Who needs TV & movies when real-live action dramas with exceptional heroes are placed before us by the Spirit of God in His Church? I speak today of "Mr. Kim", whose testimony I began in my last article. You will recall he was on a train...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The church of Jesus Christ is the one bright spot in the present dark picture of Korea." That was said 54 years ago by missionary-author Arch Campbell as he wrote of the devastations that followed the North Korean attack of the South. He offers...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Kim Jong-il has got to be a little befuddled on Christmas morning as he views at least 1/3 of the world's population giving some sort of nod to the Christian's God. "Christmas" may not represent the truest form of the Christ life but one cannot...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is interesting, in reading the stories of those who one way or another get out of North Korea, to see just how many come face to face with their need for God. Whether they find the Truth that is in Christ, or just a momentary crying out before...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Thomas Belke's Juche the following story is quoted: ...years ago, a North Korean government official was dying of tuberculosis. "You only have a few months to live," his physician told him. Mr. Park decided to pay his final respects to his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Her name is Kim Hyun Hee. Probably doesn't ring a bell. Today she lives somewhere in South Korea. Afraid for her life, they say. "Assassination" is the word they are using. Perhaps by North Koreans who manage to sneak in now and then. Perhaps by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The following story is from some years back, and is adapted from "Extreme Devotion" put out by Voice of the Martyrs (persecution.com). Communists tell North Korean children that they will suffer a horrific fate if they are ever caught in China....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is an eyewitness account borrowed from Thomas Belke's Juche.Shortly after the Korean War broke out, communist soldiers overtook a small town outside Pyongyang. 190 Christians were apprehended, along with their Pastor, brother Kim. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From Day 341 in the VOM devotional, "Extreme devotion", learn of "Kik" from North Korea: "Look for the cross," the young Korean man named "Kik" heard a villager say. Word spread to those who escaped from North Korea into China that they should...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I do hope my stories are not depressing you. I say that because sometimes they make me feel a little low. In the natural, the news coming out of North Korea is horrible, a constant drip, drip of sadness. But then, these horrors are creating 21st...[ abbreviated | read entire ]