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News Item9/9/19 11:10 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess they have already gotten over their scabies problem. Now that's something that can really get under your skin!

News Item9/8/19 5:31 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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OF course, I assume everyone knows about as a website to find books to read, especially classics that might not be in your local public library. Another one I just found is '' where I am reading 'The 39 Steps' by John Buchan.

News Item9/8/19 1:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I forgot to mention another book that may help you read the classics, "Great Books of the Christian Tradition" by Terry Glaspey.

Another guidebook, "Good Reading" by J. Sherwood Weber, is more of a secular view.

You may find it in your public library, and even the first one I mentioned, "Invitation to the Classics."

Another book I happened to find in the public library, '1000 Books You Should Read Before You Grow Up' is more about children's books, but I went through it and then read a few of them. I really felt sorry I did not read them as a kid, like Rudyard Kipling's "Kim" or "Captains Courageous."

And we can remember what Mark Twain said about the classics--books that everyone say are great but no one reads.
Add to that remark the survey results that show college graduates read only a few books after they graduate, and high school graduates even less, makes you wonder about reading books at all. You are not likely to find anyone around you to talk about the books.

In addition, there is a new podcast about the Great Books that the National Review is producing. I just listened to the episode about Walker Percy's book, "The Moviegoer" which I liked.

News Item9/7/19 4:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It will be interesting to see if the victims are mentioned in your local church's services this weekend. If they are, then some might complain the leadership is Pro-Trump, and if not, you could say they are 'Anti-Trump.'

News Item9/7/19 4:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This news item reminds me of that joke about how to tell the difference between a liberal and a conservative. In this case, the liberal doesn't like Chick-Fil-A, will not eat at Chick-Fil-A, and wants to ban Chick-Fil-A for everyone at the college.
The conservative who doesn't like Chick-Fil-A just doesn't go to Chick-Fil-A. That's it.

News Item9/7/19 4:08 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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That certainly sounds like a left handed compliment to me. I also note some sinister strands in this story. But I could be out in left field on that.

News Item9/7/19 11:24 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Check out the book, "Invitation to the Classics" that was written from a Christian perspective.
And, the website (see house symbol above this message) for the Christian Classics Ethereal Library,

News Item9/6/19 3:52 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Correction to previous comment about the Deseret Ranch in Florida. It is the largest ranch in the entire USA, over 300,000 acres, and is owned by the Mormon Church.

News Item9/6/19 3:28 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It looks like some of that pagan thinking invaded the Bible:
Acts 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring

Another issue not addressed so far is this idea of transmission--do we really retain anything of what we read?
i have seen studies that show only ten percent of what we studied in college is retained.
i was actually wondering today about why we teach people to read, since most people will not read a book after they leave high school or even college.
all they need to know is on their smartphones. in china they now use them for making purchases, got away with those nasty dirty filthy germ-carrying bills and coins. you can see that in good ol' USA too; how many retail stores are closing due to amazon giving better cheaper choices.

News Item9/5/19 5:15 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Mormons operate a very large ranch in Central Florida, Deseret Ranch. I wonder how much pollution they are generating, and whether they have 'installed' favorable Mormons in key regulatory roles in the local govt.

News Item9/5/19 2:26 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I just checked here at SA for zip code 28401 Wilmington NC area and found 3 churches broadcasting with SA. I wonder how the storm will affect them.

News Item9/5/19 12:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Have they checked the Constitution of the UK? Last time I read it online, it said this was not allowed.

News Item9/5/19 12:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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gee, last comments sounds like an ad--it has nothing to do with the story.
Happy Washingon's Birthday, while we are adding non-related comments!

News Item9/5/19 12:19 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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wow, 'jam' you sound like a robot to me!

News Item9/5/19 12:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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a story like this makes you wonder how many other things 'regulators in Utah' have let slide because the Mormon church was involved, or even Mormons were involved.

News Item9/5/19 11:53 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Certainly looks like Benny is looking for a Last Shot of Fame before he shuffles off this mortal coil. He used to be on TBN constantly, only to be pushed aside by Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince, who some people say are other prosperity preachers.
I think they are using ideas brought up in the last century by the New Thought people like Frances Scovell Shinn, and others. Many secular teachers, even those used in business motivational programs, use this same line of thinking.
Favorite Bible verse of theirs: "As a man thinketh, so is he"
and favorite Jesus incident: when the friends of the sick guy opened a hole in the roof and lowered their sick friend to where Jesus was teaching. What does the Bible say there? "Seeing their faith, Jesus healed him" Amazing that 'their faith' was involved, wasn't it.
2nd fav Jesus incident: the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment when he was already surrounded by many people who were touching him. That one touch sent power out to heal the woman, and Jesus stopped mid-way in his walk, said, 'who touched me' and the disciples were astonished--here he was surrounded by many people touching him! No, what happened was that her faith had caused his power to go out. Amazing, isn't it, that Jesus knew it.
3rd fav Jesus incident: the Roman comm

News Item9/4/19 5:23 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It helps prove the point that this is an entirely Christian-focused story, whereas everyone else in the news business, does not see it, or does not want to make it public.
And I think most people are not too interested in this issue anyway, so they are not going to be out looking up websites for the Christian point of view.

News Item9/4/19 12:15 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Suicides of people who have negative information about Slick Willy Clinton, Hillary and Chelsea have also increased since 1915.

News Item9/4/19 12:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I am surprised the editors of the Times of London even allowed this story to be printed, since many people have tattoos and will find this insulting, demeaning, hurtful, etc. Maybe someone will sue them, though in England, the rules are different.
But, thinking about who reads the newspaper, older folk, 'seasoned citizens,' who most likely have little chance of having tattoos and would love a story like this.
Younger folk who have tattoos are not reading The Times or any other newspaper, nor even going to their websites. What for? All they need to know they get from their social media sites.

News Item9/4/19 11:42 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Good points, 'Just Saying' but I think one problem with the story is in the very definitions--almost like a Slick Willy Clinton--it depends on what you mean by the word 'is.'
Church means what? Bible says: body of Christ, not a 4-walls bldg.
Some say, Constantine ruined it all by making Christianity legal, so the early church came out of the catacombs and worshiped in public.
It would be interesting to read someone's Ph.D thesis on how the idea of church as building got started. I'm sure it would have some reference to the Catholic Church, since before Gutenberg and Luther came along, there was only them around.
It also might have something to do with the Roman Empire and other temples were people went to worship pagan gods.

One aspect of the MOdern Church---Sunday school---I heard was started because children used to work every day of the week, so at Sunday School they were not only getting some religion but learning to read and write. In fact, you can probably find historical records of early Sunday school materials that were more focused on this than on teaching Bible doctrine.

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