Is there an excuse for a man to not disciple his family?
Kevin Swanson explains in this video that God wants a man to disciple his children. It doesn’t matter if his life is in order or not. The Bible calls for a man to teach the Word of God on a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How does a pastor’s embracing of worldliness hurt both believers and unbelievers within the church?
Paul Washer explains in this video that when pastors do not preach the true Gospel and use worldly means to attract people, churches become filled...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Why is youth ministry, something not found in Scripture, wrong when there are many things within the church today that are also not found in Scripture?
Scott Brown explains in this video that we see that positive commands and examples regarding...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How is a church to equip the saints for evangelism?
Don Hart explains in this video that the modern church needs to realize and understand that as pastors preach and exposit the Scripture, they are preparing the members of the church to go out...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How ought a pastor or elder train others to evangelize?
Joel Beeke explains in this video that the Puritans believed that the believers should learn how to evangelize from the pastor in the church. The pastor would evangelize the various families...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is popular for the millennial generation and many others to say that you can't know the answer to important questions regarding your soul. The spirit of the age is uncertainty and tentativeness. To have a firm opinion on a matter of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How should family-integrated churches address unsaved individuals?
Kevin Swanson explains that a lack of evangelism stems from a lack of faith and courage to communicate the Gospel. Some individuals say that one way to evangelize the world is to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture makes it clear that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship of their children. But that’s not all. The local church has also been given a significant role in that same work of discipleship through preaching, fellowship,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How does our view of Scripture affect our beliefs regarding age segregation?
Scott Brown explains in this video that the most devastating problem that the Church faces is the distortion of the Gospel. The church must always strive to present the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Should fathers evangelize with their families present?
Don Hart explains in this video that evangelism ought to be a family event.
Some individuals prefer to divide their children when it comes to evangelism, but there is not a command in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]