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News Item8/17/2020 8:53 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The “People’s Republic of California” and the local county authorities, and in fact the leftist Marxists in general are absolutely determined to make an example of Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church and other churches that stand opposed to these hypocritical and dictatorial Communist style orders. When BLM demonstrations are encouraged, when they sing, chant and then loot and burn, and police are forbidden to stop them, then we know that we have trouble. The church must make a stand as they did in England and Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries when they were told by government how, when and where they should worship and who should lead them!!! They made a stand though it meant imprisonment and even death for some of them!! Unfortunately, in my country, in Britain, our churches just accept the rules, with virtually no objection!!

News Item8/16/2020 3:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Having looked at this again, and the Bible blessings for those who stand with Israel and curses for those who divide the land, despite the statement by the Messianic Jew, who does have in many ways a good solid Bible based ministry, and who does exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, I still have to conclude that the USA and President Trump, have opened themselves up for some natural disasters in the USA, and that much to the joy of certain commentators here from Nebraska and other places, his (President Trump’s) re-election is not totally secure, and as a judgment the Marxist globalist Biden / Harris could yet still be voted in. Tragically in1930’s Germany, Adolph Hitler was voted in power in a popular election, before he took supreme control, and this was at a time of crisis, like there is today. You should vote for the lesser of two evils in this forthcoming election, but Christians should prepare for the death and judgment of their nation, and for persecution.

News Item8/16/2020 12:10 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Basically, this only differs from Mao’s Cultural Revolution in that in Mao’s day everything was totally state owned and operated, Mao did not have access to the advanced technology we have today, and his methods were somewhat crude. Now, China does use a lot of private business and enterprise, which is strictly state controlled but privately operated, there is advanced surveillance technology and computerisation that Mao could only have dreamed of, and methods are still harsh, but based more on state police and authorities rather than the student mobs and “workers militias” of Mao’s day. Also the Chinese authorities panicked when the Soviet Union fell apart in the late 1980’s, and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre of students at that time, very briefly liberalised slightly, but Xi Jinping, when he came to power, panicked again when he saw both the advance and spread of Christianity, and also that of his ethnically Muslim Uighyer population in the far west, next to Central Asia, so he and his Communist Party did what Communists always do best, struck out to maintain sole control, and to crush both Christians and Muslims, and through this new Cultural Revolution, to instil the absolute monopoly and dominance of the Communist Party in China.

News Item8/14/2020 4:20 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Compulsory masks for all, even including little children, inside and outside, with virtually no exceptions in some states, is a prelude to forced vaccination with the aborted foetuses (that is murdered babies), epigenetic (that is changing your DNA permanently), and most likely also with a permanent tattoo or internal ink marker or chip of some kind (scannable to prove you have had the vaccination) Bil Gated style vaccine. The whole thing will be rolled out as the only way you will be allowed to go back to “normal” life, or to travel “normally”. Those who do not comply, will be excluded from “normal” life, or may even be fined or jailed, or like as in China, their social credit will be affected for the worse!! The globalists and UN meeting in Davos, Switzerland in January are sure to demand this in their “Global Reset”.

News Item8/14/2020 5:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Since making my last comment, I have heard a commentary on it from a Messianic Jewish pastor and commentator, a man who had previously held a senior post in the IDF and had been w deputy military governor in an area now part of the Palestinian Authority. Apparently the annexation year Israel of Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley was not totally prohibited, but delayed to the end of the year, and it means that Israel and the UAE can exchange ambassadors and normalise relations. It will apparently be a blow to the Palestinians, and to Iran. The USA still need to be careful, though. My Messianic Jewish contact did not seem to be worried by this treaty.

News Item8/14/2020 4:43 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Actually, as I read this, (I haven’t checked the full details), this may not be liked by the Palestinians, in that they never want any peace with Israel, but claim the whole land as theirs, as a sharia compliant Islamic state, with the Jews thrown into the sea.

I also see however, that this is an absolute disaster for the USA, as they have effectively, through the very nefarious diplomacy of Jared Kushner, sought to divide the land, and prohibited Israel from annexing the land that God gave them, Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, and no, Replacement Theologians, God does not lie, this cannot be allegorised away, as Joel 3:1,2 says clearly that God will deal with those nations. There has always been a horrendous disaster on the USA when previous Presidents sought to divide the land. This could even bring upon the USA the nightmare of a globalist Marxist Joe Biden / Kamala Harris presidency in November. For once, I actually disagree with President Trump here for hearkening to his son-in-law. The UAE, nor Saudi Arabia, will not actually help Israel when Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and Sudan actually invade her; God will supernaturally do it!!

News Item8/13/2020 2:32 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The reaction of most of the mainline churches is rather dreadful as well. There is a large Methodist church near me (which also has United Reformed people in it -not the very evangelical denomination known by that name in the USA, but a very liberal Presbyterian /Congregational combined denomination, their local church closed down, and went in with the Methodists here), The pastor is a very evangelical seeming African, and I did attend one or two special services there, which had some evangelical content. He has posters all over the outside of the church exhorting us to trust in Jesus, “ the Need of Our Nation”. Yet, in March at the beginning of the lockdown the church trustees closed the place down, it has remained closed ever since, no live-streams, and no in person services, and 3 little posters on the church outside exhorting people to wear their masks for the good of others. Truly the “Masked” Church!!! John Wesley would be staggered!!

News Item8/13/2020 10:39 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Basically, Joe Biden is a useful temporary puppet of the globalists and Marxists, and were he to win in November, Kamala Harris, the former Attorney General of California, who I believe was the original prosecutor of David Daleiden and his associates, (now being done by her successor there), whose undercover videos unmasked the illegal sale of aborted baby parts and organs by Planned Parenthood to various “research establishments” and leading universities, will actually be the real President. This pair will bring about federally mandated taxpayer funded abortion for all at all stages, will fund foreign abortion campaigns in other countries, and such measures as compulsory LGBTQI+ rights and education in schools, and full protection for transgenders, and of course for no action to be taken against abortionists when anything goes wrong. Any vote for them, or their local allies at any of the state and city elections taking place at the same time is a vote for death, not for life. Do not be fooled, anyone from Nebraska, or anywhere else. This is the stark choice you have to make!!!

News Item8/13/2020 10:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The major colleges and universities in the States are even insisting on constant temperature checks, and mandatory flu vaccines. The flu vaccine has actually already proved to be unsuccessful at hearing flu!! It was never required before.

News Item8/13/2020 10:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Absolutely appalling!! The price of once again students being allowed to attend university or college, Christian or secular, is that they must wear masks everywhere, inside but also even outside, recycling their CO2 again and again (normal non-medical masks let in over 90% of impure air particles, he medical ones that doctors and nurses must wear everywhere in hospital let in 40%). All social functions, sports events, concerts and so on, as well as formal lectures, tutorials, practical work, etc.are banned or severely curtailed. In Christian colleges, mask wearing is required in church or chapel services, no singing, no communion, no baptisns, and no close fellowship. Yet fearful college and university presidents, deans and administrators, have like the church pastors bowled over willingly and even exceeded in zeal the dictates of governors, mayors and politicians that have require these indefinite measures, and are softening up their students to accept a mandatory Bill Gates / Dr Fauci / George Soros vaccine with aborted babies tissue, epigenetic DNA changing material and maybe a permanent marker chip or tattoo to prove you have had the vaccine!!

News Item8/12/2020 11:32 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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John MacArthur is no hireling, but a true pastor and under-shepherd who loved his people, his flock. He is a man who believes in the solid consecutive exposition of the Word of God, and I understand his church does practice reverent worship, with congregational worship singing mainly old doctrinal hymns accompanied by piano, organ and / or orchestra (classic style). I may not agree with every aspect of his theology, but he certainly believes the vital doctrines, and the uniqueness of Christ and the necessity of salvation, the new birth and sanctification, as well as the 5 solas of the Reformation.

News Item8/11/2020 5:33 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I watched a video of John MacArthur announcing his”peaceful protest”, (by the way, apparently, protests, including those that are not peaceful and even rioutous are permitted and even encouraged by the local state Governor!!).

John MacArthur then introduced a police chaplain in full uniform of the LAPD, who read scriptures and prayed. Sadly the video cut off there!!! Praise the Lord for this church and others like it. I have a feeling that certain contributors to this forum, would like to see, compulsory mask wearing everywhere inside and outside, followed by compulsory vaccinations, (no exemptions for either), and the churches to be completely closed indefinitely. No, that is not the way. We need the churches open more than ever.

News Item8/11/2020 4:06 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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From what I can recall, in the 1960’s and 1970’s, British evangelicals had this attitude, that evangelicals, apart perhaps from voting, should have nothing to do with opposing immoral laws; etc.that basically meant there was no opposition to these liberal laws. The Abortion Act of 1967 here in Britain was, I believe sneaked through a half empty House of Commons, when most MPs had left to go to their constituencies for the weekend. It was a fait accompli. The major evangelical voice was deafeningly silent, and we are still suffering from the results of this today.

News Item8/10/2020 3:46 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I take your point Frank about the change of name of a woman when she married. However, oddly this does not carry out into all cultures. In Hispanic countries (I worked in Spain for 2 years). Everyone had two surnames, the 1st surname of their father followed by the 1st surname of their mother. In the next generation the children drop the 2nd name of their parents, but take the 1st surname of their father followed by the first surname of their mother!! So the surnames keep changing through the generations!!

News Item8/10/2020 9:22 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Our miserable pro-Islamic Foreugn Office, as a matter of urgency, should summon the Pakistani High Commissionsr (equivalent to an ambassador as Pakistan is in the Commonwealth of Nations,, basically nations with a former imperial link to Britain), to explain this disgraceful decision, and we should threaten to suspend any foreign aid, until dreadful laws like this one, and the infamous blasphemy laws are rescinded. In Britain and the USA, this rapist and paedophile would be in gaol, and the judge would be unceremoniously kicked off the bench!!!

News Item8/10/2020 6:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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with no exemptions. This will be your new normal. Bill Gates, George Soros, the globalists, the UN, the satanists, the BLM Bible burnets, and the Antifa, amongst others will be laughing all the way to the bank, and feeling they have obtained their revenge for their unexoected reverse in 2016!!!

News Item8/10/2020 6:01 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, Mr Lincoln, if Joe Biden is elected, he will not be able to govern cognitively for very long, and his very able female ethnic minority VP, whoever she is, and the globalists, Marxists and UN behind her, will make it very clear that the misery has only just begun. LGBTQI+ rights with no exemptions, the environment, transgenderism, banning of all counselling, professional and voluntary that would help LGBTQI+ and transgender persons get out of that lifestyle, unlimited tax supported abortion for all and at all ages of the pregnancy, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia with no exemptions for staff, abolition of private, church, charter and home schools, abolition of any private medicine. compulsory public schooling for all, closure of small businesses and independent media outlets, pro-Palestinian and Islamic foreign policy, hatred of Israel, removal of guns and self-defence from law abiding citizens combined with defunding of police, abolition of the death penalty and even lifelong imprisonments, abolition of your Electoral College system with abolition or discouragement of in person voting, with mail in and electronic voting preferred, plus complete secularisation of public places, continued closure and direction of churches, with compulsory masks and vaccinations with no ex

News Item8/10/2020 2:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am not sure it was totally wise to have such a political gathering, though the consequences of voting in the other side are too disastrous to contemplate, and tragically professed evangelicals such as Beth Moore, and a certain contributor to these pages have signed up fully to the “woke”gospel!! A prayer and repentance meeting, with loud singing of the praises of God, would have been a better idea.

Having said that, it certainly showed up the ridiculousness of the local governor’s rule that casinos, some of whom have huge capacity can have up to 50% of their capacity, but churches can only have 50 people no matter how large they are. Double standards by the governor!! Apparently, this meeting did however exceed even the generous casino limit, and the venue was fined for this meeting!!

News Item8/9/2020 1:06 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I forgot to add that this fellowship does do one to one street witnessing to Jewish and non-Jewish people in the area midweek. Also they do send out some tracts and booklets to others who do this work. May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified through this witness, and the Holy Spirit draw many of these folk to the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

News Item8/9/2020 12:41 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Today, a close friend and I prayed for President Trump, Vice President Pence and the forthcoming US Presidential (and legislative and local elections) in November 2020. The enemies of your country, the US, have plotted every way to get rid of Trump after he was unexpectedly elected in 2016, much to their horror. Russiagate, Ukrainegate, impeachment, COVID 19, BLM / Antifa riots, and even pre-election spying were used and failed to work. I wonder if they have got something sinister afoot, I pray not. If anything happens to Trump, Pence would take over, but if anything happens to both of them, that terrible lady, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House, automatically becomes temporary President. The thought is, like Comrade Corbyn winning our election last December, instead of Boris Johnson, too dreadful to contemplate!! We must indeed pray for the safety of both your President and your Vice President, and for the best outcome of your elections next November. May God keep you all, and energise the church to call to Him in repentance, prayer and faith!!
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