Colonial Hills Baptist Church
Pastor Charles Phelps | Indianapolis, Indiana
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These are the newest sermon series submitted to this broadcaster account. SERIES: 1 John 19 sermons | new! These are the newest speakers with sermons submitted to this broadcaster account.
Multiple sermons submitted with the same subtitle value are automatically grouped together by the site and displayed as a "sermon series".
Choose a speaker from the following list to show sermons automatically grouped by speaker name for this particular broadcaster. Achenbach, Marcus 2 Barber, Brian 1 Barfield, Matthew 6 Batory, Mark 2 Beal, Alton 1 Beaman, Todd 1 Beiles, Barry 1 Beloved, David 1 Betancourt, Tim 5 Bley, Wayne 3 Brennaman, Bob 4 Callahan, Kevin 3 Canedy, Dave 1 Clark, Daniel 2 Coffey, Aaron 2 Coffman, Thomas 18 Collier, Matt 1 Coltrane, David 1 Comfort, Ron 7 Conn, Michael 4 Cook, Jim 3 Cooley, John 1 Craven, Jerry 1 Crocker, Jon 2 Crockett, Josh 1 Cunningham, Art 1 Deatrick, Nathan 3 DeGarde, Ron 16 Dickson, Gordon 1 Elms, Kendell 1 Fant III, Marshall 1 Fant, Joe 5 Farrell, Ben 35 Farrell, Tom 18 Fink, Tim 1 Fry, Jon 2 Gaines, Trevor 1 Galkin, Will 3 Gibbs III, David 2 Gibbs Jr., David 1 Godfrey, J. B. 2 Greenlee, Seth 1 Greenley, Seth 1 Guiterrez, Edwin 1 Gutierrez, Erwin 3 Hamilton, Brandon 16 Harrison, Jordan 2 Hartman, Craig 5 Hassman, Dan 1 Heller, Wendell 5 Herbster, Carl 4 Herbster, Mark 6 Herbster, Matt 1 Herron, Marty 2 Hetue, Caleb 3 Hicks, Ben 45 Horn, Sam 2 Hummel, Rand 1 Hunt, Philip 1 Hynek, Mark 1 Jeffers, Daryl 1 Johnson, Tom 3 Kap, Thawnpi 1 Landry, Paul 1 Lewis, Keith 14 Mann, Steve 1 Manning, Troy 1 McAllister, Bruce 2 Mellor, David 1 Milton, Jan 1 Mitchell, Jack 1 Montgomery, Andy 22 Moritz, Fred 3 Musgrave, Jeff 3 Nason, Luke 2 Oats, Larry 1 Ollila, Les 2 Pence, Mike 1 Pettit, Steve D. 17 Phelps, Caleb 17 Phelps, Chad 5 Phelps, Charles 1550 Phelps, Daniel 10 Pine, Greg 8 Rankin, Cameron 3 Regier, Loren 20 Reimers, Gary 3 Robinson, Riley 2 Roschi, Jim 2 Rudolph, David 1 Sherrill, Josiah 1 Sinclair, Ben 2 Sivnksty, Brent 3 Sivnksty, Jerry 1 Slobodian, Sam 1 Smith, Elliot 1 Sproul, Mike 1 Steadman, Bud 4 Stowe, Brett 2 Suiter, Kevin 1 Tacon, Joey 3 Taylor, Bob 132 Thomas, Derek 3 Thompson, Steve 1 Thompson, Steven 6 Trainer, Brian 3 Utley, Nate 6 Various Speakers 3 Wakefield, Dan 1 Webb, Barry 1 Whitcomb, John 7 Willis, Joe 4 Woetzel, Dave 6 Yessa, Thad 2
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