that people are dogmatic about Jesus drinking alcohol then?
And is He not a King and Priest?
Are we not?

News Item11/5/18 10:53 AM
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Youth in Asia,
Matthew 7:14
Not everyone who professes to be Christian is.
For those who advocate drinking "moderately",how many of you dilute your booze of choice with, at least, 4 parts more of water?
How do you avoid looking at the wine when it is red, if you don't?
I didn't realize that our drinking water was comparable to that way back then.
If we need to take the edge off, we do have the Comforter...we don't need southern comfort or any other drinks from hell. Maybe that's what's "southern" about it. I don't think that it's a coincidence that alcoholic drinks are also called "spirits".

News Item10/1/18 10:22 AM
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Thank you, Christopher, for your gracious words.
Thank you, Unprofitable...just read your post.
Country Boy, "maning" up was probably not the word you wanted but is more fitting.
"Manning" was probably the word you had in mind.
I heard this guy ranting in his defense of Kavanaugh ... sounds like he needs the Lord. People who sling words like "hell" around in common speech with in an arrogant demeanor are not very Christ-like.

News Item9/29/18 2:54 PM
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The time which he couldn't put the pieces together after partying was also the time he fell out of the bus which he had rented.
According to his testimony, he drank more than a couple of beers.
Based on his testimony,one could conclude that he drank a lot throughout his years.
...not righteous indignation just citing an inconsistency with his testimony.
He should be embarrassed for his children in this regard.
Obviously, he needs prayer. He actually believes that all of his accomplishments and having a "good name" based on worldly standards in this life matter.
Sad. His perspective is so narrow.
Only the things done for Christ in this life carry any weight.

News Item9/29/18 10:05 AM
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Hi Christopher,
There was an incident in which he had been so drunk that he had specifically said that he needed help in "putting the pieces together" as to what had all transpired.
He had expressly stated earlier that there had been NO such incidents when he had been drinking that he had forgotten all or partially of anything.
This was the inconsistency.
He clearly lied and for this alone, should be disqualified but,of course, will probably go on and "prosper" as do most all crooked politicians. Masons and jesuits all "have one anothers backs".
Hopefully, he will know the Lord one day before he answers to the Judge who really matters.
This democrat vs. republican deal is a distraction and really of no effect. They are all pretty much on the same side. One is either lost or found. A party affiliation is immaterial.

News Item9/28/18 3:35 PM
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Lurker, he gave it in his lengthy testimony after listing all of his "great works".
He is a jesuit/catholic as are most of the people running the country.
I would be very surprised if he didn't get appointed.
If people were disqualified because of lies,then I guess that would have ended it there.
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