We have before us and look at the name "Lord." The Son of the Trinity. The catechism approaches the nature from a unique point of view as we see our son ship being rooted in HIS Son ship. This is not from a deeply doctrinal discussion. The very fact that we become His ADOPTED children in our Lord establishes His Lordship! We voluntarily submit to that Lordship as well!
Distinction: We dealt with the 2nd person as He relates to the Trinity in His person, but now deal with the Son of God in His name Jesus in His offices and deal with the Son of God in His name Jesus as He IS the Son of God. Any denial of this very fact cancels out salvation. If He is just a man and not both very God AND man. Following an exemplary man will never obtain salvation for you or me. Jesus IS the Son of God!!! We too are children of God, sons and daughters, yet He is the only NATURAL and BEGOTTEN Son of God. He is essentially GOD! we are made by God (creatures) who are redeemed but we will never be God. He is eternally begotten and makes His appearance in human flesh.
Adoption: We are children by adoption and have but a faint reflection here below. Those needing adoption have been taken away, rejected, and have no parents. People adopt them and make them their very own. Spiritually we are alienated from God also. We thank the Lord for these opportunities to adopt and make our very own. It is very costly and those children are legally ours and they are given rights and privileges as legal children...their concerns become our very own as well now. And so God, in His sovereign grace and mercy, takes us to be His own and presses us to His bosom and does so at a VERY COSTLY price! We have been made sons and daughters through the avenue of His sovereign good pleasure in the blood of His Son! He spends HIMSELF in His only begotten Son that we may be the adopted sons of God by grace! Just stop to think about this very fact for a few minutes. This is what it actually cost for us to be His sons and daughters!
Lordship: By implication He sets up His Lordship by adopting us and doing what earthly parents CANNOT do. He touches our hearts and makes us His own to fellowship with Him and He lives within us and possesses us so that we become His servants! Servitude where we belong. And in Him we serve Him in spirit and in truth! His Lordship is not there because WE decide to serve Him, but because HE touches our hearts that we may serve Him.
We will always serve and praise Him. Now and FOREVERMORE!
"Children of God by Adoption" LD13/Galatians 4 We have come to the last names of the Son of God as we know Him in His names and in His offices. We now cover the name Lord. There is a digression to teach us there are two natures as the older...[ abbreviated | read entire ]