Continuing the studies in Joel the promised futureblessing concerning Israel and the Jewish people,that still to take place is examined.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at the first heading.1.THE SETTING OF THE EVENT (Part 1)i) Personii) Periodiii) Place2....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many children’s tales start once upon a time and endeveryone lived happily ever after. This special storystarts once at the end of the world and it ends withforever but you must decide if it will be happily ordisastrously ever after?Rev. Ian...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The first question in the New Testament is a veryfocused and specific question. Where is He that isborn King of the Jews?Mr. Gary Craig looks at this event under fourheading1. THE STAR’S OBJECTIVE2. HEROD’S TROUBLE3. WORSHIP OF HIM4....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We all have secrets of the heart or from the past,things we would rather forget. There is a day set inyour diary when all the secrets of your heart will berevealed and judged.Mr. Marcus Lecky looks at this under four mainheadings1. A REAL...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A challenge is usually a summons or demand placed onus above the usual. This challenge that Moses calledthe people to is looked at from a spiritualperspective.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at this challenge under 4headings1. SETTING OF THE CHALLENGEThe...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A challenge is usually a summons or demand placed onus above the usual. This challenge that Moses calledthe people to is looked at from a spiritualperspective.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at this challenge under 4headings1. SETTING OF THE CHALLENGEThe...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the most famous bible stories is David and theGiant. What giants await us in 2009 and how should wedeal with them.Rev. Jim Hartin looks at this under three mainheadings.1. FACING THE PROBLEM WITH THE LORD2. SEEING THE LORD'S HAND IN IT3....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Men going about their every day job are suddenlyvisited by some very special and unusual beings butthey are not from this world. They bring a greatmessage of hope for all mankind.Rev Ken Elliott looks at this event under three mainheadings1. THEIR...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continuing the studies in Joel the promised futureblessing concerning Israel and the Jewish people,that still to take place is examined.Rev. Ken Elliott looks at the first heading.1.THE SETTING OF THE EVENT (Part 1)i) Personii) Periodiii) Place2....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many children’s tales start once upon a time and endeveryone lived happily ever after. This special storystarts once at the end of the world and it ends withforever but you must decide if it will be happily ordisastrously ever after?Rev. Ian...[ abbreviated | read entire ]