The first question in the New Testament is a veryfocused and specific question. Where is He that isborn King of the Jews?Mr. Gary Craig looks at this event under fourheading1. THE STAR’S OBJECTIVE2. HEROD’S TROUBLE3. WORSHIP OF HIM4....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We all have secrets of the heart or from the past,things we would rather forget. There is a day set inyour diary when all the secrets of your heart will berevealed and judged.Mr. Marcus Lecky looks at this under four mainheadings1. A REAL...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord is speaking here to the Laodicean Church, ashe was now outside their door due to, wealth,prosperity, pride, ignorant, apathy andunfaithfulness. This invitation to open the door isexamined with respect to the believer.Mr. Calvin Stripp...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Three incidents are looked at in this chapter theleper the lame and Levi. They show the picture ofsalvation how a person is saved and delivered fromsin.Mr. David McConaghie looks at this under threesections.1. WE ARE CLEANSED FROM THE DEFILEMENT...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Joseph's later life is looked at after he iselevated. His life in general has so manysimilarities to the Lord'sMr. David McConaghie looks at this under threesections.1. GOD'S PROVIDENCE GUIDING THE PAST2. GOD'S PROVISION GUARANTEEING THE PRESENT3....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord's return has been compared to a thief, aking, a mighty general but it also is compared as abridegroom arriving for His bride.Mr. Joe Peden looks are this under four mainheadings1.THE BRIDESMAIDS INTENTION2.THE BRIDESMAIDS PREPARATION3.THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This famous psalm has brought so much comfort to so many poeple down through the ages. It is full of grace, Gods marvelous grace.Mr. Joe Peden looks are this under three main headings 1. HE MAKETH 2. HE RESTORETH 3. HE LEADETH
Three incidents are looked at in this chapter theleper the lame and Levi. They show the picture ofsalvation how a person is saved and delivered fromsin.Mr. David McConaghie looks at this under threesections.1. WE ARE CLEANSED FROM THE DEFILEMENT...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Joseph's later life is looked at after he iselevated. His life in general has so manysimilarities to the Lord'sMr. David McConaghie looks at this under threesections.1. GOD'S PROVIDENCE GUIDING THE PAST2. GOD'S PROVISION GUARANTEEING THE PRESENT3....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord's return has been compared to a thief, aking, a mighty general but it also is compared as abridegroom arriving for His bride.Mr. Joe Peden looks are this under four mainheadings1.THE BRIDESMAIDS INTENTION2.THE BRIDESMAIDS PREPARATION3.THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]