Many Free Puritan, Covenanter and Reformation Resources (MP3s, Books, Videos, Quotations, Etc.)Scroll down on landing pages to reach all the free Puritan, Covenanter and Reformation resources. More Free Reformation and Puritan Resources ALL FREE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What Lenin Said About Christians and Socialism (Scroll down on landing page.) Excerpt (emphases added): Socialism is, in Marxist theory, the final transitionary step to communism. Here today, I’ll offer merely a snapshot from Vladimir Lenin...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Irrefutable Proof Of Massive Election Fraud (Video: 3 min. 41 sec.) & Much More! PURITAN HARD DRIVE REVIEWS Elections Security Expert Finds Wisconsin Results a Complete Fraud — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BANNED VIDEO: MUST WATCH! Democrat's Vote Stealing Software (Hammer & Scorecard), by Gen. McInerney, Sydney Powell (Lawyer), and Steve Bannon You know, comrades," says Stalin, "that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Trump Expands Order Defunding Planned Parenthood As with all links we provide we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at the sites where the URLs point. Why Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party Are Satanic Serial...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Bombshell Interview Exposes Bidens/Media Trump Leads 32 Nations Against Abortion Biden & Harris = Satanic Serial Killers (Abortion) Trump Order Defunding Planned Parenthood Biden: LGBTQ Rights My No. 1 Priority Bidens In Bed With Communist...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Russia's Putin Praises Ideological Links Between Democrats (Biden/Harris/Sanders), Soviet Communism Excerpts: "Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that he could work with Joe Biden in a new administration, citing common ground he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Pope Encourages Prayer To Allah When the Lord Judges the Secrets of All Signs Of God's Anger With Nations Abound Much Free At SWRB Many Puritan and Reformed Quotes, Books Knox: Regulative Principle Of Worship The Bible Teaches Free Market...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Donald Trump (Republican) Versus Joe Biden (Democrat), First Presidential Debate, Sean Hannity, Full Show (Video), Debate Reviewed, Critiques and Comments As with all links we provide we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Commiefornia (California) Tyranny Vs. John MacArthur (& Grace Community Church) -- COVID-19 and Godless Civil Government (With Democrats Attacking Christian Churches) As with all links we provide we only agree with that which is in agreement...[ abbreviated | read entire ]