Scripture: Psalm 81 Text: Psalm 81:10 Theme: What is our covenant pleading ground? God says: 1. "I am the LORD thy God" 2. "Open wide they mouth" 3. "And I will fill it"
Theme: Praying for deliverance from temptation Text: Mark 14:38; Lord's Day 52 Q 127 Scripture Reading: Mark 14:12-42 Points: 1. Where do temptations come from? 2. Why do they cause problems for us? 3. Are temptations real to Jesus?
Scripture: Romans 7:15-8:6 Text: Romans 7:18-19; Lord's Day 51 Theme: The Prayer of Forgiveness: How does it reveal... 1. A pressing poverty? 2. A persisent evil? 3. An undeserved resolution? 4. An evidence of grace?
Theme: Christ is Victorious! Scripture Reading: Revelation 12 Text: Rev 12:7-17 Points: 1. What is the result of Christ's resurrection and ascension? 2. What is the result of Christ's victory over Satan?
Scripture: Genesis 3:1-4:8 Text: Genesis 3:1; Matthew 6:13; Lord's Day 52 Theme: Temptation and Prayer 1. Truths about temptation 2. Prayer about temptation
Scripture: Matthew 6:24-34 Text: Matthew 6:32b; Lord's Day 50 Theme: Give us this day our daily bread 1. What is the Old Testament example? 2. What is the New Testament principle?
Theme: The Signs of the Woman and the Dragon Scripture Reading & Text: Revelation 12:1-6 Points: 1. Whom does the woman signify? 2. Whome does the dragon signify? 3. Why is there enmity between them?
Scripture: Revelation 11 Text: Revelation 11:15-19 Theme: The Seventh Trumpet 1. Whose kingdom comes and Who rules it? 2. How should this affect how we live our lives?
Theme: Prayer for the Father's will to be done Scripture Reading: Matt. 16:21-28; Matt. 26:36-46 Text: Matthew 26:39b; Lord's Day 49 Points: 1. What is the content of that prayer? 2. What is the call of that prayer? 3. What is the consequence...[ abbreviated | read entire ]