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News Item9/1/19 5:25 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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John UK says...
JAG, it is what I call a tongue-in-cheek argument, which means it is not to be taken seriously."

I am not trying to make the point that our churches should look like a Pentecostal/punk rock concert. Your veiw of this Psalm is tainted by the culture you live in. You automatically put cymbals and dancing into the "no go" section because that is considered wild, and disorganized in our society. Every culture has different instruments, and in the Israelite culture, cymbals and dancing was their form of paino, guitar, etc...

But regardless, please look past the instruments and look at the instructions the psalmist is making...

God is pleased by us using instruments to praise Him. He enjoys the sounds of musical skills being used to glorify Him. What better time to please Him than when we are gathered together to worship!...

Many of the Psalms were written for "stringed instruments" in addition to the "choir director" and since the book of Psalms is a book of praise to God, I believe we should follow it's methods in worship...

News Item9/1/19 3:51 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Psalm 150...

1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.

2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.

4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

God apparently enjoys his people using the giftings of instrument playing to praise Him. The use of instruments is all throughout the old testament...

It would be sort of interesting to hear a voice only group singing Psalm 150...

News Item8/30/19 2:42 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Chris000 says...
Seems to me that when it comes to the kids, it's more of a fad,"

Absolutely correct...

I try to think of the horror of it by using the past. Imagine a little boy going through this back in 1950. That would mean he would be a 70 year old man to today! A man that never had the chance to develop through puberty, never had the chance to father kids, and instead lives the rest of his life confused, frustrated, and underformed. All for the wickedness of long gone generations, he would continue to live a life of misery...

How many children will be sacrificed on the alters of abortion, and wickedness? How many live will be changed forever to satisfy the perversions of a generation past...

News Item8/30/19 11:49 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Eradicate gender...?

What will the generations 100 years from now think about us...

You can cut off, add on, and act however you want, but you can't get rid of yourself. Someone who wants to "switch genders" is suffering from an issue much deeper than discontentment. They have a heart issue that can only be solved by the blood of Jesus Christ...

If they think that physical or mental mutilation will make them happy, they need to go read the thousands of years of history that show that humans have never found contentment in the things of earth...

News Item8/28/19 4:40 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Now in order to follow the Bible, we have to get rid of anything that could be used as a weapon, AND becomes plant eaters...

I guess I'll move to the top of some mountain and only eat oatmeal out of a softened paper bowl. Cause you know, a hard paper bowl could cut someone...

News Item8/28/19 11:30 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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No one say anything...

It might explode...

News Item8/27/19 4:51 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I know Douglas Fir it's bad...

It's killing me not knowing what the verdict is...🤔

News Item8/27/19 4:49 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Doc says...
I wish now I hadn’t made that YouTube video of me playing mumblety-peg with a Bowie knife."

Your better off than me...

Yesterday on Oppossombook I pinned a tweet of me at the Roadkill festival eating a coonsteak. I am only supposed to eat oppossom-nuggets according to my healthcare insurance provider (Kinfolk-Care®).

They might drop me over it all...

News Item8/25/19 1:19 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Jim from Lincoln says...
Yes, yet again I forgot the URL in the previous message of mine."

You could have left it like that, we would not have minded a bit...ðŸ‘

News Item8/25/19 12:33 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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*we are doing now. We can make a new generation of free thinkers who don't follow the crowd, simply because they were never taught to be that way. There is always still hope...

News Item8/25/19 12:32 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I am grateful my parents never took me out of public school...

Cause I was never put in...

Whenever you want to change a whole culture for evil, you have to make sure the next generation are all taught the same thing. And the only way to do that is to treat them like cattle. Teach them as a mass of brains and flesh, and not like the individuals they are...

One big reason our country was so much better before the public school era, was because no one was taught the same. We had generations of free thinkers, and young people who learned in the one room school house, and the church. They grew under the close watch of their parents and preachers. And even the many who wanted to be "free" (which just means a freedom to sin) from cultural morality were carried along with Godly principles put down by our spiritual forefathers (Pilgrims, Puritans, etc)...

The millennials are totally gone, and the baby boomers trained the millennials to be the loosers they are. The only hope for this nation is a turning back to God, and it certainly won't be done unless the parents of today are willing to step up, get off the couch of self, and homeschool this next generation of children. Even if they don't believe the same, you will destroy the mass training of systematic wickedness we are d

News Item8/25/19 11:18 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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That doesn't mean US citizens are getting arrested less, just that immigrants are coming in more...

News Item8/25/19 11:14 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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"It was amazing being one of you, but I'm not any more..."

The real truth is, he never was...

God's real church never gets smaller, the Head (God) never changes, and no one ever leaves. To say anything else is to say that God is not in control of all, which of course would make Him not be God...

News Item8/24/19 6:20 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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As one my little brothers would say about people like that...

He not a nicey, he a meany...

News Item8/23/19 11:11 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I personally never liked the idea of citizenship based on birth location...

You would think people would just cross the border and give birth to a child to make it harder to be forced to leave. Oh that's right that is what they are doing...

News Item8/22/19 12:30 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Guns...clubs...frying pans.

All of these could (and have) been used as instruments of self defense. The only reason that guns is the "big one" right now is because they are the most advanced weapon available to the average guy (or girl)...

It's pretty much impossible to bully one weapon type, as all types of weapons exist in every country, just in varying forms of deadlines. So the issue here is self defense. Is it allowed or not? Should we allow others to kill us simply because they have a deadly weapon...

News Item8/21/19 11:42 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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BTW here is the address for anyone interested in joining the fezstibal...

Kin folk
1+2=5 Oppossom Rd
Yalobusha county MS

News Item8/21/19 11:38 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Doc says...
Them fiddles, jugs and washboards are tunin’ up, and the cloggers are a-gittin’ ready to cut a rug"

Say, me and bdf play fiddle and gitar. We'll bring em along...

And I know you've been practicing all year with your last tooth, but I already have plans to win the oppossom pie eating contest, so don't waste your last penny signing up fer it...

News Item8/20/19 10:30 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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John UK says...
I get a lot of my ideas about America by listening to my friends here on the forum."

I know what your thinking...

Your worst idea about theze here states are from down in Mississippi...

Everybody around you says how the "wild west" is scary, but your thinking about the "Wild South"...

Oppossums, guns, Dr Tim... your afraid of the crazy people down here, crossing the pond and coming there. Well no fears, we'll stick to our cardboard shacks, wheel less bikes, oh and our guns. Don't you worry tonight about any snaggletoothed, messy haired, red neck scaring the daylights out of you. We're busy enough down here...ðŸ¦ðŸ”«ðŸ˜œ

News Item8/19/19 12:43 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Adriel says...
Society is finding it so difficult to fight crime and moral corruption that they are giving up and allowing mans evil side to win."

Yes for sure...

The problem is, that even though the government's are legalizing crime, the natural punishments that come from them aren't going anywhere...

Do drugs, you first ruin your life and relationships, and then typically overdose...

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