Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Audred Spriensma | Dyer, Indiana
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1. Beautiful Concept 2. Restful Manner 3. Wonderful Implications
A Pointed Lesson in Single-Minded Devotion 1. An Intriguing Illustration 2. A lesson Taught by Contrast 3. An Incentive to Faithfulness Scripture: Luke 16: 1-13 Psalter #: 417, 273, 308, 236
Swearing Religiously 1. The Religious Oath 2. The Proper Use 3. The Good Purpose Scripture: Deuteronomy 29 Psalter#: 159, 153, 24, 422
1. The Appropriate Admonitions 2. The Sure Promises 3. The Resulting Courage Scpriture: Isaiah 41:1-14 Text: Isaiah 41:10
1. What Is Forbidden 2. What is Required 3. What Motivates Obedience Scpriture: Malachai 1 Text: Lord's Day 36, Exedous 20:7
1. Jehovah's Command 2. Jehovah's Reason 3. Jehovah's Purpose
1. The Principles 2. The Practice 3. The Promise
1. The Confession of the Psalmist 2. The Divine Cause of this Confession 3. The Activity that Follows
1. The Source of These Blessings 2. Our Experience of These Blessings 3. Our Resulting Praise