"In fact, when the classic historicist position is studied, the fulfillment in the case of Islam and Revelation chapter nine is seen to be so striking and well attested that 'even advocates of other approaches who are adamant in their rejection of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League & Covenant, By Greg Price, Jim Dodson, et al., Free Reformed MP3s Another instance in which posterity is recognized in covenant obligation is found in Joshua 9:15. This covenant was made...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Prophecy, Reformed Apologetics, Presuppositionalism, Van Til, Bahnsen, Clark, Sproul, by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free SWRB MP3) http s://w ww.se rmona udio. com/s ermon info. asp?S ID=82 61315 58335 Dr. Steven Didlay, Over 1,150 Free MP3s In Order Of Popularity...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Examination of Arminianism (eBook) BY SAMUEL RUTHERFORD, IN EPUB, .MOBI & .PDF FORMATS http s://w ww.mo nergi sm.co m/exa minat ion-a rmini anism -eboo k For the first time, here is over a hundred pages translated into English from Rutherford’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WESTMINSTER LARGER CATECHISM ON THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT, THOU SHALT NOT KILL, GOD'S LAW & REFORMATION Q. 134. Which is the sixth commandment? A. The sixth commandment is, Thou shalt not kill.[720] Q. 135. What are the duties required in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Privy Key of Heaven": 'Secret (sin - ed.) sinning puts far more respect and fear upon men than upon God. Thou wilt be unjust in secret, and wanton in secret, and unclean in secret, and treacherous in secret, etc., and why, but because thou art...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE SPLENDOR OF THE CHURCH by Francis Turretin Institutes of Elenctic Theology, volume 3, pp. 47, 48, 49. Ought the church to enjoy perpetual splendor and eminence; or can it be at times so obscured and lessened that no assembly of it appears...[ abbreviated | read entire ]