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Calvary Protestant Reformed
Rev. Allen Brummel
| Hull, Iowa
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Calvary Protestant Reformed Church
2011 2nd St.
Hull, IA 51239
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Our Blog
-- recent blog posts --
09/06/2020 - A More Excellent Sacrifice
09/06/2020 - My Only Comfort
07/26/2020 - The God-given Office of the Women
06/21/2020 - The Covenant Established by Death
05/17/2020 - Praying for God's Kingdom to Come
05/10/2020 - Perfect Obedience
03/15/2020 - Authority and Obedience
03/15/2020 - Teaching our Children to War
03/11/2020 - Coming Boldly to the Throne of Grace
03/08/2020 - God's Servant Punished for Our Straying
03/08/2020 - The Traveler's Trust
03/01/2020 - Keeping the Lord's Day Holy
03/01/2020 - A Sure Support Through the Valley
02/23/2020 - Declaring what God Hath Done for Me
02/23/2020 - Jesus Christ Above Moses
02/16/2020 - The Oath of the Believer
02/16/2020 - God's Faithfulness Towards Timothy
02/09/2020 - Over the Jordan
02/09/2020 - Exalting the Name of Jehovah
02/02/2020 - Giving Earnest Heed to Such a Great...
02/02/2020 - Worshipping God Rightly
01/26/2020 - Jesus Christ: Above the Angels
01/26/2020 - Worshipping the One God
01/19/2020 - Our Great God
01/19/2020 - The Superiority of Christ's Revelation
01/19/2020 - Seeking More of Christ
01/12/2020 - The Kingdom Taken From Nebuchadnezzar
12/31/19 - Our Lasting Hope in God
12/29/19 - Jesus Came to Serve
12/29/19 - The Perfect Law of God
12/25/19 - The Birth of Jesus Christ
12/19/19 - Calvary Sunday School Christmas Program
12/15/19 - The Must of Good Works
12/15/19 - Children: A Gift from God
12/08/19 - Malachi: Restoring Right Worship
12/08/19 - Grateful for Jehovah's Goodness
12/01/19 - Zechariah: The Fathers and the Word
12/01/19 - Refusing to Worship the Golden Image
12/01/19 - Refusing to Worship the Golden Image
11/28/19 - Giving Thanks in Everything
11/25/19 - Combined Junior High Fall Music Program
11/24/19 - Haggai: Building God's House
11/24/19 - The Keys of the Kingdom
11/17/19 - Zephaniah: Judgement Day
11/17/19 - Proper Partakers
11/10/19 - Habakkuk: Walking by Faith
11/10/19 - The Supper and the One Sacrifice
11/03/19 - The (Suffering) Minister's Steadfast...
11/03/19 - The Spiritual Presence of Christ
10/27/19 - Jehovah's Deliverance Through Shamgar
10/27/19 - The Institution of the Lord's Supper
10/25/19 - Jessica and Jade Wedding
10/20/19 - The Priest Standing Between the Dead...
10/20/19 - Black But Comely
10/13/19 - Nahum: Prophet of God's Wrath
10/13/19 - Baptism as a Sign of the Covenant
10/06/19 - Micah: The Prophet of Covenant...
10/06/19 - The Meaning and Institution of Baptism
09/29/19 - Christ Exalted as Head of the Church
09/29/19 - Like as a Father Pitieth His Children
09/24/19 - God's Prescription for Anxiety
09/22/19 - The Means of Faith
09/22/19 - Wise Unto Salvation
09/15/19 - Jonah: Prophet of God's Forgiving Grace
09/15/19 - The Place of Good Works in Salvation
09/08/19 - Obadiah: The Prophet of God's Vengeance
09/08/19 - Justification by Faith Alone
09/01/19 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
09/01/19 - Ask for the Old Paths
08/25/19 - Are You the One, Jesus?
08/25/19 - The Command Not to Be Unequally Yoked
08/11/19 - Joel: The Prophet of God's Judgement
08/11/19 - Faith In the Forgiveness of Sins
08/04/19 - Hosea: The Prophet of God's Love
08/04/19 - The Communion of Saints
07/28/19 - Giving Diligence to Make Our Calling...
07/28/19 - The Holy Catholic Church
07/21/19 - The Holy Spirit
07/21/19 - Returned to the Lord
07/14/19 - Jehovah Preserving His Sheep
07/14/19 - A Love Better Than Wine
06/23/19 - Comfort in Temptation
06/23/19 - Christ's Resurrection
06/16/19 - The Sending God
06/16/19 - The Gift that Brings Joy to Parents
06/09/19 - Jesus Christ: Crucified, Dead, and...
06/09/19 - The Significance of Pentecost
06/07/19 - Brandon Miersma & Maria Korver :Wedding...
06/02/19 - The Suffering Savior
06/02/19 - I will Build Your House
05/26/19 - Quench Not The Spirit
05/26/19 - The Virgin Birth
05/12/19 - What's Key To The Blessed Life
05/12/19 - Brought To Jesus For Healing
05/05/19 - A Heart Transplant
05/05/19 - Confessing Jesus to be my Lord and God
04/28/19 - Praying for Laborers for the Harvest
04/28/19 - Partakers of Christ's Anointing
04/21/19 - The Resurrection and the Lie
04/21/19 - Fear Not: He is Risen
04/19/19 - Jesus of Nazareth: The King of the Jews
04/14/19 - Walking with Wise Friends
04/14/19 - Called to the Marriage Supper of the...
04/07/19 - The Parable of the Sower
04/07/19 - Jesus: The Only Savior
03/31/19 - Cursed by the Law: Saved By Faith
03/31/19 - God's Providence
03/24/19 - Joy Through the Atonement
03/24/19 - Confessing God as Creator and Father
03/17/19 - Assurance - Calvary Spring Program
03/17/19 - A Celebration of Covenant Mercy
03/17/19 - The Trinity
03/13/19 - God's Cure For Worry
03/10/19 - The King Walking Upon The Sea
03/10/19 - The Necessity of Faith
03/03/19 - Sins of Youth Remember Not
03/03/19 - The Mediator Revealed in the Gospel
02/24/19 - Tempted to Turn Stones into Bread
02/17/19 - The Certain Reception of Those Who Came
02/17/19 - The Urgent Need For Reconciliation
02/10/19 - God's Pleasure in the Repentant Wicked
02/10/19 - The Righteousness of God's Wrath Upon...
02/03/19 - God's Gracious Deliverance
02/03/19 - The Origin of Sin and It's Effect
01/27/19 - The Antichrist
01/27/19 - Knowledge of Our Misery
01/20/19 - David's Battle with Goliath
01/20/19 - The Marvel of God's Love
01/13/19 - Remember Lot's Wife
01/13/19 - Our Only Comfort
01/06/19 - A Call to Total Trust in Jehovah
01/06/19 - Feed the Flock
01/01/19 - Commit Thy Way Unto the Lord
12/31/18 - Our Longsuffering Regarding His Return
12/30/18 - The Intense Spiritual Warfare
12/30/18 - Singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb
12/27/18 - Brandon Brummel Wedding
12/25/18 - Jesus: Jehovah Salvation
12/23/18 - The Supreme Prophet
12/23/18 - The Supreme Prophet
12/23/18 - The Doxology of Prayer
12/16/18 - The Star Out of Jacob
12/16/18 - A Prayer for Preservation and...
12/09/18 - The Coming Shiloh
12/09/18 - Forgive Us Our Debts
12/02/18 - The Seventy Weeks
11/25/18 - Sounding Out the Word
11/25/18 - Give Us Our Daily Bread
11/22/18 - Thanksgiving Worship - Called to...
11/19/18 - HPRCS Combined Junior High Fall Music...
11/18/18 - Thy Will Be Done
11/18/18 - A Marvelous Union
11/11/18 - The Joy of the Church
11/11/18 - Thy Kingdom Come
11/04/18 - Daniel's Prayer and Confession of Sin
11/04/18 - Hallowed Be Thy Name
10/28/18 - Our Father in Heaven
10/28/18 - The Reproach of Egypt Rolled Away
10/21/18 - The Little Horn
10/21/18 - The Necessity of Prayer
10/14/18 - The Prophet of God's Compassion
10/14/18 - The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
10/14/18 - The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
10/07/18 - The Perfection of the Law
10/07/18 - The Four Beasts
09/30/18 - God's Election in Israel
09/30/18 - Thou Shalt Not Covet
09/23/18 - Boldness in Prayer
09/23/18 - Children: An Heritage of Jehovah
09/16/18 - Weighed and Found Wanting
09/16/18 - Speaking the Truth in Love
09/09/18 - Honoring God in All Things
09/09/18 - Living As Godly Stewards
09/02/18 - Guarding Your Heart
09/02/18 - Marriage for God's Glory
08/26/18 - Saved through Fire
08/26/18 - A Commandment to Love the Neighbor
08/19/18 - Honoring Authority
08/19/18 - From Such Turn Away
08/12/18 - The Stone Cut Without Hands
08/12/18 - The Blessedness of the Lord's Day
08/05/18 - Refusing The King's Meat
08/05/18 - Swearing An Oath
07/29/18 - Using God's Name Rightly
07/22/18 - Jehovah's Pity in Salvation
07/22/18 - A Pastor's Plea for Prayer
07/15/18 - Taste and See God's Goodness
07/15/18 - A Godly Resolution
07/08/18 - Sinning Against God Only (Preparatory)
07/08/18 - Sinning Against God Only (Preparatory)
07/08/18 - Buried With Christ (Baptism)
07/01/18 - Philippines Presentation
07/01/18 - The Christian and Liberty
07/01/18 - True Worship of Jehovah
06/24/18 - More than Conquerors
06/24/18 - Jephthah's Vow
06/22/18 - Kooima/Gritters Wedding
06/17/18 - Confessing Jehovah Alone
06/17/18 - God's Covenant Faithfulness
06/15/18 - Potjer/Van Ravenswaay Wedding
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The Sending God
SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2019
07:00 PM
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Calvary Protestant Reformed Church
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Our Blog
-- recent blog posts --
09/06/2020 - A More Excellent Sacrifice
09/06/2020 - My Only Comfort
07/26/2020 - The God-given Office of the Women
06/21/2020 - The Covenant Established by Death
05/17/2020 - Praying for God's Kingdom to Come
05/10/2020 - Perfect Obedience
03/15/2020 - Authority and Obedience
03/15/2020 - Teaching our Children to War
03/11/2020 - Coming Boldly to the Throne of Grace
03/08/2020 - God's Servant Punished for Our Straying
03/08/2020 - The Traveler's Trust
03/01/2020 - Keeping the Lord's Day Holy
03/01/2020 - A Sure Support Through the Valley
02/23/2020 - Declaring what God Hath Done for Me
02/23/2020 - Jesus Christ Above Moses
02/16/2020 - The Oath of the Believer
02/16/2020 - God's Faithfulness Towards Timothy
02/09/2020 - Over the Jordan
02/09/2020 - Exalting the Name of Jehovah
02/02/2020 - Giving Earnest Heed to Such a Great...
02/02/2020 - Worshipping God Rightly
01/26/2020 - Jesus Christ: Above the Angels
01/26/2020 - Worshipping the One God
01/19/2020 - Our Great God
01/19/2020 - The Superiority of Christ's Revelation
01/19/2020 - Seeking More of Christ
01/12/2020 - The Kingdom Taken From Nebuchadnezzar
12/31/19 - Our Lasting Hope in God
12/29/19 - Jesus Came to Serve
12/29/19 - The Perfect Law of God
12/25/19 - The Birth of Jesus Christ
12/19/19 - Calvary Sunday School Christmas Program
12/15/19 - The Must of Good Works
12/15/19 - Children: A Gift from God
12/08/19 - Malachi: Restoring Right Worship
12/08/19 - Grateful for Jehovah's Goodness
12/01/19 - Zechariah: The Fathers and the Word
12/01/19 - Refusing to Worship the Golden Image
12/01/19 - Refusing to Worship the Golden Image
11/28/19 - Giving Thanks in Everything
11/25/19 - Combined Junior High Fall Music Program
11/24/19 - Haggai: Building God's House
11/24/19 - The Keys of the Kingdom
11/17/19 - Zephaniah: Judgement Day
11/17/19 - Proper Partakers
11/10/19 - Habakkuk: Walking by Faith
11/10/19 - The Supper and the One Sacrifice
11/03/19 - The (Suffering) Minister's Steadfast...
11/03/19 - The Spiritual Presence of Christ
10/27/19 - Jehovah's Deliverance Through Shamgar
10/27/19 - The Institution of the Lord's Supper
10/25/19 - Jessica and Jade Wedding
10/20/19 - The Priest Standing Between the Dead...
10/20/19 - Black But Comely
10/13/19 - Nahum: Prophet of God's Wrath
10/13/19 - Baptism as a Sign of the Covenant
10/06/19 - Micah: The Prophet of Covenant...
10/06/19 - The Meaning and Institution of Baptism
09/29/19 - Christ Exalted as Head of the Church
09/29/19 - Like as a Father Pitieth His Children
09/24/19 - God's Prescription for Anxiety
09/22/19 - The Means of Faith
09/22/19 - Wise Unto Salvation
09/15/19 - Jonah: Prophet of God's Forgiving Grace
09/15/19 - The Place of Good Works in Salvation
09/08/19 - Obadiah: The Prophet of God's Vengeance
09/08/19 - Justification by Faith Alone
09/01/19 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
09/01/19 - Ask for the Old Paths
08/25/19 - Are You the One, Jesus?
08/25/19 - The Command Not to Be Unequally Yoked
08/11/19 - Joel: The Prophet of God's Judgement
08/11/19 - Faith In the Forgiveness of Sins
08/04/19 - Hosea: The Prophet of God's Love
08/04/19 - The Communion of Saints
07/28/19 - Giving Diligence to Make Our Calling...
07/28/19 - The Holy Catholic Church
07/21/19 - The Holy Spirit
07/21/19 - Returned to the Lord
07/14/19 - Jehovah Preserving His Sheep
07/14/19 - A Love Better Than Wine
06/23/19 - Comfort in Temptation
06/23/19 - Christ's Resurrection
06/16/19 - The Sending God
06/16/19 - The Gift that Brings Joy to Parents
06/09/19 - Jesus Christ: Crucified, Dead, and...
06/09/19 - The Significance of Pentecost
06/07/19 - Brandon Miersma & Maria Korver :Wedding...
06/02/19 - The Suffering Savior
06/02/19 - I will Build Your House
05/26/19 - Quench Not The Spirit
05/26/19 - The Virgin Birth
05/12/19 - What's Key To The Blessed Life
05/12/19 - Brought To Jesus For Healing
05/05/19 - A Heart Transplant
05/05/19 - Confessing Jesus to be my Lord and God
04/28/19 - Praying for Laborers for the Harvest
04/28/19 - Partakers of Christ's Anointing
04/21/19 - The Resurrection and the Lie
04/21/19 - Fear Not: He is Risen
04/19/19 - Jesus of Nazareth: The King of the Jews
04/14/19 - Walking with Wise Friends
04/14/19 - Called to the Marriage Supper of the...
04/07/19 - The Parable of the Sower
04/07/19 - Jesus: The Only Savior
03/31/19 - Cursed by the Law: Saved By Faith
03/31/19 - God's Providence
03/24/19 - Joy Through the Atonement
03/24/19 - Confessing God as Creator and Father
03/17/19 - Assurance - Calvary Spring Program
03/17/19 - A Celebration of Covenant Mercy
03/17/19 - The Trinity
03/13/19 - God's Cure For Worry
03/10/19 - The King Walking Upon The Sea
03/10/19 - The Necessity of Faith
03/03/19 - Sins of Youth Remember Not
03/03/19 - The Mediator Revealed in the Gospel
02/24/19 - Tempted to Turn Stones into Bread
02/17/19 - The Certain Reception of Those Who Came
02/17/19 - The Urgent Need For Reconciliation
02/10/19 - God's Pleasure in the Repentant Wicked
02/10/19 - The Righteousness of God's Wrath Upon...
02/03/19 - God's Gracious Deliverance
02/03/19 - The Origin of Sin and It's Effect
01/27/19 - The Antichrist
01/27/19 - Knowledge of Our Misery
01/20/19 - David's Battle with Goliath
01/20/19 - The Marvel of God's Love
01/13/19 - Remember Lot's Wife
01/13/19 - Our Only Comfort
01/06/19 - A Call to Total Trust in Jehovah
01/06/19 - Feed the Flock
01/01/19 - Commit Thy Way Unto the Lord
12/31/18 - Our Longsuffering Regarding His Return
12/30/18 - The Intense Spiritual Warfare
12/30/18 - Singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb
12/27/18 - Brandon Brummel Wedding
12/25/18 - Jesus: Jehovah Salvation
12/23/18 - The Supreme Prophet
12/23/18 - The Supreme Prophet
12/23/18 - The Doxology of Prayer
12/16/18 - The Star Out of Jacob
12/16/18 - A Prayer for Preservation and...
12/09/18 - The Coming Shiloh
12/09/18 - Forgive Us Our Debts
12/02/18 - The Seventy Weeks
11/25/18 - Sounding Out the Word
11/25/18 - Give Us Our Daily Bread
11/22/18 - Thanksgiving Worship - Called to...
11/19/18 - HPRCS Combined Junior High Fall Music...
11/18/18 - Thy Will Be Done
11/18/18 - A Marvelous Union
11/11/18 - The Joy of the Church
11/11/18 - Thy Kingdom Come
11/04/18 - Daniel's Prayer and Confession of Sin
11/04/18 - Hallowed Be Thy Name
10/28/18 - Our Father in Heaven
10/28/18 - The Reproach of Egypt Rolled Away
10/21/18 - The Little Horn
10/21/18 - The Necessity of Prayer
10/14/18 - The Prophet of God's Compassion
10/14/18 - The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
10/14/18 - The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
10/07/18 - The Perfection of the Law
10/07/18 - The Four Beasts
09/30/18 - God's Election in Israel
09/30/18 - Thou Shalt Not Covet
09/23/18 - Boldness in Prayer
09/23/18 - Children: An Heritage of Jehovah
09/16/18 - Weighed and Found Wanting
09/16/18 - Speaking the Truth in Love
09/09/18 - Honoring God in All Things
09/09/18 - Living As Godly Stewards
09/02/18 - Guarding Your Heart
09/02/18 - Marriage for God's Glory
08/26/18 - Saved through Fire
08/26/18 - A Commandment to Love the Neighbor
08/19/18 - Honoring Authority
08/19/18 - From Such Turn Away
08/12/18 - The Stone Cut Without Hands
08/12/18 - The Blessedness of the Lord's Day
08/05/18 - Refusing The King's Meat
08/05/18 - Swearing An Oath
07/29/18 - Using God's Name Rightly
07/22/18 - Jehovah's Pity in Salvation
07/22/18 - A Pastor's Plea for Prayer
07/15/18 - Taste and See God's Goodness
07/15/18 - A Godly Resolution
07/08/18 - Sinning Against God Only (Preparatory)
07/08/18 - Sinning Against God Only (Preparatory)
07/08/18 - Buried With Christ (Baptism)
07/01/18 - Philippines Presentation
07/01/18 - The Christian and Liberty
07/01/18 - True Worship of Jehovah
06/24/18 - More than Conquerors
06/24/18 - Jephthah's Vow
06/22/18 - Kooima/Gritters Wedding
06/17/18 - Confessing Jehovah Alone
06/17/18 - God's Covenant Faithfulness
06/15/18 - Potjer/Van Ravenswaay Wedding
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