A wise, orange cat is famous for expressing his dislike for Mondays. I never understood why a lazy cat with no job didn't like Mondays but for those that work a "normal" work week, you can probably relate. We had a rest and now we have to wind up...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Welcome to Q&A Friday where every Friday we take one of the questions that Pastor John Samuel Barnett answers using the Word of God as the source of Truth. Yesterday we talked a little about focusing on laying up for yourself treasures in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Romans 1, Paul lays out a clear teaching that all men have idols. "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchange the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man..." But I don't bow down to some carved...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Have you ever been in a close, personal relationship with a person and didn't talk to them for days to weeks on end? Did you go for long periods of time without thinking about them? When they called you or texted you or emailed you, did you just...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the greatest dangers we face each day as believers is slowly allowing God’s influence over our lives to wane. This condition makes God weightless in our lives. He no longer weighs upon every thought, every choice, and every action of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE SEVEN DEEPEST NEEDS OF YOUR WIFE: 1. LEAD HER: A discipling husband gives the stability and direction of a spiritual leader. 2. NEED HER: A discipling husband tells his wife she is meeting vital needs in his life and work that no...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From God's perspective, all of humanity is hopelessly lost, sitting in the dark and awaiting destruction.Christmas is the story of the Lord God Almighty, motivated by His great love, sending Jesus to provide the way of salvation to lost humanity...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The church at Pergamum had a problem, some had lost these vital birthrights of being born again. They had lost their PURITY, THEIR INTIMACY and THEIR NOURISHMENT. How? Because they got too close to the world by mixing with them, or marrying them,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One structure dominated Ephesus. One location flavored the entire life of the city. The magnificent palace to gross immorality was the temple of Diana.THERE WAS IN EPHESUS: STRONG IMMORALITY. JESUS SAYS YOU CAN STAY PURE FOR ME IN ANY CULTURE, ANY...[ abbreviated | read entire ]