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News Item6/22/2020 2:07 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, you distort what is simple by using hyperbolic reasoning.

If there is any thing worthy of praise... think on this.

On visiting Belfast Martyr's Memorial complex the visitor gets to seeing captions with brief comments under numerous paintings, photographs and busts representing martyrs, reformers, preachers, biblical commentators, missionaries or evangelists of renown. A vivid history lesson.

Yet, never in any of that church's services iconography is preached, exalted or observed, contrarily it is dissuaded.
Where the true gospel is preached there is no chance of confusing things. Attenders know well the purpose and difference of culture derived and entrail in the true gospel from false iconography.

Know and use judgement aright, please.

The memory of the just is blessed

Yet the day of destroying the snare of the bronze serpent may arrive to any apostate church.

News Item6/22/2020 1:28 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Anonymous believer wrote:
Jim Lincoln wrote:
“Through the years, it has been just as wrong for liberals to drag religion into politics as it is for the present day conservatives to do it-- but I assume that that will not stop either group from doing that. “
Any questions?
What sort of morality the state should follow or adopt ?
Two options, their own or God's.

However, any society benefits from adhering to God's.

News Item6/22/2020 1:00 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, a 'memorial' does not necessarily include a sculpture.

The command forbidding images comes related to worship, say it forbids the bowing down to them.

You fabricate another strawman about honour.
To honour includes to hold in especial esteem for their significance under God, even in retrospect, but does not include adoration, veneration or devotion.

'love the brethren', or 'esteem those that labour among you and hold them in high esteem' are guidelines that include honour and are far away from worship which is what you fear.

To honour should not be confused with man made exaltation.

"The *memory of the just* is blessed:
but the name of the wicked shall rot."

News Item6/22/2020 5:27 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Thanks, John.
The principle of remembering is Biblical.
Honour to whom honour is due.

Sermon6/22/2020 4:09 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Religion of Atheism
Rev. Andrew Stewart
“ Accurate and timely presentation ”
Thought provoking, though this present presentation could benefit from spacing out the data, statistics, information and concepts by an extented scope of time. Perhaps the twenty-first century 'cult' of secularism versus statism would be a beneficial topic to consider too, besides another on global agendas closely attached to humanism.

News Item6/22/2020 3:32 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, you are rising humanists straw men. We are not perpetuating men, but the witness of God and his doings in the past.
No harm in this. With your kind of thinking you are aiding the efforts of leftist anarchists in their aim to clear out from our history of all traces of Biblical Christianity, morality and order.
We have a reasonable faith that has nothing to fear about order and remembrance.
The innate idol-making tendency of mere men of any age is innate in our nature, hence the second command, but this tendency only needs corrected and checked as any other against the law of God, for which your comment is worth including in the whole.
However, we hold to principle and we should not throw the baby with the dirty water as it were.
Our children benefit from tangible tokens of a real past evidencing the works of a real God, not of a god of the diest.

News Item6/21/2020 6:12 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Greetings Wayfarer Pilgrim. As an observer of American customs, it seems to me that when Americans pull down a statue of a foreign dictator in a foreign land, it raises a cheer and a big Yee Ha. But when Americans pull down a statue of a fellow American, in America, it gets a cheer from some and disdain from others.
Yes, I'm just saying that I have noticed this, and it is very much a matter of opinion as to how to define "lawless".
I always thought it was "lawless" to raise a statue, anywhere, anytime.
For example, would you justify as Christian the "Reformation Wall" in Geneva?
People in the past erected 'memorials' in remembrance of the martyrs or other good leaders in Britain, the same as the Lord ordered Israel to built a memorial with 12 stones after crossing Jordan and that was for a testimony to future generations. So the Geneva wall.

News Item6/15/2020 3:15 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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WayneR wrote:
'The sexual revolution: The triumph of the state upon the ruins of the family-the counter revolutionary biblical blueprint' C J Williams
The above book ... highly recommended by Peter Masters- Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop in the '90's ... Hard to find ...
It reads like it was written yesterday
Dear brother, it would be helpful to have this work republished in facsimile format as hardly the church will read such a compound today in one go.

We republished one of Mr Williams' pamphlets, 'The necessity of Christian Education' 15 or 20 years ago, in which he elaborates on the same topics, only to be dismissed by some leading evangelicals in NI as a 'reconstructist', and that was enough to set it aside.

Other warning works have been recently published, but they have also been dismissed as irrelevant.
One wonders if the church is passed understanding.

"... Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not;
and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, ...
But *yet in it shall be a tenth*, and it shall return,
... as a teil tree, and as an oak,
whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves:
*so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof*"


News Item6/15/2020 3:58 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Whatever history Hydroxyquinone has, so opiods, or mushroom extracts from which some antibiotics were originally discovered, have been used in different cultures for the same missuse, yet this should not discard their therapeutic use when prescribing them in the right doses avoiding the induced 'trance' stages.
Do you know that the berberage offered to Christ in his death was a narcotic-like mixture?

In short, we might arrive to similar conclusions about the staging of pandemics and vaccinations, etc, in regard to global agendas, but from different routes.

The classic germ theory is been missused with false implementations, unethical aims, mal practice, political agendas, financial gain and evil designs. Surely we are all aware of genetic ingeniering, biological weapons of mass destruction, etc.
Yet to rely on a theory that denies germ transmission is ridiculous as even the Bible does not support it.
Have you not heard of the isolation lepers were subject to in the levitical law and in the times of Christ?

Sorry but on analysing theories or propositions my professional background helps where possible to arrive to personal understanding rather than totally relying or parting from specific studies or links to the respect.

Take care

News Item6/14/2020 9:43 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Koch postulates are the standard procedure followed when testing new drugs in animals as monkeys, mice or dogs before putting them on the market.
The pathogen is isolated and the disease replicated in batches of animals with placebos. This is basic procedure.

Many drugs, not only hydroquinone, including antidepressants, have *serious* side effects as mental issues including suicidal indentation, besides other serious side effects as kidney failure, blindness or heart failure.
When mentioning 'average' meant *common* side effects of not such magnitude as light skin decoloration.
A good number of individuals have tolerated hydroquinone with lesser side effects which balanced positively against the ills of HIV or malaria for instance. Quite sorry to hear about your wife, where medical advice missed best practice perhaps.

In situ germ cultures give basic guidelines. However it is true that every metabolism can present a personal blue print reaction demonstrating individuality as it were, though generalisations might have a scope also upon which predictions can be forecasted after repeating the experiment with obvious satisfactory outcomes.

Besides history attesting to it, germ transmission is a proven reality with scientific, medical and lab fact support.

News Item6/14/2020 5:03 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Koch postulates follow the scientific method.

All drugs have a level of toxicity.
If the patient happens not to tolerate them and the risks are higher than the benefits, the proper course is to stop the intake.

Sorry, but your written communication seems disconnected and your topic sequence lacks coherence to follow your intend making dialogue quite difficult .


News Item6/14/2020 12:46 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Watchmanremo wrote:
Not sure where you are quoting. Viruses live with you not out of you. EXOSOMES.. we need to pass on bacteria one to another yes. But germ theory has never been proven. Never. And keep away from hydroxychloroquine its a trap...
Not quoting, but recalling biochemistry lessons taken in years past.

Sorry, have you ever worked in a lab handling and preparing actual germ cultures or simply are you repeating what you have heard from theorists?

There are partial truths and partial lies being sustained and this is the danger of people parrotting theories without full knowledge and understanding.

It takes more than a hearing to perceive the measure of truth in a theory, especially if it contradicts studies that have passed the test of time and are consistent with the scientific method, say, repeating an experiment consistently always brings out the same result.

Hydroxychloroquine has been in the market for long years with average side effects, but is suddenly given a bad press.

If you study drugs you will see that there are *common* side effects experimented by 1 in a 100 people, rare side effects, 1 in a 1000, and very rare side effects, 1 in 10000. These are the ones exacerbated to the front now for obvious reasons

News Item6/13/2020 4:34 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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'Self contradictory' was the term, not simply 'contradictory' as you make it to be.
That means that the narrative of the presentation contradicted itself in terms of concepts in some parts.
E.g. they said that a virus is not a living thing in one breath, only to say later that viruses are "killed by ..."

Biochemistry is an amazing science to study. For instance, there are protein-like molecules called enzymes that are needed to be 'present' at certain settings for a particular chemical reaction to occur without themselves being affected or involved.
These often circulate in fluid materials as what it seems random 'by-products' of other metabolic reactions, yet they turn up in situ when needed for that particular chemistry to take place.
Who guides this seemingly 'inert' particles of matter to such positions? They are not 'alive' yet they turn up to the needed place to be useful, doing their 'passive' job.
If we did not believe in life being sustained by the Giver of life, (Col.1) all this would not have an explanation.

There is much that is not actually known, sometimes there are guesses or assumptions, so in the matter of viruses, yet we know that their genomes are being twick in labs to enhance certain characteristics.


Sermon6/12/2020 4:48 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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How to Be Saved
Rev. Roger Higginson
“ Good, short evangelistic devotionals ”

News Item6/12/2020 1:43 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Churches needed a break, nevermind their 'pastors', so the Almighty might also:

"Bring no more vain oblations;
incense is an abomination unto me;
the new moons and sabbaths,
the calling of assemblies,
I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth:
they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them."

May the remnant come out of this purified

News Item6/12/2020 1:15 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Watchmanremo wrote:
Where can a VIRUS be found
Sorry, this comes as an unsustainable and self contradicting theory, difficult to endorse.

News Item6/12/2020 8:52 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Throughout the years, Jim Lincoln 's posting seems to belong rather to an entity or posting agency with an agenda rather than to a single individual.
How else one single person could keep up the multi facet ongoing track of endless and random liberal links without personal responsible accountability before God, thoughtful braining, soul, passion or actual conviction as a believer?

Such traits above would pertain to humans, the lack of them to a machinery.

News Item6/11/2020 9:31 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Of interest,

News Item6/11/2020 5:19 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Whatever path the trends of this world come to, the Christian holds to the assurance that,

"... he (God only) *changes the times and the seasons*:
he removes kings, and sets up kings:
he gives wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding"

And along this, patterns of conduct, trust, and ethics are also provided as here:

"Strive not with a man without cause,
if he have done thee no harm.

Envy thou not the oppressor,
and choose none of his ways.

For the froward is abomination to the LORD:
but his secret is with the righteous.

The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked:
but he bless the habitation of the just.

Surely he scorns the scorners:
but he gives grace unto the lowly.

The wise shall inherit glory:
but shame shall be the promotion of fools."


Such principles of living are true with Covid or not Covid, with revolution, oppression, or peaceful times.

News Item6/11/2020 2:25 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from,"Professor Elizabeth Bartholet's Call for a Presumptive Ban on Homeschooling"
As usual, seeking control in the name of 'safety'.
This is the tone of a nanny state
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