"The Sufficiency of Grace" II Cor. 4/ II Cor. 12:9 Throughout all scripture the power of God shines through the weakness of His people. The preaching of the gospel, Gideon, David as he numbered the people, and many other examples. Power always belongs to God and weakness always belongs to man. And through that weakness God ALWAYS accomplishes and fulfills His will and good pleasure that the glory is ALWAYS the Lords! God accomplishes mighty things in our weaknesses!
The history here has the apostle Paul who has a "thorn in the flesh." We too have many thorns in our flesh. We can recall many in the past and even in the present. We can see ourselves reflected in this Word of God here. But what does the Word of God say about these things? Sometimes we need to be refreshed on such.
Remember first and foremost that they are all given of God. Yes, God gives us these "thorns." Also, Satan uses these "weaknesses" to continually buffet us. And never forget that God ALWAYS deals with His children in His GRACE at ALL TIMES! Prosperity is NOT grace...and must always remember this even as we look at the world. We struggle, as Paul did, with particular "thorns" that continually "hold us back." Monkey wrenches that the Lord throws into our lives and even feel like we could do grand and mighty things if only the Lord would take them away! These things however, are actually GIFTS of the Lord to us...even while Satan himself hits us with the constant "that's your God...and He gives you this?" And how does the Lord give us the grace to deal with these things? "My grace is always sufficient" and we pray all the while "Thy will be done."
Remember that the Lord hears and knows and always answers our prayers. (Although it may not be in the way that we want Him to answer.) The Lord listens, but also knows what is good for us (as was good for Paul) and sometimes makes our "thorns" stay in our skin for a while for our own good while giving us sufficient grace to bear. It all fits into the Lord's grace that He gives us for HIS GLORY! Be mindful that it is the purpose of God to have us struggle in prayer, see our weakness, and not only rest upon Him but storm His throne! And remember that His grace is there in time of need always and forever. Grace is not "on tap" and given only when needed, but always gives us grace sufficient in time of need! God gives it to us in times of necessity (we don't tap it.) He gives us calm, serenity, and the ability to endure through these painful situations in life. The greater the pressure from the top, the greater His hand from the bottom people!!!
To what end are all these things? In order to see God's power we have to be weak! We learn it is ALWAYS and FOREVER the power of the almighty God and His power is PEFECTED in our weakness! God brings to purpose His good pleasure in and through our weakness and He brings it all the way to the end for His glory!
Do we have thorns? Do we have weaknesses? You bet we do. We ALL do. But......His grace is always sufficient and we glory in our infirmities that HIS GLORY may be in and through us as He accomplishes His purpose. Always. Forever.