I really don't want to get into the whole illegal alien thing. Whether they are justified or we are right and all that. Some of my best friends fall into that category. Finest people I've ever met. Just wanted to work. To earn money. To eat, etc....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Fifteen years old! Completed only 3 years of school. Family has no shoes, no clothes but the ones on their backs. That's why no schooling. Abject poverty. The bottom rung of a ladder deep in the earth. Desperate, she comes into China with her...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From http://refugeesinternational.org/, another refugee story. A woman, age 43. Her son, age 11. First arrival in China, 1997. In 1997 her husband went to China and hooked up with a family who hired him. With the money he bought some oil to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Yes, they have names. But more important is their story. It will help to reinforce the images of the reality of North Korea. So you and I will pray. The stories are borrowed from http://www.refugeesinternational.com/ . The man was in the North...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I do hope you are availing yourself of my home page with its updated-daily North Korea news. Like for example this great MSNBC story that gives a very recent picture of how things in North Korea are changing while staying the same. "The same"...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Interview #12 from Refugees International. For the uninitiated, this organization traveled to northeastern China to document the plight of the hungry people leaving NK's "utopia." Here is my latest offering in the series. A woman, age 28Her...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Not that many years ago, this story emerged from Northeast China. It is the next in our series of interviews borrowed from http://www.refugeesinternational.org/ Woman, age 37. Her daughter, age 15. Her son, age 13.Place of origin: Onsong, North...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Oh, you can't believe refugees, they will tell you anything you want to hear." This quote is from Rogue Regime by Jasper Becker and is not his feeling but the attitude of UN officials back in the days before the rest of the world believed North...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It didn't end in the mid 90's. The North Korean refugee tragedies came on into the new millennium. We continue our series of interviews from refugeesinternational.com . Interview 9Woman, Age 28First arrival in China: 1999 This unnamed refugee...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jasper Becker. Rogue Regime. Ten years ago. The author of this powerful book interviewed Kim Ae-Sang at a town that borders North Korea. This withered 32-year-old had been knocking on doors when she finally came to a Korean family that would...[ abbreviated | read entire ]