Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Audred Spriensma | Dyer, Indiana
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1) The Event 2) The Significance 3) God's Purpose
1. The Sin 2. The Cure 3. The Result
1 The Virtue 2. The Source 3. The Blessing
1. The Object 2. The Desire 3. The Blessing
1. Heart-Rendering 2. Heart-Turning 3. Heart-Thanksgiving
1. Our Trials 2. Our Comfort 3. Our Calling
Freed From Sin and Death 1. By Baptism into Christ 2. By Death with Christ 3. By Resurrection with Christ Psalter #'s: 222, 143, 293, 426 Scripture Reading: Romans 6
The Gospel about Good Works 1.Their Place 2. Their Necessity 3. Their Purpose Psalter #'s: 85, 20, 108, 311 Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3
1. The Fearful Storm 2. The Forceful Command 3. The Faithful Rebuke
1. The Idea 2. The Exercise 3. The Purpose