Got shortages? God does not. Of one thing He is in great supply. It is mercy. On the Mount Moses met the Lord God Who revealed Himself to be merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In these days of national and global uncertainty, strife, fear, and even panic, unbelief has gone viral. Beware the virus of unbelief! Let us instead believe, confident in the sure promises of God, the daily sufficiency of grace, and in the truth...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Speaking of viruses, and contagious ones at that…. There is another thing that spreads. It is called grace. We hear of this “contagious grace” in a passage like 2 Corinthians 4:15: For all things are for your sakes, that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Splashed across the front page of a recent Seattle Times was the headline: “This is Bigger than All of Us” The reference, of course, was to the Coronavirus, its spread and influence. When folks say things like “this is bigger...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In this midst of GVO (the great viral outbreak) I trust this finds you all well. The circumstances have changed. We keep a “social distance” to avoid the spread of a virus. Some basic stuff is not as easy to get from the stores....[ abbreviated | read entire ]