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News Item6/14/2020 7:08 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Our Lord Jesus would say to him "Jesus answered, “You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God (Matt 22:29). Has this man not read Act 2:34-35 BSB  "For David did not ascend into heaven, but he himself says: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand,  (35)  until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”’

I don't think the Father nor the Son has abdicated Their throne. Rev 19:6 BSB  "And I heard a sound like the roar of a great multitude, like the rushing of many waters, and like a mighty rumbling of thunder, crying out: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God, the Almighty, reigns." Apparently, this man is not a part of this great multitude.

News Item6/12/2020 7:05 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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What hypocrisy! Those who are truly committed to the preservation of Black lives should also vehemently oppose abortion. Abortion is by far the most common means to end Black lives in America.

News Item6/12/2020 6:32 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Alas, Christianity Today is not the Christianity of yesterday. However, it is not that Christ has changed because it is impossible for Him to change. Therefore, it is also impossible for the Body of Christ to change. Those who claim to be members of Christ's Body and yet are not consistent in agreement with the Head are rogue members, cancerous growths.

God has given His true Body the Ministry of Reconciliation to proclaim the Message of Reconciliation, not a Ministry of Reparations:

2Co 5:17-21 BSB  Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!  (18)  All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:  (19)  that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s trespasses against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.  (20)  Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God.  (21)  God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

News Item6/9/2020 7:27 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Who do we call when there is a break-in or physical spousal abuse? Social workers and psychiatrists. Who will protect our city businesses? Pay gangs and mobsters for protection. Who will protect us from civil unrest? The liberal governors and liberals will call in the political police (aka The Gestapo).

News Item6/7/2020 7:06 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Jim, in the parable you are quoting "Mat 13:38 BSB  THE FIELD IS THE WORLD, and the good seed represents the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one...," and is not the Church. You must have a problem with the Apostle Paul who says "1Co 5:12-13 BSB  What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?  (13)  God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”

News Item6/7/2020 6:59 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Pastor Brooks should be on both a national commission for racial relations but also on a commission for police reform. Hopefully, he strongly suggest that his congregants and those in his neighborhood to leave the Democratic Party and go Independent.

News Item6/7/2020 6:22 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Chorus to America the Harlot:

America, America. "Why are you persecuting me?"

News Item6/7/2020 6:18 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Democrats who identify as Christians are about as phony as a man identifying as a woman.

News Item6/6/2020 6:37 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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When the Stock Market closed Friday afternoon all of the Airline stocks were in the green for the week with American Airlines leading the way with a 75% gain. The President mocked Warren Buffett Friday for selling all of his Airline stock. The Airlines industry will receive $25 billion with 70% as grants and the rest as loans to be repaid over 10 years. Is the gain in stocks plus the bailouts a part of the wealth transfer.

Transfer from from whom? The taxpayers? U.S. passenger and cargo carriers employ 750,000 people worldwide and help drive more than 10 million American jobs. A stable, healthy aviation industry enhances job security, pay and benefits for airline employees. If Airlines were to fail completely and all of those 10 million jobs and all received $600 per week unemployment that is $6 billion per week (at least $24 billion per month); i.e. that bailout would be gone in a month.

MSNBC is one of the better business and financial networks but it is also one of the worst media propaganda machines. It is in the liberal medias best interest to downplay any all positive economic news including Friday's employment numbers and positive gains in the Stock Market. FYI: The Stock Market is 1% away from being positive for the year; an election year.

News Item6/5/2020 6:59 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Maybe this black-face wearing hypocrite should watch Birth of a Nation in the governors mansion along with his other Democratic KKK rooting gang. This party is just as racist today as it was when Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy. The majority of the rioting and anarchy are in cities with Democratic mayors which are destroying business of owned by all races in Black neighborhoods. The Democratic Party has amassed Blacks in the inner city and pass legislation to keep us there with failing inner city schools (money going to the Teachers' Union and administrators), blocking economic enterprise zones (while protecting gangs, drug vendors, prostitutes, and funding abortion mills in the Black neighborhoods), and now wanting to cut funds for community policing where it is needed the most.

I warn the world that what the Democrats here in America have done to Blacks is the model of the global dystopian rule that will come to power to govern the world in the near future.

News Item6/5/2020 6:38 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Why is there no social media firestorm denouncing this inflammatory statement which promotes violence. This despicable person is seen each day all over the world.

In the meantime, there are people marching in nearly every state and many cities all over the world defying edicts to social distance while most business and schools are still in mandatory lockdown. Cuomo and many leaders must see violent protests and civil unrest as essential activities.

News Item6/2/2020 9:34 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Is she talking about the KKK? Weren't they "White men;" and the militant arm of the Democratic Party? Weren't the KKK the glorified heroes in the "block buster film" Birth of A Nation? Didn't Democratic President Woodrow Wilson host a private screening of this epic film in the White House? Isn't Antifa mimicking the hood wearing KKK by wearing masks in their raids? All this proves the truth of Scripture that "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

News Item6/2/2020 7:02 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Of the 34 U.S. states in 1861, nineteen were free states and fifteen were slave states. Two slave states never declared a secession or adopted an ordinance: Delaware and Maryland. Now all 50 (plus territories) must pay reparations?

According to the 1860 census the population of the United States was 31,443,322, in 33 states and 10 organized territories. I doubt any of them are alive today.

In 1860, at the start of the Civil War, the Black population increased to 4.4 million. Most were slaves, with only 488,000 counted as freemen. At the time of this census my patriarch was a 14 yr. old slave in NC. By the next census he was married and had nearly 100 acres given him by the son of his former master; he and the son were the same age, playmates, and friends.

I watched Mr. Johnson's interview yesterday evening and he had suggested that each Black person receive over $350,000. I wonder what the cost of looting and rioting over the years would amount to per person.

I love America. I have never heard of any other country in the history of the world who has gone to war against its own race on behalf of another. Wasn't the shedding of blood enough? Wasn't welfare, economic zones, hate crimes laws, grants and scholarships, and race preferences enough? Isn't freedom enough?

News Item5/31/2020 11:10 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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We see Mr. Soros is putting his money to work.

News Item5/30/2020 7:11 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Biden and the Democrats are laughing and dancing with glee at the mayhem. They are using dissidents to foment racial anger to stem a growing movement of Blacks disaffected by the Party. They want Trump to fumble in word and deed in how he handles it. They are living up to their motto "Never let a crisis go to waste." It will be interesting to see if Wild E. Coyote (Super Genius) again fall victim to his own trap.

News Item5/29/2020 12:17 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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You want the looters to have an armed escort?

News Item5/29/2020 7:48 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Planned Parenthood has won the favor of district court judges with those lies when Live Action and other pro-life groups brought the vile practice of selling the organs of aborted babies to the highest bitter. They used to make utopian movies like this back in the 60's and 70's, but now utopia is today.

News Item5/29/2020 7:42 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Both federal and local governments are getting their legal ducks in a row to make sure the charges stick against the policeman who had his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck. Meanwhile, I agree and believe that the media will use this and other altercations between Blacks and law enforcement to help foment the Democratic narrative that Trump has allowed Covid-19 to ravish Black communities across the country. This is only to divert the attention from the failures of the Democratic governors and mayors to protect their citizens even after going overboard on the lock downs and destroying their states and cities economies. Unrest could go on all Summer.

News Item5/26/2020 7:34 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Jim, Trump's Deep State conspiracy theory is gaining legs every day because of the facts coming to light. It has more legs than the evolution and big bang theories.

This reminds me of other mockers of an infamous conspiracy: Joh 7:20 BSB  “You have a demon,” the crowd replied. “Who is trying to kill You?” That conspiracy was proven as fact in spectacular fashion just a few years later. Now that was "Deep State!"

News Item5/26/2020 7:22 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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When a church prove that they can follow the CDC guidelines, they win.
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