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News Item1/15/19 2:03 PM
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Thanks,Christopher. I know that there could be the tendency to avoid rainbows because of the perversion by them but there really shouldn't be. I think that we shouldn't call sodomites and homosexuals "gay" either. "Sodomite" and "homosexual" suffice.
The word "gay" is in Scripture and it certainly doesn't mean homosexual.

News Item1/15/19 10:40 AM
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Christopher, the real meaning of the rainbow has not changed just because the sodomites chose to use it. The RCs did not hijack "christmas". They did hijack the pagan observance and call it "christmas".
There is no "christmas" holy day in the Bible and "christmas" to the RC is the mass of Christ which is blasphemy.
Interesting how Satan gets so many to parrot the phrase.
Marvel comics has always been questionable any way. There are no super heroes. There is no santa claus.
Whatever they choose to do with Jesus is ultimately of no effect because...
Matthew 5:18

“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.â€
God's Word never changes.

News Item1/15/19 10:29 AM
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We are not to be physically exposed ourselves nor gaze upon others who are.
Most of what passes for entertainment,including sports, is applicable.
We shouldn't be surprised that our youth are confused with the double standard.

News Item1/14/19 2:08 PM
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Harlot or prostitute then. Most people understand whores to be a prostitutes.
You disagree that there is a double standard and that children and teens are exposed to naked people (biblically naked)people for the sake of what most people consider entertainment?
I know that a whore doesn't necessarily get paid...which is worse.
A person who does a job and exposes themselves in a sexual way is a prostitute because they are getting paid to be sensual in their appearance. They are absolutely prostituting themselves and people who watch them are accessory to their sin.

News Item1/14/19 10:32 AM
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A whore. Unprofitable, is one who gets paid for exploiting their body. If women expose themselves and get paid for doing that as part of their position/role, then they are prostitutes.
Entertainers,cheerleaders,sportscasters,weather girls,etc....who expose themselves and get paid are prostitutes. Little wonder children and teens don't get society's double standard.

News Item1/13/19 10:24 AM
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Good comment,Bible based.
The adults in this sexually saturated culture need to quit entertaining themselves with whores and whore mongers even in sports at the price of sacrificing their children over to the god of lust.

News Item1/10/19 2:15 PM
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Dolores, God can't bless this country whether the dems or reps control it. The country kills babies.
God turns people over to those things which they follow after.

News Item1/10/19 2:08 PM
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One need not look to psychology but rather to Scripture in regards to what is pleasing to God in regards to demeanor:

Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

News Item1/9/19 1:36 PM
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Unprofitable,I am not trying to re-open it just trying to address incorrect information that was stated by "getting old". "Getting" got his facts wrong in stating " 3 women who do not attend church".
Everything that needed to be say on the topic was clearly articulated and thoroughly covered.

News Item1/9/19 11:28 AM
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It seems that there is no privacy any more and since "91 one" we have been conveniently under high surveillance for "our own protection"...but even the anonymous "getting older" on a now closed thread got it wrong when saying that "3 women who do not attend church" ...kept the thread going
It's best to not say things when one doesn't know them to be true.Ironically, the one who was protesting the thread helped to shut it down by saying something that wasn't true which was the main objection to the topic at being against truth

News Item1/8/19 6:47 PM
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God addressed holy days. Christ is the fulfillment of the feasts which GOD set in place. "christmas" is not in Scripture. Man has not the liberty to create holy days.
The problem is with defining terms. We're back to subjectivity if terms are open to interpretation but the truth is that there is no holy day in the Bible that is "christmas". Going along with one is a lie.
...probably why there are always theologically incorrect naivete scenes which make use of graven images for God.
One cannot accurately give the date when Jesus was born so why make up one?...using a lie to point to the Truth is futile and non-believers see through that. Why be a stumbling block?
BO- the onus is on you not those whom you deem to be puffed up (you should really consider presuming hearts btw).
"christmas" is not in the Bible nor does a one time event constitute a regular holy day.
Ironically, those who think that they may just make up holy days (again,not civil observances,which "christmas" is not any way)are those who come across as arrogant and puffed up by setting themselves as God,deciding for themselves that which God has not revealed.

News Item1/8/19 6:48 AM
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BO- CONTEXT helps when citing verses.
He was telling those in Christ to let no one judge them in respect to holy days which they were no longer obligated to observe. You have it reversed with them still observing holy days.
Of course, you chose to ignore where God actually commands and warrants real holy days in Leviticus 23. There may be civil days which are observed but there are absolutely no HOLY DAYS for which God makes allowance.
Because God, in his wisdom left out details of the events, like DATES,by which Jesus fulfilled the real holy days and feasts,making up or going along with dates for such events created by man is adding to that which God commanded in regards to holy days.
It's not a matter of just not looking RC...though we are to come out from among them and be separate, it's a matter of regarding or disregarding what SCRIPTURE says.
Yes, John too and June, thank you for further resources and input...always gentle and sound.

News Item1/7/19 4:14 PM
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Thank you,June for your post as well. I did read it. It is so sad that the RCs have misled so many. I pray for Roman Catholics all of the time that they would see the truth. I am so encouraged to hear of those who have come out of that. What a blessing to be able to communicate with you and hear of your testimony.
Now, if only those of us who should know better would cut any and all ties with false ways, especially, for advancing the Gospel.
The traditions of men die hard. Maybe it's because of emotional and family ties but loving the truth should matter more. If we stick with the Word of God, we will never lead anyone astray and will have no regrets. There may be far more people who would be more receptive to the Gospel if we didn't go along with the world or Rome during this season. That has been my experience.

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The truth,the whole truth and NOTHING but...

News Item1/7/19 3:08 PM
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Do you say "merry christmas"? If you do, what do you mean? Do you expect a "merry christmas" parroted back to you?
Another problem is that we are not to wish everybody "God speed" even in ignorance.
As far as "christmas" being a holy day...and for worship...almost every evangelical church and,of course, the confused RCs celebrate it as such. "christmas" is probably one of the most important RC holy days.
If one is saying "merry christmas" with the purpose of meaning "happy sending of Christ" or "birth of Christ" and they are saying this on a day which they know isn't the date of Jesus' birth, they are lying.
Again, we should hear the name of Jesus as much as we have to hear "merry christmas". If people are so zealous this one time of the year to share the Gospel. Why not just share the Gospel without using a time of mass confusion for an excuse. Christians don't need RC and pagan holy days to fulfill the Great Commission. To do so is an insult to the Word.
His Word is sufficient without adding to it.

News Item1/7/19 1:56 PM
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God did declare all food clean but He did not change His holy days.
Beyond that, how does one declare Christ was sent on a date which is highly improbable? One can and should speak of Jesus' birth in Scripture but going along with a man made holy day is adding to Scripture. Saying "merry christmas" for a particular month of the year is's lying.
That is a sin.

News Item1/7/19 5:18 AM
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The only warrant for holy days (not civil day observance) is by God in Leviticus 23. Christ is the fulfillment of these feasts.
Setting up holy days or going along with those set up by man is adding to that which God oommanded.
And,obviously, if God omitted dates of events like Jesus' Incarnation, it is very arrogant to pick or going along with of man's choosing.
God was very particular and gave many details in regards to the holy days which He commanded, so why would He leave it up to man to make up details of the fulfillment of these?

News Item1/5/19 11:18 AM
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Homosexuality is not to blame for sexual abuse. Those who have been abused by those who are not homosexual would concur.
What is to blame is the sin nature and what faux pas agree upon is insignificant when it comes to veracity.

News Item1/4/19 3:21 PM
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Show me where the birth of Jesus is on the date comparable to 12/25 in Scripture before you call me names.

News Item1/4/19 2:33 PM
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Lurker, at the very least it is disingenuous...ultimately, sinful...using partial truths for the incarnation of Jesus

News Item1/4/19 9:28 AM
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Christopher...probably why it's good to just stick with Scripture without adding anything.
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