On Sunday, I preached on Isaiah 56:1-8, Laying Hold of Sabbath Joy, where the Lord speaks of an in-gathering of believers to a new and happy community of obedient sons and daughters who have experienced the joy of the mountain of the lord, obeying...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is the latest video from The Center for Medical Progress on Planned Parenthood. The church needs to stand up and spread the word about this. "Open your mouth for the speechless, / In the cause of all who are appointed to die" (Proverbs 31:8).
It is our privilege to invite you to join us at the Freedom 2015 National Religious Liberties Conference on November 6-7 in Des Moines, Iowa. Friends of NCFIC registering by October 15 will receive a special rate of $79 — 60% off the regular...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does holiness look like? In this video, Craig Houston points us to the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. These are fruits that are to be desired by true Christian, and they want more of them in their life! The Christian living in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"God's Holiness is Why We Worship" by Kevin Swanson Why should we worship God? We worship God because He is holy! When someone comes into contact with the holiness of God, the response is to worship. Kevin Swanson points to Isaiah 6, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Scripture, the Sabbath is meant to be a day for delighting in the Lord, and gathering together with the people of God. It is common today to hear people argue that the Sabbath has been abolished. But what does Scripture actually say? A few...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We affirm the warning of Holy Scripture that since the Garden of Eden, Satan, the father of lies and deceiver of the brethren, has used and continues to use his subtle trickery to question God’s Word: “Yea, hath God said...?”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"A People Who See the Beauty of the Lord" by Scott Brown The most defining aspect of all of life is your view of God and His holiness. What is your view of the holiness of God? At this conference, we are going to be spending a lot of time...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is important that we have a right understanding of good works. Good works are only what God has commanded in His Word, and it must be done from a pure heart and unto the right ends (the glory of God). The fruit and evidence of faith is that the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When someone is saved, they are justified and sanctified. The person who is truly justified by God, will be sanctified by Him as well, and if they are not growing in holiness, they were never truly justified. Even though these two cannot be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]