Prayer is supposed to be something beautiful. But it often doesn't seem that way, does it? It often doesn't seem to bring us closer to God. Can it be that we have been approaching god in the wrong way? He intends prayer as a gracious gift, yet we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are many ways to mess up your life. Doing the wrong things the right way, or doing the right things the wrong way. It is easy to start thinking in the wrong ways in ministry. That's what happened to the disciples in Luke 10:20. Also to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The good Samaritan is possibly the most misunderstood parable in the Bible. It is a parable Jesus told in response to a question posed by a proud teacher of the law. He, like any self-righteous person, finds it hard to see what God has done...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Imagine thinking you are going to a birthday party, but you end up at your own execution. What a shock! This is similar to the disciples' discovery in Luke ten. Expecting a majestic kingdom they are told they need to die. What drives Christians...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jesus has spoken, in chapter 9, about his impending death, yet his mission continues. He has proven Himself to be the Messiah, yet rather than being received with joy, He is greeted with increasing hostility. So much so that Jesus warns His...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Are you struggling to become a godly person? Are you trying to take on too much at one time? The encouraging truth is that even the very first tiny baby step toward godliness is a big step. While you are looking to the great changes you would love...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Some men think that the Bible teaches that men generally have authority over women, and can therefore command them to do what they would like them to do. Yet this is a serious error. Wives are to submit to their husbands. Moreover, this submission...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Africa, you will often hear the phrase, 'We're African.' That is obvious and acceptable, unless it is used as a way of excusing sinful behaviour, especially sexual sin. Luke begins to open up a new section here, that explains how Jesus went...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Audio for the 2015 ACBC Conference, Sex as God Intended It, is now available at the following link: Alternatively, you can download from the ACBC website:
Are you too naive about your lack of belief in Jesus? There is something so wrong with your heart that even if you have all of the information you need about Jesus, you will still avoid believing in Him. There is not a single heart that is not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]