Colonial Hills Baptist Church is a church where the divinely inspired, infallible, inerrant Bible is preached as the absolute authority for all the world. We realize that Christians need instruction from the Word, presented in an expositional, inspirational, and practical manner, and we offer them a church home where they can belong and serve. We also find great joy in introducing people to Jesus Christ so that they may trust Him as Savior.
Service Times
Sunday School - Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship - Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Dr. Bob Taylor
-- sermons by speaker -- Achenbach, Marcus 2 Barber, Brian 1 Barfield, Matthew 6 Batory, Mark 2 Beal, Alton 1 Beaman, Todd 1 Beiles, Barry 1 Beloved, David 1 Betancourt, Tim 5 Bley, Wayne 3 Brennaman, Bob 4 Callahan, Kevin 3 Canedy, Dave 1 Clark, Daniel 2 Coffey, Aaron 2 Coffman, Thomas 18 Collier, Matt 1 Coltrane, David 1 Comfort, Ron 7 Conn, Michael 4 Cook, Jim 3 Cooley, John 1 Craven, Jerry 1 Crocker, Jon 2 Crockett, Josh 1 Cunningham, Art 1 Deatrick, Nathan 3 DeGarde, Ron 16 Dickson, Gordon 1 Elms, Kendell 1 Fant III, Marshall 1 Fant, Joe 5 Farrell, Ben 35 Farrell, Tom 18 Fink, Tim 1 Fry, Jon 2 Gaines, Trevor 1 Galkin, Will 3 Gibbs III, David 2 Gibbs Jr., David 1 Godfrey, J. B. 2 Greenlee, Seth 1 Greenley, Seth 1 Guiterrez, Edwin 1 Gutierrez, Erwin 3 Hamilton, Brandon 16 Harrison, Jordan 2 Hartman, Craig 5 Hassman, Dan 1 Heller, Wendell 5 Herbster, Carl 4 Herbster, Mark 6 Herbster, Matt 1 Herron, Marty 2 Hetue, Caleb 3 Hicks, Ben 45 Horn, Sam 2 Hummel, Rand 1 Hunt, Philip 1 Hynek, Mark 1 Jeffers, Daryl 1 Johnson, Tom 3 Kap, Thawnpi 1 Landry, Paul 1 Lewis, Keith 14 Mann, Steve 1 Manning, Troy 1 McAllister, Bruce 2 Mellor, David 1 Milton, Jan 1 Mitchell, Jack 1 Montgomery, Andy 22 Moritz, Fred 3 Musgrave, Jeff 3 Nason, Luke 2 Oats, Larry 1 Ollila, Les 2 Pence, Mike 1 Pettit, Steve D. 17 Phelps, Caleb 17 Phelps, Chad 5 Phelps, Charles 1550 Phelps, Daniel 10 Pine, Greg 8 Rankin, Cameron 3 Regier, Loren 20 Reimers, Gary 3 Robinson, Riley 2 Roschi, Jim 2 Rudolph, David 1 Sherrill, Josiah 1 Sinclair, Ben 2 Sivnksty, Brent 3 Sivnksty, Jerry 1 Slobodian, Sam 1 Smith, Elliot 1 Sproul, Mike 1 Steadman, Bud 4 Stowe, Brett 2 Suiter, Kevin 1 Tacon, Joey 3 Taylor, Bob 132 Thomas, Derek 3 Thompson, Steve 1 Thompson, Steven 6 Trainer, Brian 3 Utley, Nate 6 Various Speakers 3 Wakefield, Dan 1 Webb, Barry 1 Whitcomb, John 7 Willis, Joe 4 Woetzel, Dave 6 Yessa, Thad 2
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September 2008