This famous psalm has brought so much comfort to so many poeple down through the ages. It is full of grace, Gods marvelous grace.Mr. Joe Peden looks are this under three main headings 1. HE MAKETH 2. HE RESTORETH 3. HE LEADETH
Although we can not be saved by our works, we aresaved to work. Faith is dead without works, but areal faith will work.Rev. Ken Elliott examines this under four headings1.ITS PARTICIPATION IDENTIFIED2.ITS COMPULSION EXEMPLIFIED3.ITS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What to do when you do not know what to do or whenyou are at your wits end. Jehoshaphat, king of Israelis at this point, how does he cope, what does he do.Listen and find out.Mr. Rodney Mitchell looks at this under three mainpoints1. THE MULTITUDE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The effectual calling of the Lord is looked at, wherethe Lord calls a sinner personally to receive thegift of salvation by repentance and faith.Rev. Ken Elliott examines this under four headings1. THE SOURCE OF ITa) Divine and Heavenly2. THE STAMP...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Philippian jailer on the point of suicide asksthe biggest, most important question one can asked.What must I do to be saved? Mr. Rodney Mitchell looks at this under three mainpoints1.THE MIRACLE THAT WAS SEEN 2.THE MESSAGE THAT WAS SHARED...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continuing the studies in Joel the promised futureblessing concerning Israel and the Jewish people,that still to take place is examined.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at the second heading1.THE SETTING OF THE EVENT (Part 1)2. THE SUMMONS OF THE EVENT...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We often hear of terrible tragedies that befallpeople, the Lord taught this was not because ofgreater sins. He explained unless we repent we willall perish.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this parable under fourmain heading1.THE FOCUS IT ATTRACTEDi)...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continuing the studies in Joel the promised futureblessing concerning Israel and the Jewish people,that still to take place is examined.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at the third heading.1.THE SETTING OF THE EVENT (Part 1)2. THE SUMMONS OF THE EVENT...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Are you saved? We need to be saved. Wilt thou besaved?This great old biblical term saved is looked at.This term is used throughout the Bible, God Almighty,the Lord Jesus and the disciples all used it.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at this under three...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Although we can not be saved by our works, we aresaved to work. Faith is dead without works, but areal faith will work.Rev. Ken Elliott examines this under four headings1.ITS PARTICIPATION IDENTIFIED2.ITS COMPULSION EXEMPLIFIED3.ITS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]