Scripture: Colossians 3 Text: Colossians 3:5-11 Theme: Christ is All and in All 1. How must we get rid of sin? 2. What are some examples of that sin? 3. Why must we do all this?
Theme: An Overwhelmed Heart Led to Christ Scripture Reading: Psalm 61 Text: Psalm 61:1-4 Points: 1. What is its cry? 2. Where is it led? 3. Whom will it trust?
Scripture: Colossians 3 Text: Colossians 3:1-4 Theme: You are risen with Christ! 1. What must we seek for? 2. What must we set our minds on? 3. Why must we do these things?
Theme: The Holy Trinity Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:1-23 Text: Col. 1:2; Articles 8,9 Points: 1. Three Persons in One Divine Essence? 2. How can we prove the Trinity? 3. Now how must we live?
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3 Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Belgic Confession Articles 6 & 7 Theme: How is the Holy Spirit's sufficiency... 1. Distinguised from the the Apocrypha? 2. Perfect and complete? 3. Our infallible rule?
Theme: The Song of Moses and the Lamb Scripture Reading / Text: Revelation 15 Points: 1. How is God's wrath filled up? 2. How are God's judgements praised? 3. How is God's presenxe manifested? 4. What should we be longing for?
Scripture: Matthew 23:1-13; 23-29 Text: Matthew 23:23b Theme: The Gospel at the Heart of the Law 1. The misunderstanding 2. The correction 3. The salvation
Scripture: Exodus 34:1-9 Theme: God Tells Us Who He Is 1. We receive a glimpse of the majestic and living God 2. The majestic and living God saves His people 3. The majestic and living God wins His people's hearts
Scripture: Matthew 8:18-27 Theme: The Costly Privilege of Discipleship 1. To be a disciple of Jesus, you must make yourself nothing 2. To be a disciple of Jesus, you must give yourself entirely to Him 3. To be a disciple of Jesus, you must make...[ abbreviated | read entire ]