Calvary Protestant Reformed Church |
Rev. Allen Brummel | Hull, Iowa
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: calvaryprc | Set MyChurch Code#: 72872 |
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I. The Love II. The Comparison III. The Response |
I. Comfort: In What? II. Comfort: What? III. Comfort: In What Assurance? |
I. The Infallible Proofs II. The Life Giving Power III. The Sure Pledge |
I. Who Are Sent? II. Where Are They Sent? III. Why Are They Sent? |
I. Instruction in Wisdom II. The Need to Continue in Wisdom III. The Joy in Doing So |
I. The Lifelong Suffering II. The Unjust Judgment III. The Voluntary Suffering |
I. The Covenant II. The Basis III. The Reason |