Calvary Protestant Reformed Church |
Rev. Allen Brummel | Hull, Iowa
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: calvaryprc | Set MyChurch Code#: 72872 |
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I. The Comprehensive CallingII. The Exclusive ObjectIII. The Encouraging Promise |
I. The Idea II. The Manner III. The Observance |
1. The Valley 2. The Comfort 3. The Confession |
I. What God Hath Done II. Declaring It |
I. The Faithfulness of Moses II. The Glory of Jesus Christ III. The Benefit for Us |
I. The Biblical Oath II. The Necessity III. The Proper Use |
I. The Line of GenerationsII. The Unfeigned FaithIII. The Godly Confidence |
I. Destination II. Barrier III. Crossing |
I. Jehovah's Holy Name II. The Prohibition III. The Demand |
I. Giving Heed to What? II. Giving Heed: How ? III. Giving Heed : Why? |