Scripture: Revelation 14 Text: Revelation 14:6-13 Theme: The Eternal Gospel and Eternal Hell 1. Is there judgement in the gospel message? 2. Is there an eternal hell? 3. Is there a blessing announced?
Theme: God Reveals Himself to Us Scripture Reading: Psalm 19 Text: Psalm 19:2,7; Articles 2, 3 Points: 1. By what means is God made known to us? 2. What is the written Word of God?
Scripture: Isaiah 40:18-31 Text: Isaiah 40:28; Belgic Confession Article 1 Theme: "There is only one God" 1. Why do we confess Him? 2. What kind of God is He? 3. How should this impact the way we live?
Theme: These Were Redeemed! Scripture Reading: Revelation 14 Text: Rev. 14:1-5 Points: 1. What is their eternal destination? 2. What is their song? 3. What is their lifestyle?
Scripture: Revelation 13 Theme: The Two Beasts 1. What does the first beast symbolize? 2. What does the second beast symbolize? 3. What does all this have to do with us?
Theme: The Little Word "Amen" Text: Luke 11:9,10; Lord's Day 52(Part3) Scripture Reading: Gen 15:1-6; Luke 11:1-13 Points: 1. What does it mean? 2. How does it encourage us?
Theme: God Will Redeem Believer's Souls Text: Psalm 49:15 Scripture Reading: Psalm 49 Points: 1. What about the souls of the unglodly? 2. How and Why will God redeem my soul?
Scripture: Psalm 135 Text: Psalm 135:3-6 Theme: The Doxology of the Lord's Prayer 1. How does it express our adoration? 2. How is it a motivation for all prayer? 3. How is it a ground for children's prayer?