Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Audred Spriensma | Dyer, Indiana
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1. Sad 2. Instructed 3. Burning
1. The Disciples Came 2. The Disciples Saw 3. The Disciples Believe Scripture John 20:4-8
1. Sad 2. Instructed 3. Burning
Sermon Text: Luke 23:39-43 1. A Wonderful Distinction 2. A Wonderful Request 3. A Wonderful Response Psalter numbers: 365, 277, 66, 30
"Children's Prayer For Father's Will"1. A Willing Being2. God's Cousel3. God's Commands Scripture: Philippines 2: 13-15 Lord's Day 49Psalter: 60, 391, 202, 236
"Jesus' Royal Entry Into Jerusalem"1. An Arranged Entry2. A Humble Entry3. A Triumphant Entry Scripture: Matthew 21: 5Psalters: 318, 319, 306, 320
1. Hope Because of the Love of God 2. Love Spread Abroad in our Hearts 3. Love by the Holy Spirit Given to Us Scripture: Romans 5:5 Psalter Numbers: 271, 251, 391, 287
1. The Kingdom 2. The Petition 3. The Obligations included in this Petition Scripture: Psalm 72 Psalter Numbers: 349, 395, 200, 49
1. …And Elisabeth2. …And John3. …And Us
1. Our Basic Need 2. Our Corresponding Life 3. The God-Given Result