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News Item9/30/2020 12:07 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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Scottish universities are managed by Satanic politically correct Liberalist teachers, and bureaucrats.

So is Scotland.

What the students get in university is what they get in their home communities.

The demonic murder of the unborn child is legalised homicide in Scotland And the U.K.

Life begins at conception the only way to stop that life is to kill it. That is murder.

Abortion is taught by Satan as “women’s rights” —- A mother’s right to kill her child. You cannot get much more evil than that.

News Item9/30/2020 11:47 AM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
But then, as Christians we should not be very enthusiastic about
having women judges, and the one that was picked has seven kids who she should be taken care of, though the Cuban American one has two.
Don’t forget Jim;
According to the Book of Judges, Deborah was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible, and the wife of Lapidoth.

News Item9/29/2020 3:36 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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The problem with Churches being used by congregations is that politicians and other unbelievers do not see the “NEED” which Christians perceive in the assembly before GOD.

Unbelievers will simply think of church as a place of singing and listening to a speaker.

No real importance there!!

God and the Bible AND Church are part of the “life” of the believer and of extreme importance to everyday life and eternal life.

Unbelievers have NO idea what that actually means.

Spiritual life is of No importance to their flesh existence.

News Item9/29/2020 3:02 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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“”wrongly removed a juror for telling other jurors he had prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit and believed Brown was innocent.“”

The statement was made in conversation with the other jurors.
Not as an official statement in court.

If all he had said was that he believed the person was innocent —
Then nothing would have been said.

This case is about freedom to pray.
The “divine guidance” part is a conclusion of the judge.

Whatever situation a Christian finds themselves in — Do they have the right to pray??

Apparently not in this court.

News Item9/29/2020 2:52 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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C’mon folks come and spend your money!!!

Forget about the plagues and pestilence.

We need our profits back!!

News Item9/29/2020 6:14 AM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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“”The juror insisted he came to his conclusion based on the evidence, but the judge determined he had illegally "received guidance" from outside the trial and was relying on prayer to make his decision.“”

Apparently this judge believes that divine guidance did come to the juror.
BUT rejects divine guidance as “illegal” which is a very interesting position for US courts!!

Now is a juror allowed to pray during trials —- or not?

Does praying interfere with the process of law.?

Can we have some divine guidance on this —- Or must we trust only upon the judiciary for such guidance?

News Item9/28/2020 5:14 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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What’s upp with the app???

“Islam claims Abraham is the father of their religion, but that does not automatically mean we worship the same God. For starters, the Koran teaches that Abraham’s promised descendants come through Ishmael, not Isaac. Worse than that, the Koran does not portray Abraham’s Allah as the kind, compassionate, loving Yahweh of the Bible (Exodus 34:6–7; John 3:16).

Allah loves only those who first love him (Qur’an 3:31–32) or who do good deeds (2:195). God first loves us while we are yet sinning (I John 4:10; Romans 5:8). The Koran’s Allah and the Bible’s Yahweh are simply not the same deity with the same attributes.“ (answers in Genesis)

News Item9/28/2020 5:17 AM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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John UK wrote:
I am just getting ready to attend my fellowship as normal, at which we shall seek to hear the Spirit, study scriptures, have communion, have a time of prayer, share difficulties, bear one another's burdens, and anything else the Lord leads us to do. It is most wonderful, and goes on for a minimum of four hours, with nothing pre-planned, and no 'sermon' prepared. Therefore.....
Is that because today is Yom Kippur —- The Day of Atonement.?

News Item9/27/2020 6:15 AM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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No surprise there!!
This generation is without God.
Judges 2 refers.

News Item9/25/2020 4:07 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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John Yurich USA wrote:
It doesn't mean the Vatican in control of the Supreme Court.
"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law. The United States and the Holy See consult and cooperate on international issues of mutual interest, including human rights, peace and conflict prevention, poverty eradication and development, environmental protection, and inter-religious understanding. Since his inauguration, Pope Francis has acted as a global advocate for human dignity and justice, placing particular emphasis on the moral imperative of caring for the poor and marginalized. The United States and the Holy See enjoy a positive relationship that serves to amplify a global message of peace, freedom, and justice. The United States and the Holy See work together on shared priorities, such as promoting religious freedom and combating human trafficking."

News Item9/25/2020 3:58 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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PLEAD my cause, O Lord, I pray,
Earth and hell obstruct my way;
See against my soul they strive,
Seek my hurt, and plots contrive.

2 Shield and buckler are with Thee,
Grant protection, Lord, for me,
‘I am thy salvation,’ say,
Strengthen me to keep Thy way.

3 Inbred sin my soul annoys,
Unbelief my peace destroys,
Fiery darts the tempter flings,
Each new day a battle brings.

4 Jesus, when on earth He dwelt,
Sharpest pangs of conflict felt;
All the powers of darkness warred
With our great anointed Lord.

5 He has vanquished all His foes
For Himself, and all He chose;
His salvation is complete,
All shall worship at His feet.

6 Plead my cause and I shall be
Kept in strength and liberty;
I shall sing aloud Thy praise
Daily speaking of Thy ways.

Joseph Irons, 1785-1852‡
(Taken from Psalm 35)

News Item9/25/2020 3:33 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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Preservation of Saints.
(John 3:16)

"The last of the five points of Calvinism teaches that God preserves His people so they can never be lost. To put it simply, it means this: "Once you are saved, you are always saved."

God's Word is full of proof for this beautiful truth. And though many deny it, and tell you that you can be lost and saved many, many times, and therefore can never be sure of your salvation, the Bible says otherwise. Talking about His elect sheep, Jesus said: "And I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:28). See John 6:39, 17:2, 11,12; Romans 8:37-39; II Tim. 1:12; 4:18, etc. etc.

Some object to this doctrine because it supposedly makes men "carnally secure" in their salvation. That is, if I know nothing can make me go to hell once God has saved me, I will "live like the devil." There have been some who have used this beautiful truth as an excuse to live like the devil. But they are not Christians. Nor do they understand this truth. Because this truth also implies "PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS." Those who never fall away are saints. They are holy. And they are given power to live holy lives." (

News Item9/25/2020 2:52 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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John Yurich USA wrote:
The only thing that matters is that she is a conservative judge who is against abortion and homosexual marriage so that there is a conservative majority of judges on the Supreme Court to overturn abortion and homosexual marriage.
That means the Vatican is in control of the Supreme Court.

News Item9/24/2020 3:37 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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""Still, politicians are largely ruling out new lockdowns.""

A few days ago the UK opened up universities to get students back into study.

Today they have announced that thousands of students are now having to go into Lockdown because of coronavirus spreading among them.

This virus has a sense of humour.

News Item9/24/2020 3:02 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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""Despite what certain activists would have people believe, legalising the self-identification of gender would have brought with it a swathe of problems...""

It is ridiculous that when the chemical, metabolic and scientific facts (existential)? show it is impossible; - That the so called "Legal" position can be changed.
Are we now going to stick to reality???

Probably not.

News Item9/23/2020 3:54 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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""The Trump administration announced Monday that its sanctions on Chinese companies which use Muslim Uighur slave labor could affect up to $250 million....""

Good move by the Donald.

As we know the Biden - or the Obama administrations would never do this kind of thing to their buddies in China.
After all they have similar political ideologies.

News Item9/23/2020 3:45 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Harry and Meghan criticised after video urging Americans to vote"
Just to correct you slightly - Meghan did the urging and Harry was doing what his wife told him to do.

News Item9/23/2020 3:39 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
it would be great if we had an administration as honest as Obama's
Ha Ha.
Jim; you have a shocking sense of humour.

Putting the concept of honesty with any Democrat has to be the joke of the decade.

As for Obama - He is one of the great impersonators of politics. He impersonates a moral person all the time.

News Item9/23/2020 3:27 PM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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""One post asked friends and family to sign a petition rejecting the new Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum, while the other linked to an article discussing the prevalence of transgender ideology in children's books in American schools.""

Sadly the problem in the United Kingdom of Sodom and Gomorrah is that there is NO free speech nor freedom of religion in this satanic country.

Christians will be persecuted by the Reprobate bureaucracy of this nation, and as we have seen are indeed being persecuted for having normal moral standards.

OFSTED the civil servant run government agency for education is brain washing children in the abomination and compliance with its corruption of children and society.

GOD has taught:-
Jude :7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
11 Woe unto them!"

News Item9/23/2020 5:42 AM
Adriel  Find all comments by Adriel
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“”authorities who watch for “reactionary thoughts” or “improper remarks,” ensuring students are not taught about democracy, religion, or exposed to any criticism of the regime. Schools in China are government-controlled, and therefore communist in ideology. ...“”

Communism demonstrating its stalinesqe fear of freedom of speech, thinking and religion.

BIG BROTHER is alive and living in China.

They are an oppressed people living in a satanic despotic state.

May GOD have mercy on their souls. Amen.

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