God's Steadfast Love I Cor.1:9ff and Psalm 33:10+11
Today, the world is in greater flex that it ever has been. All around there is rapid change and chaos. We comment much on living in the "last times" and we can mark these things and know that the end is nearing as the clouds are gathering and the name of Christ is trying to be done away with. Secularism is becoming popular. But what will happen to us? We ARE a blest and happy people cause God is our God!
There are two parallel phrases. The council of the heathen and the council of the Lord. The devices of the people and the thoughts and heart of God here. They describe to us the council of God. God's council is always talked about in conjunction with His desire toward His people! It is not just intellectual and a cold plan, but comes from His HEART and the love of God comes to the fore. God's council and pleasure emanates from His heart! He creates that He may REcreate to live with His people forevermore!
Let us not loose sight of the big picture. The love of God as His council emanates from His heart is not His only virtue and His love is not just a momentary thing.....the council of God stands and stands FOREVER! It is always the steadfast love of God and always the council of the Lord! From generation to generation remember the loving council of God stands immutable! Engraved on His hands and if you need more proof stand and look at the cross and what He did for you and I!
There are always the devices of the heathen and the council of the Almighty God. Not just in the Old Testament times, but throughout time and even right now. That is why christians are being eradicated and why the name of our Lord is trying to be completely destroyed. The devil sits and tries to destroy with hate. In light of all of this we stand in our sinful flesh. Let's make sure we stand steadfast! He is still our Lord and Savior and all these things cannot destroy His church and He makes all these devices come to naught. Nothing....NO ONE can ever stand up to the Almighty God! There will be a lot of challenges in the new year...challenges in family, in missions, and even challenges on standing firmly on the Word of God....but this is SURE- God's council stands and we can stand fast and fight the good fight valiantly. We ARE in the heart of the Living God! What a comfort. He will be our protection till He comes again.
"The Sufficiency of Grace" II Cor. 4 and 12:9 Throughout all of scripture the power of God shines though the weakness of His people. We see this in the preaching of the Gospel, in Gideon, one such as David who numbered the people, and many others...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Means of Grace" LD25, I Corinthians 1, & Romans 10 This is a transitional Lord's Day. It connects our faith with the sacraments. They are Holy, visible signs and seals that show and seal unto us the promise of the Gospel! Where does faith...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Grace toward Thanksgiving" II Cor. 4:5ff Last week we discovered the sufficiency of God's grace. God multiplies praise to Himself through not only the pastor (Paul) but also His people! Why do we have to speak of despairing things and not just...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Sufficiency of Grace" II Cor. 4/ II Cor. 12:9 Throughout all scripture the power of God shines through the weakness of His people. The preaching of the gospel, Gideon, David as he numbered the people, and many other examples. Power always...[ abbreviated | read entire ]