LORD’S DAY 15 What dost thou understand by the words, “He suffered”? That He, all the time that He lived on earth, but especially at the end of His life, sustained in body and soul the wrath of God against the sins of all...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 14 What is the meaning of these words —“He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary”? That God’s eternal Son, who is, and continueth true and eternal God, took upon Him the very nature of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 14 What is the meaning of these words —“He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary”? That God’s eternal Son, who is, and continueth true and eternal God, took upon Him the very nature of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 13 Why is Christ called the only begotten Son of God, since we are also the children of God? Because Christ alone is the eternal and natural Son of God; but we are children adopted of God, by grace, for His sake. Wherefore...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 13 Why is Christ called the only begotten Son of God, since we are also the children of God? Because Christ alone is the eternal and natural Son of God; but we are children adopted of God, by grace, for His sake. Wherefore...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 12 Why is He called Christ, that is, anointed?Because He is ordained of God the Father, and anointed with the Holy Ghost, to be our chief Prophet and Teacher, who has fully revealed to us the secret counsel and will of God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 11 Why is the Son of God called Jesus, that is, a Savior? Because He saveth us, and delivereth us from our sins; and likewise, because we ought not to seek, neither can find salvation in any other. Do such then believe in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 10 What dost thou mean by the providence of God? The almighty and everywhere present power of God; whereby, as it were by His hand, He upholds and governs heaven, earth, and all creatures; so that herbs and grass, rain and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 9 What believest thou when thou sayest, “I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?” That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (who of nothing made heaven and earth, with all that is in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LORD’S DAY 9 What believest thou when thou sayest, “I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?” That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (who of nothing made heaven and earth, with all that is in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]