My front yard in the month of August is usually a desert of brown- dry, crunchy, brown grass. Our lives are like that grass of the field. “As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth” Psa. 103:15. And...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I suffered a spiritual discouragement recently, and I allowed my mind to wander with worry longer than I should have. Then I called on the Lord in prayer, and He said, “Take no anxious thought.” And I turned my mind to the passage in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Have you ever needed help? Have you had a friend who needed YOUR help? Maybe a little help or maybe a lot? There is an account in the gospels of a man sick with the palsy (a paralysis of some kind). This lame man’s friends went to great...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Renovation Realities” On popular home makeover shows, a professional team of designers, carpenters, and electricians will descend on an unsuspecting homeowner and renovate a part, or all, of their home in a matter of hours or days. It is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Before and After” Most of us who have lived more than a few decades (and many who are much younger) can divide our life into one or two dramatic “before” and “after” moments. This comes as no surprise. The history...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Be Thou My Vision” “Be Thou My Vision” is one of Christianity’s oldest and best-loved hymns. This eighth-century, anonymous, Irish hymn expresses humanity’s ageless need for a vision of Christ, the Light of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Love Like an Ocean” “For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Day 1: The actual goal of Scripture memorization is not recitation, and the purpose of meditation is not deeper thinking skills. The goal of memorization and meditation is transformation of my heart and mind. The goal is Renewal!...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Day 1: God’s promises to us are great! They are powerful! Perfect! And we can meet each new day expecting (Biblical hope!) to find God’s hand of faithfulness and forgiveness as strong to save as the day before. “It is of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Day 1: The word renewal can be simply defined “to make like new.” Another definition given suggests the act of renewing involves “filling again by supplying what has been used up.” When we come to the end of the crazy,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]