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News Item8/27/16 1:26 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Does anyone pray for their future husband or wife anymore? Does anyone have faith that God is our source for everything?
Good questions. I have to wonder also if fathers and mothers pray for their children and their children's future husbands and wives.

I have reservations about online dating due to its lack of accountability and privacy. And, as has been said previously, not everyone on a "Christian" online dating site is truly a believer, but not everyone in church is, either.

Pray for God's wisdom and discernment. Seek carefully and prayerfully. Don't waste time "dating" and running around to worldly amusements and entertainments. That's what the world does.

News Item8/25/16 10:37 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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This isn't too hard to figure out. Pornography is perversion. Obey the Lord and fulfill the roles He has given in the Bible for husbands and wives.

News Item8/25/16 6:41 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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S.Taylor wrote:
God hasn't changed, neither has His Word. What has changed is our culture, which has produced an environment specializing in robbing people of their appetite for God.
Yep. We are definitely in the era of bread and circuses, with people distracted by sports, entertainment, etc. It's all about living for self and for today.

Sermon8/23/16 3:35 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I praise God there are still a few ministers in the land who lift up their voices against divorce. Thank you for preaching the Bible's truth.

News Item8/19/16 5:06 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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As long as the Bible acknowledges that God formed man first, out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, causing him to become a living soul (Genesis 2:7), so will I.

When one hates God (as Connor pointed out previously), one must also reject His creation and His order. One must then go to ridiculous lengths such as this and will constantly experience disorder and confusion as a result of rejecting Him. Better to seek Him while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near (Isaiah 55:6). The day of salvation will not last forever.

P.S. - Somehow I doubt they've largely retired the word "woman" from use...

News Item8/15/16 5:59 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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What a fool. But then, the entertainment industry is known for making a mock at sin, because they are fools (Proverbs 14:9). They've also said in their hearts that there is no God, again, because they are fools (Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1).

He's living what he believes; to my knowledge, he's not ever been married but instead has had a succession of "relationships" with different women. Movies are a vehicle that influence people to think wicked sins like adultery and fornication aren't that bad. Too many of God's people watch them and end up with seared consciences and being past feeling. This is very dangerous. Staying in the Scriptures will vastly diminish one's perceived need to be entertained.

News Item8/14/16 9:53 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Good comments, S. Taylor and Chris. Sadly, it appears that common sense isn't so common anymore.

News Item8/10/16 1:20 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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sf from tx wrote:
How is God glorified by a man swimming in his underwear?
I don't know that I can answer you, but you've asked a good question, indeed.

News Item8/9/16 9:55 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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From the article: "...problems started with women's rights. ...[w]omen started voting, they began working, then came birth control and family planning, abortion, gay rights: 'It all went belly-up,' he said."

I agree with this and will not be voting for either Trump or Hillary, as, for me, it would be a violation of Christian conscience to do so.

News Item8/8/16 5:38 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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S.Taylor wrote:
Learning about the pagan history of this sporting event should give the Christian pause.
Thank you for your comment. I was just thinking when I saw the link to this story: haven't the Olympics always been pagan and worldly? Before I was saved, I used to watch it, but I likely couldn't do so now. It strikes me as vain, proud, unprofitable, etc. Then there is the matter of immodest dress of many of the athletes.

I'd much rather be concerning myself with the things of God.

News Item8/4/16 8:22 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Whatever happened to living a quiet peaceful life in Christ?
Your question was a blessing to me and reminded me of a couple of Scriptures:

"...lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour" (I Timothy 2:2-3).

"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;" (I Thessalonians 4:11).

God bless.

News Item8/4/16 10:48 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Carl in Greensboro wrote:
The word "evangelical" has become just as meaningless as the word "Christian."
Excellent point, and as I think I've mentioned here before, I am skeptical when I hear someone call himself or herself "Christian." That word has been overused so much that it is now vain in many people's eyes. The salt of the earth and light of the world distinctions believers are supposed to have (Matt. 5:13-16) are no longer expected even by unbelievers now. Many professing "Christians" are more caught up in the cares of this world rather than things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ. Sad.

As for Rachel Held Evans, she is a mocker of God's law and an apostate. I would not give any Biblical credibility to what she says or writes.

News Item8/3/16 5:39 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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When any nation rejects the Lord, inevitably confusion and a lack of decency and order will result (I Corinthians 14:33, 40).

How I yearn for the Lord's return in these wicked last days! Only He can set things right.

News Item8/1/16 6:37 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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I'm relating to the comments about churchlessness and the difficulty in finding one that is Biblically and doctrinally sound in the last days. It's not easy; I continue to pray...

Sermon7/31/16 3:34 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is worth repeated downloads for the remarks about repenting from attending fancy parties and running around like a "teenager" (no such thing Biblically as you know, of course, but I understand your point) alone. I've added it to my favorites file!

News Item7/31/16 1:41 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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I agree with previous comments about the distraction politics cause and hating it, so much so that I rarely comment on political threads.

Prayer for the U.S. to repent is definitely in order.

News Item7/29/16 1:04 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Frank wrote:
There is a war against white men in this country, not a war against women.
Oh, there is a war against women, all right. There is a war against women being obedient to the Lord: having meek and quiet spirits (I Peter 3); marrying, bearing children, and guiding the house (I Timothy 5:14); and the things the aged women are to teach the young women (Titus 2:2-5). But then, given your previous comments about feminism, I'm sure you already knew this.

News Item7/23/16 9:51 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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It would seem to me that to watch or attend NBA games, buy jerseys, shoes, etc., is a show of support for a league that endorses perversion. As a matter of Christian conscience, I cannot do so.

Sports is just one distraction that the devil uses very effectively to keep the minds of God's people from being stayed on Him and setting our affections on the earth instead of on things above.

How can we have pleasure in them that condone such confusion and wickedness? Are we redeeming the time when we do this?

News Item7/19/16 6:31 PM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Frank wrote:
...I'll bet he has an easier time finding a wife now.
Hopefully so!

News Item7/17/16 8:44 AM
Lady_Virtue | OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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Rev. Karen? Something is wrong with this picture.

I Timothy 2:12 - "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

I Corinthians 14:34 - "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."

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